How do I Load the Source Code in VS Express 2013

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How do I Load the Source Code in VS Express 2013

Post by Happymarc »

Hi Everyone,

I would like to load up the source code in VS Express 2013 but I can't find a *.sln file to load up the solution.

Can anyone explain to me how to get started with loading up the files so I can check out the source code?

Thank you very much.

How do I Load the Source Code in VS Express 2013

Post by Happymarc »

Just to clarify my question:

I've been programming c++ OpenGL for a bit more than 2 years now.

It's just that i'm used to having my game in a Solution with all my CPPs and Header Files loaded up for my Classes.

From there I simply compile and run my game in Debug Mode.

I figured it would be the same for another game's source code...

I'm just not used to not having a Solution (*.sln) file , so I don't really know how to go about loading up everything in VS.

Should I create a new Solution and just load all .pp and .h files seperately in my new solution and compile it?

Thanks guys, can't wait to have some fun with this U7 is still my favorite game after all these years , with RunUo and Elder Scrolls (mostly Morrowind)
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Re: How do I Load the Source Code in VS Express 2013

Post by Dominus »

You probably need to do it on your own, maybe you can import the project file or so.
Since the last couple of leftover devs are using the linux build system (on windows mingw/msys) no one had to bother with a solution file...
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Re: How do I Load the Source Code in VS Express 2013

Post by Happymarc »

Alright Cool.

Thanks for the info.

I'll do it the gold old fashion way and Tinker and tinker and tinker with it :)

Thanks man.
alagner (not logged in)

Re: How do I Load the Source Code in VS Express 2013

Post by alagner (not logged in) »

I can try setting it up on VS 2015 community if it's any help to you, but I need to download it as I use Windows for entertainment only.

From what I remember: you need to convert it from VS 6 format and mess around with libs and config a little bit (ok, not so little bit).

I can't remember if I got it working or not though, as I've changed my programming env to Debian quite a long time ago and never really needed Visual Studio that much.

Re: How do I Load the Source Code in VS Express 2013

Post by Happymarc »

Yes, that's how I will approach it.

One thing I wish to know though. What would be the ".cpp" that contains the main loop of the code?

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Re: How do I Load the Source Code in VS Express 2013

Post by Colourless »

You should be able to upgrade the solution in the MSVC9 directory. Will need some updating though as it's awfully out of date