Map Editing with Chunks

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Knight Captain
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Map Editing with Chunks

Post by Knight Captain »

*Minor Spoiler Warning*

I've improved the opening sequence in SI, so the boat's journey is now longer and flashier. As part of that, I've figured out how to remove the need for the first two "fake" western coasts where the plot items go missing. This should allow for adding additional items so the party starts with better and more equipment.

But when I get to the part just before the boulder and Thoxa on the "fake" coasts, some of the piers (called "wall") do not remove when I place open water on that chunk. But if I remove them as an individual item, it removes it from all chunks.

Forgive me, Dominius, if you answered this by email already.
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Re: Map Editing with Chunks

Post by Dominus »

hmm, good question... I will have to try things out. Which chunks are those that are in that area? (and are they used again?)
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Knight Captain
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Re: Map Editing with Chunks

Post by Knight Captain »

Will have to check the exact ones. But they are seemingly all reused because of the coast duplication. Or do you mean beyond that?
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Re: Map Editing with Chunks

Post by Dominus »

I'd need to see what you mean what keeps staying there. Or experiment myself :)
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Re: Map Editing with Chunks

Post by Dominus »

Are you sure it is happening as you describe?
I've just tested it ... t.png?dl=0 and if I paint first with a sea chunk only non chunk stuff remain (the landing spot tiles and side things but not the posts because these were part of the chunk, and the mountain tops, stair, eggs, infinity bow, etc...). Removing these should not change the old chunk as
1. it is not there anymore
2. these things are not part of the current chunk
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Knight Captain
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Re: Map Editing with Chunks

Post by Knight Captain »

I think the difference between chunk and non-chuck shapes here confused me. When I re-did this, I "painted with chucks" first which removed the pier column "wall" shapes. Then I saved and verified the "real" coast looked normal, and then went back into edit mode to remove the non-chunk leftovers.

It does seem a bit odd that chunk-only edits get saved in the initgame.dat but non-chunk shape changes cause new files to be made (u7ifix7a, etc).

Thank you Dominus.
Knight Captain
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Re: Map Editing with Chunks

Post by Knight Captain »

Is there a way to bulk change mountain shapes? There's a lot of them in SI that are just black as opposed to the typical colors. I tried to select them in a row of the same and edit, but the frame change applies to just one, even if they are the same shape.