Torrissio problem

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Battered Dragon

Torrissio problem

Post by Battered Dragon »

playing SI again yesterday I made the mistake of talking to Torrissio about the Philanderer's Friend after getting it to cure Fedabiblio. He of course took it, and I, getting fed up with his attitude and not wanting to reload, killed him to get it back.
Now of course this sets up the minor problem of not getting the Soul Prism spell (minor -> archwizard mode) and the major problem of not being able to set the conversation flag to ask the Artisan to create the worm gems.

My question is, therefore, how I can continue the game without restarting. Is there any way to unkill him in Exult, or can someone tell me how to manually set the flag that activates the "worm gem" conversation option with the master artisan?
Any help would be greatly appreciated, as I want to continue the game with the least amount of deviation from the normal plot (I could create the soul prisms with the item generator, but thats only a last ditch kind of solution for me).
Gradilla Dragon
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Re: Torrissio problem

Post by Gradilla Dragon »

You could have recovered the Philanderer's Friend by casting Vibrate on Torrisio. I still wonder why so many people kill Torrisio instead of casting Vibrate? You are not the first person making that mistake.
- Gradilla Dragon
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Re: Torrissio problem

Post by wjp »

The relevant bits from that thread:

Flag 616 controls if Ducio will make worm gems or not.


F2, F, 616, S, X, X
Battered Dragon

Re: Torrissio problem

Post by Battered Dragon »

Thanks alot wjp for your help, thats exactly what I needed.


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Re: Torrissio problem

Post by Vasculio294 »

You could have recovered the Philanderer's Friend by casting Vibrate on Torrisio. I still wonder why so many people kill Torrisio instead of casting Vibrate? You are not the first person making that mistake.

The're special! That why lol! They think killing is the answer to ever problem.

I avoid blood shed ever chance i get!


Volden - Was alive in the jail cell of fawn with the priestess.

Sethys - Is currently alive! Because i used vibrate to get the serpent gem to summon the spirit of the Chaos Hieraphant

Lydia - Is still alive even after poisoning me! lol even after banes she still alive. I didn't bring up the subject of being poisoned.
Uncle Rico: Napoleon, you know we can't afford the fun pack. What, do you think money grows on trees in this family? Take it back! And get some Pampers for you and your brother while you're at it.

Re: Torrissio problem

Post by wmhunt »

hmm, is there a list out there somewhere of all the game flags? Just curious.
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Re: Torrissio problem

Post by SB-X »

Yes, on my hard disk. (SI flags at least) It still needs to be formatted nicely and uploaded somewhere. Also check the Quest and Interactions patch (at for a big list.
Battered Dragon

Re: Torrissio problem

Post by Battered Dragon »

Thank, I know vibrate I play big Ultima long time!
But still big thank for randomly come in thread, give no help and boast with knowing of stuff new to ever one in 1994! YOu much cool, let me try with revelations pertinent as well! Exlamples:
1. You not have kill Daemons in U6! They good like human, but different!
2. in Mt. Drash hit only head of monsters for quick win!
3. In U8 hit son of water god longtime for much dex. and str. bonus! No one complain because he immortal haha that avoid blood shed ever time!
4. In U2 there different way of reach planet X and talk to father, STAY TUNED!!!
Ever one know that is much cool info, but I admit that still not make me as special as you lol, but me continue try!
Great post, thank!
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Re: Torrissio problem

Post by Dominus »

be nice
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Battered Dragon

Re: Torrissio problem

Post by Battered Dragon »

While I try to be courteous on message boards, if someone trolls me and insults me as being mentally retarded, then strokes his ego at my expense he should expect to get an adequate response.
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Re: Torrissio problem

Post by Dominus »

1. your problem was already solved so don't complain about him not helping you
2. he really didn't insult you as mentally retarded
3. he could have been nicer
4. so could you have been, there really was no need to blow up like this

I'm locking this thread now and remind both of you to be nicer on this board.
Thanks and enjoy your weekend.
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