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Downloads are hosted on SourceForge. If you have one of the supported systems, you can directly download the appropriate binary distribution. If you have another system, download the source and read the INSTALL file for directions on how to build & run Exult .

For a full list, and also older versions, look here .

Please don't use a download manager to download our releases and additional data files because the links below are not direct links, but links to a page that asks you to select a mirror.

If you have successfully ported Exult to a platform not listed here, PLEASE drop us a note, telling which OS, compiler etc. you used. Even better would be if you submit to us the changes that were necessary to get it to run so we can incorporate them into future releases, and add instructions to the README.
But if you really want us to love you, become part of the project and officially maintain your port, that means making sure it builds for each release, and provide if possible a binary for your system. As a reward you'll get your own entry in the Exult credits, this homepage and the docs :)


Problems with Exult or this webpage? Contact us.
Last modified: 2025-03-12