saving problem

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saving problem

Post by jessica »

I'm playing U7 BG. The last few times that I've saved my game, it completely shuts down, and I'm left staring at my desktop. When I restart the game, it is at the point where I last saved. So at first I figured this wasn't going to be a huge problem. However, I noticed that the game isn't actually "saved," since it isn't on any of my save games. So this means that if I mess up, I can't simply load my game.
Since this is a somewhat recent problem, I do have a few savegames, but loading the most "recent" one would still mean having to re-do quite a lot.
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Re: saving problem

Post by Dominus »

Sorry there is no way around this. You have to use the last savegame before that crash. We had some kind of problem that corrupted savegames around the isle of fire but that is fixed in the snapshots after the beta. So I recommend that you also download and install the snapshot (the win32 binary snapshot if you are using a Windows OS).
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Re: saving problem

Post by raven566 »

I had a problem similar to that in SI, but only at certain points in the game. Two specific points were the lever room in the Mountains of Freedom and in Batlin's bedroom of Shamino's castle. I would save it and then it would immediately exit the game. I could only quick save it, regular save didn't save it. But every time after that which I saved it, it would crash. The only way I got around it was to load a previous game and just "skip" those sections of the game.

Re: saving problem

Post by jessica »

alrighty, I went back to my most recent save game and the problem was solved. Thanks!