Exult on GitHub?

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Exult on GitHub?

Post by Arrr »

Is the project hosted or mirrored on github by a chance?
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Re: Exult on GitHub?

Post by Dominus »

Yes, sh4rm4 from #exult irc channel mirrors the source somewhere there ;) (I'll look the address up later)
But if you plan to add things to the source we'd rather have patches on our tracker than pull requests on github, since we don't monitor that repository.

Edit: it's at https://github.com/rofl0r/exult.git
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Re: Exult on GitHub?

Post by Colourless »

I think I might just add, mirrors of the Exult repository are unofficial. Only the SF repository is official.

Re: Exult on GitHub?

Post by Arrr »

Ok fine, thanks. Is not that i intend to contribute (i'm not a c++ dev), but for me is easier to take a peek if is hosted in a place like github or bitbucket.

Btw, i've been always curious about how schedules work. Where shall i start?
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Re: Exult on GitHub?

Post by Dominus »

Schedule.cc ;)

Btw, you can browse the code on SF as well http://sourceforge.net/p/exult/code/HEAD/tree/exult/
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Re: Exult on GitHub?

Post by Arrr »

I see, but i'm used to github. Thanks!