When Avarar

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When Avarar

Post by kimminho »

Low level because don`t want much exerience without Iolo... first arrival from Britania...
In every newgame by fault of Exult popoing out... some time Avatar is in Serpent Fang but don`t have items when changed... so small bag and mace, lether armour was all keyring recieved belt of strenth and powder keg picked...
At Arm-doll, shouldn`t use keg if blow then key dissapears...
Started fight in grabbing bag and keg chaned automatically into mace weapon

Bag gone in auto! where is it?
Knight Captain
Posts: 1219
Joined: Thu May 14, 2020 1:34 pm

Re: When Avarar

Post by Knight Captain »

The engine doesn't handle some container scenarios well. If you are holding a container and then go into Combat Mode, sometimes that container will disappear if no other container (like the backpack) can hold it.

Re: When Avarar

Post by kimminho »

Changing in battle mode, hundred percent!!!