I wonder if this is how Doctor Frankenstein felt...
I think the Frankenstein story would have been totally different if he had a forum to post in.
"Look, I made a monster mod!"
"Dude, your filehost sucks"
"I don't like the bolts on his neck, also, he should be orange not green. Green is a stupid color."
"Meh, I'll wait for God to release the official monster patch. Modding is cheating."
"N00b. I made like 10 monster mods that are way cooler than yours, but I don't want to upload them here because people will just steal them."
"I am liking, but how do I install? What is rar?"
"Dude, DON'T GET THIS MONSTER! I went to download it and before I even clicked the link I got a virus!!!1"
"BUG REPORT: This monster seems incompatible with my angry villager mod."
"His fire resistance is way to low. I equipped a torch and he just ran away!"
"I tried to use him with my little blind girl character and she drowned! What gives?"