sword forging and mining

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sword forging and mining

Post by Pyro_716 »

i am sure these have been discussed before but i i was wondering if it is still possible to mine the ore in the mines. it always says the pick isn't for that but i remember being able to do it when i played u7 on my 486. Also in Serpent hold the blacksmith says i can forge a sword and he will make it usable. i heat the blank up and hit it till Iolo says its ready and when i try to cool it off in a water troft is says it "WONT FIT". (did it with blacksword also, although you don't need to cool for that one) whats up with that? is it a bug or am i doing something wrong?

Re: sword forging and mining

Post by Paulon »

In the original game the only sword you could forge was the Black Sword. Despite the instructions in the game making another custom sword wasn't possible. I believe that the Feudal Lands patch project is intended to add that functionality in the future, but I don't know whether it's possible to do so with what's been released as yet. It's at http://www.u7feudallands.com

I recall trying to mine in the original game too. I'm pretty vague but I _think_ I got some lead ore that way. Dunno about Exult.

Re: sword forging and mining

Post by Pyro_716 »

in the original you could hit the chunks of ore with a pickaxe and you would get gold nuggets, gems or nothing.
Wizardry Dragon
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Re: sword forging and mining

Post by Wizardry Dragon »

TFL has that capability even in the snapshot version now - those kinds of interactions are the first thing we added :) A tip of the hat to Alun Bestor for much of that.
Peter M Dodge aka Wizardry Dragon
Lead Designer,
Ultima VII: The Feudal Lands
Cheers, Wizardry Dragon
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Re: sword forging and mining

Post by Garrett »

Sword forging? SWORD FORGING?!?

I am SO downloading TFL right now. :)
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Re: sword forging and mining

Post by marzo »

Sword forging comes from Alun Bestor's Quests & Iteractions mod; it is available also in the newer versions of the Keyring mod and -- since TFL is based on the Keyring mod -- on it also. I'd reccommend that you stick with the Q&I or Keyring mods for now; the TFL mod is in pre-alpha stage yet and will take a while before it is playable.
Marzo Sette Torres Junior
aka Geometrodynamic Dragon
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