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Post by Helpme »

when i put in my floppy disk in the A: and go to start the game my computer says i'm missing the static.tim file does anybody know how to fix that problem

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Re: static.tim

Post by wjp »

Sorry, you're going to have to provide some more details.

What floppy disk? How did you try to start the game? What game?
Incidentally, I don't seem to have any static.tim files here.

Re: static.tim

Post by Helpme »

i have Ultima 7 on a floppy disk, but every time I go to start it in ms-dos mode in A:Ultima7 then Ultima7 its about to start then says the game cannot start because the disk is missing a static.tim file
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Joined: Thu May 14, 2020 1:34 pm

Re: static.tim

Post by wjp »

You'll probably need to install U7 on your harddisk first. Try something named 'install' or 'setup'

Re: static.tim

Post by suraimu »

Since when does Ultima 7 fit on a floppy disk?

Re: static.tim

Post by Stephan »

Ultima VII came on 6 floppy disks, actually - but it couldn't be played unless decompressed and installed to a hard drive.

Re: static.tim

Post by Tim »

I did it. You don't have my special static file. :) You can have it for $500.

Re: static.tim

Post by Helpme »

tim, hell no i found the file i have the game on 1 floppy and 1 disk

Re: static.tim

Post by suraimu »

1 floppy -and- 1 disk?

What the hell are you smoking man?

Oh, wait, an AOL user. No wonder he's not making any damned sense.
I should have seen that beforehand.
Posts: 12
Joined: Thu May 14, 2020 1:34 pm

Re: static.tim

Post by DarkFistDragon »

Yeah.. AOL is.. strange.
I was Assoc Sysop in a CompuServe forum till it was officially closed down last friday.. you can still access it.
After a report has AOL fired those few people who know how to close a Forum..
Posts: 344
Joined: Thu May 14, 2020 1:34 pm

Re: static.tim

Post by XxVenomxX »

The rumor that AOL users are not computer savvy is grossly exaggerated, lol. Man, if there was such a thing as internet bigotry, AOL users would be at the bottom, hehe. Now, I'm no programmer or anything, but I sure as hell know my way around a computer quite well. So quit knockin' everyone, hehe.
Unless for some strange reason, I'm the exception to every AOL 'story'. :)
Fantasy art/Illustration by Brendan Setaro
Posts: 344
Joined: Thu May 14, 2020 1:34 pm

Re: static.tim

Post by XxVenomxX »

Oh yeah, forgot to say, don't get me wrong, I don't know what the hell 'Helpme' is talking about, and a number of my fellow AOLers are proven dumbasses, lol. But I think that proves true with any internet service. There are just so many people on AOL, that the stupidity number tends to shine more. hehe
Fantasy art/Illustration by Brendan Setaro

Re: static.tim

Post by Tim »

Ok... you drive a hard bargain... how about $397?

A little SI haggling. :)