Where are you from?

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Where are you from?

Post by RazorBlade »

Its interessting how far Ultima is spread all over the world, especially not being a mainstream-new-age-ego-shooter-game-everyone-talks-about.

So I wonder, is there actually a country where noone knows U7? (How sad!)

Well, I hope this is not seen as spam!

I am from Recklinghausen, NRW, Germany

(and played Ultima since U7-BG ;) )

Re: Where are you from?

Post by Sirlee »

Munich, Germany

Played U3 - U9, Underworld 1+2

Finnished 4, 6, 7, 8, Underworld 1
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Re: Where are you from?

Post by artaxerxes »

Home town: Sarry, France

Played ultima 3, 4, 6, 7a, 7b, 8, uw1 (+ martian dream and savage empire).

Finished ultima 3, 6, 7a, 7b, 8, md, se.

Now lives in Toronto, Canada

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Re: Where are you from?

Post by XxVenomxX »

Home town: Southbury, Connecticut, USA

Have played all Ultimas (except for martian dreams and savage empire)

finished 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 7.5, 8, 9 (even though it doesnt count), uw1, uw2

Moving to Sunderland, England in a month, and will be there for a year, for school. :)
Fantasy art/Illustration by Brendan Setaro

Re: Where are you from?

Post by Abichai »

Paris, France
Played mostly U7 - BG (and still think it is one of the best game I ever played)
I kind of try U8 and UW.


Re: Where are you from?

Post by Tim »

Philadelphia, PA, USA.

I've played U1-9. Neither Underworld, yet, nor Savage Empire or Martian Dreams, yet. :)

I've finished U4, U7 (BG), and U9.
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Re: Where are you from?

Post by Dominus »

Hometown: Brackenheim (near Heilbronn), Germany

played through U4-9, UW1+2,
played all other ultimas

Now live in Vienna, Austria
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Mino Chang
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Re: Where are you from?

Post by Mino Chang »

Taiwan, Republic of China

Have U6 (& Martian Dreams), U7BG & U7SI, U8, U9 and Ultima Collection.

Played U4, U6 (including Martian Dreams), U7BG & U7SI, U8.

Finished U6, U7BG & U7SI.

Although my English is not poor, I love Ultimate. There are a few players of Ultimate in Taiwan, but most of them are Ultimate fans. Female players are fewer, but I'm one of them :). (In Taiwan, a lot of parents hates PC games and don't let their children to play.... I'm so lucky:)

I played U6 when I was in the fifth grade. At that time, I just started to study English. I played the game by looking all the words up in a dictionary:D

Now I major in Chinese Literature in a graduate school in Taiwan, and I'm 24 years old now....

Until now, my English is still poor>_< So if I made some mistakes in grammer of spelling, just rectify me :)

May the Virtues be with you.

Re: Where are you from?

Post by Mimu »

No one from Finland yet? Well:
Vantaa, Finland.

Played em all. Finished em all except 3. :)

Re: Where are you from?

Post by Stephan »

Umeå, Sweden.

Played them all except the Runes of Virtue series, finished them all.

Re: Where are you from?

Post by Sslaxx »

UK (Malvern). Ultima I-IX, Underworld I+II, Martian Dreams.
Natreg Dragon

Re: Where are you from?

Post by Natreg Dragon »

Aspe, Alicante, Spain :)

Played and finished: Akalabeth, U1-U9, Serpent Isle, UW1 & 2, Martiand Dreams, Savage Empire, Runes of Virtue 1 & 2, u7 snes

my favourite Ultima was U5, and my first one was Ultima 7 (the spanish version). Here in Spain only u7-u8 were translated, but none of them has the addons or speechpacks. I bought the english versions and finished them as well.

in Spain there are (more correctly were...) a lot of people that loves Ultima.

Now all of them play UO :( and when someone talks about Ultima they identify as UO.

Re: Where are you from?

Post by RazorBlade »

Europe: 8
North America: 2
Asia: 1

Seems as if Koreans very much like soccer and Blizzard games but not more; Mino, you should tell your friends about it!
And what about the US? Hell, this is where this game is born!

Whats with the other three continent-thingies?;)

I think there was someone from South Africa, many reside in down under I think, but what about South America? No exult-fans over there?;)

Lets see where the rest comes from ... c'mon! So many people on this board, tell us in which country you sit in a dark room and play geeky old games! (Just kidding!)


Re: Where are you from?

Post by dag »

germany, hamburg

played: u5, u6, savage empire, u7 with add-on, serpent isle with add-on, u8 (although it is no ultima ;)), underworld 1+2, u9
finished: u6 (several times), u7 with add-on (several times), u8, underworld 1+2 (several times)
favourites: u6, u7, u9, uw1+2

all are english versions.

amazingly, most of us seem come from europe. i thought most ultima players are from the u.s. ...
Hacki Dragon
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Re: Where are you from?

Post by Hacki Dragon »

Austria, Kapfenberg.

Played all all of them except of console versions, Runes of Virtue, and Escape from Mt.Drash.
Finished U4,U5,U6,U7,U7SI,and U8. Almost finished UW2. Finished UA with cheats.
Hacki Dragon

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Re: Where are you from?

Post by SB-X »

My name is SB-X, and I'm from the U.S.A. Built and finished my Level 13 Gundam: 2 hours 39 minutes. Level 8 Gundam: 8 days. Started but not finished Level 214 Gundam.
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Re: Where are you from?

Post by MagicMop »

Well, I'm from Perth in Western Australia.... I know there are plenty of Aussies who love Ultima, so speak up!!

I've played all the Ultimas, and finished 4, 5, 7 part 1 and 2, 8 and 9. I almost finished 6, but I lost my saves during a reformat! :(


Re: Where are you from?

Post by CZAR »

I'm from Dallas, Texas, USA

I currently live in San Marcos, Texas, USA as I am a college student at Southwest Texas State U.

I've played all the Ultima's 1 through 9 a little, but the only ones I really enjoy are the two Ultima 7's.
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Re: Where are you from?

Post by wjp »

I'm from the Netherlands

Played and finished Ultima 1-9, Underworld 1-2

Currently involved with Exult, Pentagram (for U8) and Underworld Adventures (for both underworlds)

Re: Where are you from?

Post by OgreBattle »

Sydney, Australia.

Played 4-9 finished them all. Started UW1 gave up.
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Re: Where are you from?

Post by drcode »

Portland, Oregon, U.S.

Ultima 1,2, 4-9, UW1, UW2.

Re: Where are you from?

Post by Christian »

I´m from Nordhorn, Germany.

Played Ultima 1-9 and finished 5-9.
Got stuck in UW1 and 2 quite early in each game, and never played martian dream or savage empire. I dont´ even know in wich way they´re linked to the series.
My favorite one is U5, I always blockaded my parents tv with my C64 that time. :-)

Re: Where are you from?

Post by RazorBlade »

So far:

Australia 2
NAmerica 5
Europe 12
Asia 1

Not enough to be representive, but it seems U7 or at least Exult+U7 is the game of the old world! ;)

Strange, I guessed US and Asia would have more fans; perhaps they are visting this board not that frequently. Time will tell :)
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Re: Where are you from?

Post by XxVenomxX »

I know a lot of fans dont read the boards here, a lot of them just keep up with the official release announcements on the main page. It's very common to find an Ultima community here or there who still don't know about Exult. But that's becoming less and less common nowadays :)
Fantasy art/Illustration by Brendan Setaro
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Re: Where are you from?

Post by Colourless »

Adelaide, Australia

Only finished 5 through 9

-Colourless Dragon

Re: Where are you from?

Post by OneBallJay »

Napa, California

Played them all; finished 6 through 9, martian dreams, savage empire and both underworlds.

6 is far and away my favorite.
Dirty Hairy

Re: Where are you from?

Post by Dirty Hairy »

I'm form Würzburg, Germany.
I played 6 through 8 and both Underworlds, and finished them...

Re: Where are you from?

Post by toad`sMoke »

Nova Scotia, Canada

Played All Ultimas
Finished: 5,6,7a,7b,8,uw2

Re: Where are you from?

Post by Max »

Pforzheim, Germany (damn what's up here:)? so many Germans)

Played all ultimas,

Now it comes: Finished none:(, a few to the half of the game or more, then i didn't have more time or other stuff happened (for example, i couldn't play for a long time because of the new pcs, and memory managemnt etc.).
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Re: Where are you from?

Post by Darkstar »

Reutlingen, Germany

Played Ultima 6 - 9, finished only TBG and SI
Christopher Strong

Re: Where are you from?

Post by Christopher Strong »

Utah, USA.

I started with Ultima III but got really hooked with Ultima IV. Then I went back and played 1 and 2.

Total, 1,2,3,4,5,6, Savage, UW1, 7, 7-2, 8, 9

I completed all but UW1, 8 and 9.

I never completed 8 as I did not like the fact that I was destroying the planet and could not take the Avatar doing that. I'm still playing 9, but I don't like the way it is going and frankly it is too 3-D nauseating for me. Plus, I can only play it under Windows which annoys me. I did not win Ultima 1; I could never work my space ship but I still have the save game (I'm near the end) from like 1985 and I plan to win it one day.
Darkfist Dragon (lost password

Re: Where are you from?

Post by Darkfist Dragon (lost password »

Born and raised in:
Munich, Germany ('73-'90) then living in
Berlin, Germany ('90-'01)
Now living in:
Lancaster, Ohio, USA

I played and own all main Ultima's (1-9, UW1&2) and had Savage Empire, I'm also an Ultima Online addict (yes, I admit that! but I'm not a l33t d3wD, but a Roleplayer, who playes a char who follows the 8 virtues).
First Ultima, and the one that got me hooked up: Ultima 6 - The False Prophet.

Re: Where are you from?

Post by CZAR »

Germany seems to be ruling the message board.

Re: Where are you from?

Post by MrPaul »

Im from Ontario, Canada.

Ive played a bit of every ultima from 3-9 but I only finished 3 and 7(both parts).

Re: Where are you from?

Post by RandyC »

I'm originally from Oxford, UK
but currently live in Cheltenham, UK

Played all the Ultimas (including the Underworlds)
Finished U7,U7pt2, U8, U9, UW1, UW2 nearly finished U6 and U4
Warui Havoc

Re: Where are you from?

Post by Warui Havoc »

I'm from Belo Horizonte, Brazil! =]

am I the only brasillian around here?

I played U7:BG, U7:SI, U8, U9, UW1, UW2, and savage empires.
Nick Lowe

Re: Where are you from?

Post by Nick Lowe »

From Spokane, Washington, USA.

Played 1, 6, 7, 8, 9, uw1, uw2. Finished all except 6, couldn't get the damn lens repaired.

Re: Where are you from?

Post by Beni »

Right now living in The Hague (Den Haag), Netherlands but was born and raised (until recently hehehe) in a small town near Munich, Bavaria, Germany. Though, I'm going to move to Cherokee, Alabama, USA in October... :) (dual citizenship has it's benefits)

I've actually played Ultima 1 - 9 but only 6 - 9 successful. Gave Ultima Underworld 1 and 2 a try though...
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Re: Where are you from?

Post by Razimus »

I was raised in Santa Barbara California

My favorite is Ultima VII The Black Gate & Serpent Isle, finished: Ultima: VI, VII & pII, VIII, IX, UO
--- Razimus Dragon
aka Dr. Pepper Dragon
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Re: Where are you from?

Post by nadir »

Como, Italy

Played u4, u5, u6, u7p1, u7p2, u8, md, uw1

I'm also fond of the wing commander/privateer saga

Re: Where are you from?

Post by RazorBlade »

I think that are most of the active boarduser(at least most, dont counting the ones which didnt reply,lol)

Australia 3
North America 11
Europe 18
Asia 1
South America 1

(i knew there was at least one from brazil! Glad to have you here havoc and also chang, youre both representing no more than your whole ultima 7 - exult continental faction!;))

Well, isnt this the ultimate hint how computer games can bring people together? I really like this idea about exult(well, beside many other technical reasons).
achile dragon

Re: Where are you from?

Post by achile dragon »

Quebec, Canada and I speak french

Achile Dragon

Re: Where are you from?

Post by CooperS »

I am also in Adelaide, Australia

Played through U7, U7p2, U8, U9, UW1 and UW2

I know there are LOTS of UO players in Perth
Gileathane Dragon
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Re: Where are you from?

Post by Gileathane Dragon »

aka Gileathane Dragon

Melbourne, Australia.

u3, 4, 5, 6, 7a+7b, 8, 9, uw1+2, wou1. and u4(sega ver).

Re: Where are you from?

Post by Stygius »

I am from Poland
I have played 1,2,3,4,5,6,71,72,8,9 ,uw1,uw2, world of ultima 1 and 2
I have finished all

Re: Where are you from?

Post by Christof »

I'm from Brazil too :P

Re: Where are you from?

Post by Yolan »

South of Perth, Western Australia, in a town called Denmark.
Though right now I am visiting Europe.
In Barcelona atm.

Played em all, was interested before I even owned a computer!

Re: Where are you from?

Post by Trevor_Clim »

i am from Munich, G E R M A N Y ;)

played them all, but not all trough, only the latest (6,7,8,9...)

my first game ever was Ultima 7 in 1992, my older brother played it all day, i was only allowed to play when he was out of the house ;)
i played ultima 7, eehmm, 6 or 7 times, trough :D

old-school-rpgs like Ultima 7 were very popular in germany and that could be one reason, why here are so many (possible older guys) germans...
Max aka Moscow Dragon

Re: Where are you from?

Post by Max aka Moscow Dragon »

Moscow, Russia.

Passed only U7BG. In progress - U7SI (stopped before Shrine Of Balance and Silver Seed not passed), U4 and U9. Not much time to play.

As about Ultimas in different countries. My friend and I have played U7BG in 1992. We nearly passed the game, and stopped since we have lost the Hook's key.

In 1993, U7SI and UWs were widely known among Russian gamers.

Note that this generation of gamers was not the modern one - at this time in Russia, computers were too expensive for nearly anyone to have at home, so, gamers were the same people as programming fans, and all were using computers in organizations and colleges, sometimes being hired for tiny salary and symbolic job duties - just to have access to computer. For now, it is not such, the modern gamers are usually youngsters and have nearly nothing to do with serious programmers.

Wing Commander was also well-known in the same 92-93.
Soul Harvester

Re: Where are you from?

Post by Soul Harvester »

All over the pacific northwest, but currently in a small hellhole known as Canby, Oregon.

I've played every PC ultima and all console ultimas, have sadly never tried any C64/Amiga/AppleII/etc Ultimas, other then the U3 remake for the mac. (By the by, the U3 remake for the mac is very nice).

I first played Ultima 7 BG... after just a few minutes I was dead hooked for years. U7 was new then and UC didn't exist so I had to find older ones on my own. I purchased Ultima 8, and I actually found it somewhat fun (it was the patched cd version), though the story made little sense to me. I later purchased Ultima Collection and played every ultima from akalabath on to U6 from start to finish and loved every minute of it.

Ultima 9 was a dissapointment as an Ultima, but I liked it as a game.

I ended up making U7 my profciency. Oft I spent weeks at a time playing that game an average of 8 hours a day (I often went to visit my father who lived away from people.. he worked during the day and so I was stuck with a computer). I know that game like the back of my hand and to date it is still my favorite game ever.