SI: Ressurect NPCS

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SI: Ressurect NPCS

Post by Lanfear »

I seem to be stuck in SI. (spoilers!)

I've freed the banes and they've killed everyone. Before I went to moonshade, I picked up the philanderers friend. I went there, and spoke with Torrisio and he stole it from me... before I could use it. The conversation option got stuck there too (every time I talked to him from then on, I could mention it, and the option would go away, but he wouldn't say anything.).

So... I killed him and took it back and the game progressed for a while... but now I need to talk to him apparently (finally figured this out by looking for a walkthrough, I need him to tell me about soul gems aparently). I've tried the cheat modes, but while I can tell he exists somewhere (npc 33), I can't teleport to his living self nor resurrect his corpse in any way. Is there any other way to get him back? I remember reading that in the black gate there was an area where dead people were teleported to, but I can't find any such area here, though I did find the area where things wait to spawn... aparently.

I tried the hourglass of fate, I've tried adding him to my party in case party autofollow teleported the real him to me. I've set his health to 60 (so he's technically alive.) I've reset his schedule. I've attempted "[']eleport". The last of those just moved my screen to the middle of a dungeon and all the others had no particular effect.

Any ideas?


Re: SI: Ressurect NPCS

Post by ShaggyMoose »

I got bitten by this too. Luckily I could revert to another saved game before he stole the philanders friend. If this is not an option for you, maybe there is a flag that can be set in Exult Studio so that it appears the conversation has taken place.

Re: SI: Ressurect NPCS

Post by William »

I would REALLY love to see the SI House of the Dead working as it did in the original.

Re: SI: Resurrect NPCS

Post by Lanfear »

Yeah, I have a save, unfortunately it's a good ways back, but I suppose I have no choice. Still, it would be nice if you could cheat-resurrect people, or just summon a new one. I tried summoning too (create item), it didn't work.
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Re: SI: Ressurect NPCS

Post by SB-X »

There probably is a flag you can set.
Why didn't create item work? What item are you trying to create?

Re: SI: Ressurect NPCS

Post by Lanfear »

I tried to create an npc (not torisso, I couldn't find him)

It announced the item had been created, but nothing appeared. I think I was attempting to create the queen of fawn.
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Re: SI: Ressurect NPCS

Post by SB-X »

Oh, yeah. That's just for items. :)
In Exult when NPC's are dead, they're dead for good.
Try setting flag 255. That's listed in keyring mod's flag list as KNOWS_OF_SOUL_GEMS. There is also 310 which I have listed as "Returned Torissio's Wand" and 616 listed as "ask ducio about worm gems" - you can try setting those too and seeing if you can continue.
It's been too long since I last played SI so I don't know what else to tell you besides restarting from another save, if you havn't already.

Re: SI: Ressurect NPCS

Post by Kensu »

I know it's a little too late to mention this... but if that happens (which the designers left as a possibility) you were supposed to cast Vibrate to make him drop it.
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Re: SI: Ressurect NPCS

Post by Donfrow »

I'm curious, if NPC's are dead for good, how do party members get resurrected in SI? I know you use the hour glass of fate, but if they are considered dead in Exult I am confused how you resurrect them.
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Re: SI: Ressurect NPCS

Post by SB-X »

Hmm, maybe they're not really "dead for good" then. I just meant that they don't go to the dead room, and can't be resurrected from the cheat menu. The NPC is actually deleted. I'm not an Exult developer though, so I don't know exactly how it works.
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Re: SI: Ressurect NPCS

Post by marzo »

I just meant that they don't go to the dead room
The NPC is actually deleted.
Correct. The NPC is flagged as dead and removed from the map in Exult. It still "exists", but isn't anywhere to be found. Similarly, calls to some intrinsics remove the NPC from the map instead of moving them to the house of the dead.

Maybe we could add an option to put the NPC back onto the map if it is not already there?
Marzo Sette Torres Junior
aka Geometrodynamic Dragon
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Re: SI: Ressurect NPCS

Post by Donfrow »

So if I understand correctly, the NPC is removed from the world but still lingers around somewhere in "spirit". When the hour glass is used, it summons it out of limbo and adds them back to the map?

Re: SI: Ressurect NPCS

Post by William »

I don't understand anything about the programming of this stuff, so I may be missing an obvious reason, but may I ask why not just have Exult use the House of the Dead like in the original?
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Re: SI: Ressurect NPCS

Post by Donfrow »

I don't mean to resurrect and old thread (ha) but I thought I would let it be known that I've found a way to bring back dead SI NPC's with the help of Exult Studio.

You need their body, but if you change it into a broken automaton shape (I've just been using shape 762 frame 28) you can then use the create automaton spell to bring them back. They come back with their normal usecode and shape and not as a typical 'join - bye' automaton.
Peter Olafson

Re: SI: Ressurect NPCS

Post by Peter Olafson »

Dead NPCs do seem to exist within the game world, but they are "buried" and inaccessible.

Iff you use the editor to move to the location of a dead NPC, you'll be taken to the western portion of (I think) the city of Chaos. The party and the dead folks will be invisible--evidently stowed below the plane on which the game is played.

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Re: SI: Ressurect NPCS

Post by marzo »

They are actually removed from the map and their position is set to an invalid value; when you try to teleport to them, world-wrapping coerces that invalid value into a valid position for screen display but leaves avatar et al at the invalid location, which is why you can't see them (nor the NPCs).
Marzo Sette Torres Junior
aka Geometrodynamic Dragon
[url=]How To Ask Questions The Smart Way[/url]
Peter Olafson

Re: SI: Ressurect NPCS

Post by Peter Olafson »

Thanks for that clarification, Marzo!

Chris Thompson

Re: SI: Ressurect NPCS

Post by Chris Thompson »


I was always wondering why their location appeared to be on a different map... I wanted to bring them back so I could see their original post-bane release coversation logs... I have heard that some of them did have stuff in the game... Hawk was suppose to give you his ship... and other people had other interesting things to say showing more how the game was suppose to go before they were forced to rush finish it...
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Re: SI: Ressurect NPCS

Post by SB-X »

You need their body, but if you change it into a broken automaton shape (I've just been using shape 762 frame 28) you can then use the create automaton spell to bring them back.
Haha, at first I thought you were going to say they come back in the body of an automaton. That would be really cool and fit perfectly into the plot of SI too. :-)