BG - Paws venom quest

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BG - Paws venom quest

Post by cyberfugue »

There seem to be some dialogue bugs in the Paws venom quest. The only ones who acknowledge that Garritt is the thief after solving it are Feridwyn and his wife. The others still act like Tobias was the thief.

Also the dialogue option 'Tobias stole venom' with Morfin never goes away.

Is there an egg I'm not tripping or is this an actual issue?
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Re: BG - Paws venom quest

Post by drcode »

I think that's just the way it is. I remember being a bit disappointed with that the first time I played U7.

Re: BG - Paws venom quest

Post by Natreg »

If I remember well, you could talk to everyone in town before talking to Feridwyn and say that Garit stole the venom, and after that you could talk to Feridwyn and he says something abut not saying anything more about that subject, so aftewrads you can´t talk about it anymore

Re: BG - Paws venom quest

Post by cyberfugue »

I remember from the original version that you could talk to a number of people in Paws about Garritt having stolen the venom. Tobias' attitude toward you changes and he acknowledges you as the avatar - and his mother thanks you. The others generally just say that they could have seen it coming with Garritt's attitude.
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Re: BG - Paws venom quest

Post by SB-X »

Someone (Marzo) will have to look at the usecode and settle this!
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Re: BG - Paws venom quest

Post by marzo »

Someone (Marzo) will have to look at the usecode and settle this!
Well, I did create the habit, didn't I? :-)

Let's see: the quest is kick-started when flag 0x212 is set; before that, only a few people will have the "thief" keyword as a conversation option (Thurston, Feridwyn on some rare conditions, Garrit if you haven't solved the quest (duh) and Camille).

I won't delve into details about the middle of the quest (mainly because I haven't checked it out completely :-) ); but I know that flag 0x213 indicates that Tobias has been accused (i.e., the venom Garrit planted has been found).

Once you confront Garrit and get him to admit he stole the venom, flag 0x218 is set. From this point on, most people will no longer have the keyword "thief" as a conversation option, but many will have replacement options. After the quest if finished, you will be able to talk about it with Feridwyn, Brita, Merrick, Garrit, Morfin (if you are carrying venom -- beware, he will have this option whenever you are carrying venom!), Fenn, Andrews, Camille and Tobias. When flag 0x218 is set, the "Tobias stole venom" option should not appear anymore for Morfin. Also, you can confront Feridwyn about the quest whenever you talk to him -- and you can tell him that you found the venom even if the quest was never started by just carrying a vial of the venom...

Well, I think that this is enough for now :-)
Marzo Sette Torres Junior
aka Geometrodynamic Dragon
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Re: BG - Paws venom quest

Post by cyberfugue »

Thanks for taking a look at it!

I've done all that and nobody except Feridwyn, Brita & Garritt acknowledge that Garritt is the thief.

So is there something wrong with the current implementation, or do you think my savegame is just bugged?
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Re: BG - Paws venom quest

Post by marzo »

It must be something in your savegame; I just tried the quest and it worked perfectly fine. You can try checking the flags with the flag modifier in the cheat screen; the flags in decimal are:
0x212 = 530
0x213 = 531
0x218 = 536

It is likely that flags 0x212 and 0x213 are set, but maybe flag 0x218 is not. Oh, and just to be sure: when you talked to Garrit, you had a vial of Silver Serpent venom with you and chose "found venom"?
Marzo Sette Torres Junior
aka Geometrodynamic Dragon
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Re: BG - Paws venom quest

Post by _olarin »

i'm not sure, but i think i remember it being possible, if you chose the wrong set of conversation options with morfin at some point, to never solve the quest correctly. i'm too lazy to go back and check right now though.

odd that any vial of venom works to cue the conversation options like that. as i recall, the venom that you find in garritt's belongings actually looks different than any other vial you find in the game. you would think that if they bothered to give it custom art, they'd bother to differentiate it for the purposes of the dialogue options.
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Re: BG - Paws venom quest

Post by marzo »

as i recall, the venom that you find in garritt's belongings actually looks different than any other vial you find in the game.
You know that I never noticed that... and looking back, I see that I *assumed* any vial would do because I hadn't noticed there were two different frames for the venom -- I saw "UI_count_objects" then the venom's shape number and moved on to the next line. So I checked the usecode again and saw that this assumption was wrong... indeed, only Garrit's vial triggers the conversation options.

The rest of it is correct though. Come to think of it, maybe cyberfugue misplaced Garrit's real venom before talking to him and it didn't work because of that. It would make sense...
Marzo Sette Torres Junior
aka Geometrodynamic Dragon
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Re: BG - Paws venom quest

Post by transiit »

I just recreated this problem. I returned the venom before confronting Garrit and everything got horked up.

Of course, I was going to go back to my one and only save file, and Spark was stuck in his house (after joining the party) and wouldn't follow.

Methinks the only way to clear this is to start over.


Re: BG - Paws venom quest

Post by transiit »

I probably should've been more clear: The only way for _me_ to get past my Spark woes is to start over.

However, I've recompleted the quest, confronting Garrit before returning the venom, and it seemed to work out ok.

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Re: BG - Paws venom quest

Post by Dominus »

we DO like to have savegames where everything got screwed up, especially the one with Spark getting stuck...
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Re: BG - Paws venom quest

Post by transiit »


I'll keep this in mind for the future. I think I already overwrote it.


Re: BG - Paws venom quest

Post by cyberfugue »

It is possible that I used the wrong vial of venom. I had several in my possession at the time - and Morfin will accept any of them.
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Re: BG - Paws venom quest

Post by marzo »

Note the correction I posted above; I was (wrongly) assuming that there was no difference between vials of venom when I read the usecode, and thus missed the fact that he actually accepts only Garrit's venom. But if you talk to Morfin before confronting Garrit, you can never get him to admit to stealing the venom and flag 0x218 doesn't get set.
Marzo Sette Torres Junior
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Re: BG - Paws venom quest

Post by yhevhe »

Ah, I've got a question that has some relation with this quest. I remember Tobia's mother sold carrots, right? But after advancing a little bit in the quest, that option disappear, if I remember correctly. Is there a way this doesn't happens?
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Re: BG - Paws venom quest

Post by marzo »

She sells carrots when asked about job then farm. You have to do this every time you talk to her so the option appears.
Marzo Sette Torres Junior
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Re: BG - Paws venom quest

Post by yhevhe »

Well, I'm running version 1.2, so I guess it doesn't matters so much. But I have just loaded a game, and went to ask Camille about job, but the only options that come after are 'Paws' and 'Tobias'. No farm :/. I do, however, get the option before Tobias is found guilty.
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Re: BG - Paws venom quest

Post by marzo »

Got it. It is not the venom quest, but the wheat delivery. Once you agree to deliver the wheat to Thurston, and she gives you the wheat, flag 0x21A is set which prevents the "farm" option from poping up. I would call this an usecode bug, since there is no reason why you shouldn't be able to buy carrots from Camille after delivering the wheat...
Marzo Sette Torres Junior
aka Geometrodynamic Dragon
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Chaos Blade

Re: BG - Paws venom quest

Post by Chaos Blade »

Hmmm.. I remeber once I solved the paws venom by holding the chest (I didn't had the key, lockpicks wont work and you can't bask it open, not sure about the last one though) when I talked to morfin.
but I was more or less sure Morfin accepted any vial, I am sure I 'solved' it once in that way... then again I has been some time since I played the game...
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Re: BG - Paws venom quest

Post by marzo »

The chest thing is a problem, yeah; since you *are* holding the venom inside the chest, the game thinks you have completed the quest. And Morfin can even take the venom from inside the chest, too...
Marzo Sette Torres Junior
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Re: BG - Paws venom quest

Post by Dominus »

was that chest problem even in the original? Interesting.
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Re: BG - Paws venom quest

Post by marzo »

Yep. You can waltz into town and go straight to the chest. You can then confront Garrit and return the venom to Morfin without ever even hearing anything about a "thief" in town.
Marzo Sette Torres Junior
aka Geometrodynamic Dragon
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