List of little bugs

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List of little bugs

Post by Icebird »

I dont know if that was reported before, but here are some bugs I encountered:

- at the start of the game, you can move the body of the gargoyl Inamo (and its considerated as stealing...). I noticed a few other instances of items that should not be moved but wich could be, but none so obvious as the poor corpse.

- in Paws, in the venom thief quest, when you get the venom, if you give it back to its owner BEFORE talking to the other peoples involved, the option to talk about it with them disappear, broking the quest.

- if I remember correctly, when you walked a building, you could see trough the roof, no? Actually you cannot, wich prevent you to be able to open doors wich are hidden by the roof. Maybe I'm wrong on this one and the game was made with no locked door hidden this way... Must be around 4-5 years since I last played the original game.

- on two occasions a NPC, who was forced by script to move somewhere, didnt make it back to his normal aera of behaviour, but stayed there, wandering helplessly. The first case was the mayor at the start, wich stayed at the stables instead of walking back to his office (even after I visited the whole town, he was still there...). The second case was Feridwyn in paws. When he came to the Dairy to announce me that the boy was caught with a dose of venom on him, he then stayed wandering in the dairy and never made it back to the shelter.

- not a bug but an annoying "feature", when you make a save, it also automatically make a quick save. Annoying because I used quicksave a lot just in case, and when I saw the venom quest bug, I wanted to save and then reload the quicksave.... Of course this way overwrited the quicksave and was forced to reload an ancient save a while before paws to restart the quest

I will continue to post bugs as I encounter them. So far its quite good! Some sounds are not the same, the music is slightly different too, and some details shows well its not the original engine (like the annoying mayor at the start, rushing you to talk to you. Before he was engaging conversation as soon as he was at 5 meters from you. Now he does too, but a lot of times he will just walk to you and do nothing for a moment)
Anyway, good job! I intend to continue playing and finish the two games again, and Exult really make it easier than those dos emulators I was using.
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Re: List of little bugs

Post by Icebird »

ok, nevermind for the paws venom theft quest, I remember it already was in the original. In fact, exult helped me since I managed to solve the problem with the cheats by creating a venom vial before talking again to garrit.
The trick is, there is TWO frames of venom vials! Its only one of it who trigger the dialog with him (the second if I remember well?)
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Re: List of little bugs

Post by marzo »

- at the start of the game, you can move the body of the gargoyl Inamo (and its considerated as stealing...).
That happens in the original too, so it is not a bug.
I noticed a few other instances of items that should not be moved but wich could be, but none so obvious as the poor corpse.
Can you give examples?
- if I remember correctly, when you walked a building, you could see trough the roof, no?
No. There is a single occasion (Selwyn's tower) where this happens, but nowhere else that I recall.
Marzo Sette Torres Junior
aka Geometrodynamic Dragon
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Re: List of little bugs

Post by Vigil »

Indeed, and in cases where you needed to reach a door that was on the north or west side of the building, then there was always a little overhanging roof over the door that you could go under to remove the roof layer.

I've bumped into the problem with NPCs not returning to their proper schedule quite often, though - Finnegan is the most obvious example, where he'll tend to hang around the stables until you leave town or sleep.
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Re: List of little bugs

Post by Garrett »

The sounds and music are different because they are recorded from the Roland MT-32, whereas under DOSBox you're probably using SoundBlaster instead.

NPCs frequently mess up if their schedules are distrupted by a script or their surroundings changing; for instance moving a pulpit outside of the Fellowship hall during a service or having LB resurrect the mint lady will invariably result in the affected NPC pretty much freezing until you leave the area.

Timing is indeed slightly off. Another subtle difference is how much of the moongate vanishes into the ground before Iolo talks to you (thus freezing it on that frame)--this even varies between 1.2 and 1.4 CVS.

A lot of these things are so subtle that only those who have played the original thoroughly will even notice them. That being said, the new features more than make up for these minor changes.
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Re: List of little bugs

Post by drcode »

I thought we had the moongate fixed in CVS.

I'd like to fix any problems with the NPC schedules. From what I recall, the mayor hangs around until you talk to him about the murder, and then should return to his office.
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Re: List of little bugs

Post by marzo »

One thing I noticed recently is that the original games seem to update schedules hourly, whereas Exult does it only every 3 hours; this may be related to the problems described.
Marzo Sette Torres Junior
aka Geometrodynamic Dragon
[url=]How To Ask Questions The Smart Way[/url]