Skutarth heres how I think it should go:
Okay, we start with Ultima 7. We cannot think too big at the moment because it will take a long while for the wheels to start turning.
The pre pre beta release will be like this:
* No Talking
* No Talking to NPCS
* No Party System
* No Quests
* Everyone respawns in Britannia somewhere in the centre
* You can select any paperdoll (so long as it's got the animations for all actions)
* Any non party-joining NPCS will have a default paperdoll
* NPCS will still do their own thing but you won't be able to talk to them
* No Sleeping
* You can use items, use objects (doors, levers), fight and cast spells
* When a monster is killed, no one will be able to pick up that body or access items within until the 10 seconds has gone.
* items that you have put down, can't be picked up by other players until 10 seconds is done (the bakery would be madness without this

* If someone is using an item, you can't move that item around (ie: no taking other people's chairs when they are sitting down)
* Every door, cage, chest etc... will be unlocked
* No using carages, ships or the magic carpet
* Players can steal but the guards will be called if caught. Also, moving items around will be taken more seriously and NPCS will wake up if you move their items at night.
* No Pk'ing other players (Co-op only)
* Everyone will start with their own spell book and 20 of each reagents
* Limits on certain spells will be enforced (ie: no aramaggedon

* The limit to clients in the game will be 100 (at this point in time)
* When players die, they respawn back again with only their spell book and a few other essentials. Other clients' spellsbooks cannot be taken or looted after Pk'ing
* A server will store all the characters on it's machine. The game world will be saved onto the server and continually updated. The server will have special privlages and can hack move, kick clients, import items and do anything to game. But these privlages must not be abused.
This is very basic and you just have people roaming around killing things and causing havoc because of them being completely dumb (dumb meaning can't talk). That is the pre pre beta and it's crucial to have a very basic version to add things to later.
Now for the pre-beta we will get a little advanced:
* You can talk, but it will be a saught've UO style thing. You can see what your saying above your head
* Again No talking to NPCS
* Still No Quests
* You can pick which city to respawn at
* Monster difficulty will be greater now.
* You PK now but only when you are level 5 only be able to attack level 5+ players
* Spells will be divided into certain types (ie: beneficial, non benefical) and you will only be able to cast benefical spells on other players.
* No Sleeping (sleeping will not be required yet)
* Monsters will respawn at a greater rate to make up for all the bloodshed
* Carages, ships and the magic carpert can be used freely without certificate but they will be limited as quantity
* The server limit is still set at 100
* Everything is still unlocked eliminating the use for keys, levers and the rest
At this point the game will resemble something like Diablo but this will not be for long. The beta release will change this somewhat.
Beta will have:
* No Quests again
* Talking to NPCS is allowed but only to shopkeepers. The quest speech options that shopkeepers have will need to be eliminated temporarily (Training, buying weapons, learning spells and purchasing food and exchanging gold bars for money will all be available) These NPCS will be indestructable for obvious reasons.
* Everything will still be unlocked
* The magic carpet will be removed temporarily
* More ships and carages will be located along shore lines and near towns. These are still free.
* if you run into someone or something with a carage or ship, the vessal will stop until you move direction.
* No sleeping yet
* Server Limit is now at 150 clients
* A Party system will be implemented with a limit of 8. Party memebers can still attack each other and experience is not shared.
* To execute commands such an inviting people into your party, a console will be used.
* Within the party, only one carage or ship can be used.
* Party memebers can't access each others backpacks but will be able to see the paperdoll and level satistics.
Some of the options in the beta will be hard to program in but will be well worth it. Now for Pre-alpha there will need to be some changes to make the world more sustainable. Such things will include new NPCS to assist with hunting rewards. With everyone raiding the dungeons and such, there isn't going to be a lot of gold left
Pre-alpha will have:
* Newer NPCS that will reward you for particular animal and monster carcasses. These will be located in all different cities and will be the main source of income for many.
* A descent magic shop that sells staffs and other little goodies
* Another Bakery for those who enjoy making bread

* No quests still
* Everythings unlocked still
* Chat Bubbles can be opened if you want to sell items and the like.
And that's all I can think of at the moment. What I'm hoping for will be a Spell System that PK's can't take advantage of. Some exploits could easily occur such as casting mass sleep on a party and then bombarding them with firebolts, then looting all their items. Also, i don't really think the main quest of ultima 7 can be done in U7Online. There are many reasons and the complications of such a task would be incredible. Side quests you might be able to get a way with, providing that they are modified in such a way to suite the MMORPG environment. Still don't know what can be done about doors and keys.
Now I understand this will be a massive undertaking so we will need alot of people to help here. Exult will be what U7Online runs on and we will only use the offical releases of Exult. Whever there is an offical update announced we will update U7Online to suite the newer version. You might call U7Online an add-on for Exult because that is what it will essentially be.
If any one has any suggestions or want to help program please keep posting here.
I also want to say that what I have suggested above is in no way perfect, and I would appreciate any corrections (not spelling ones if you can help it