I have heard EA has U7 construction kit

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I have heard EA has U7 construction kit

Post by foody »

I talked to one of the EA employee there and asked them if they have any idea about Ultima 7 Construction Kit. I can easly quote to you what they said,

"1 888 - 755 -7720 to obtaining a copy of the ultima 7 construction set
650 328 - 7555
Frank: Hi, this is Frank at the EA Store. How may I help you today?
You: Hello frank I am doing fine how about you?
You: I have a question I would like to ask you
Frank: Ok so far.
You: Have you heard of Ultima 7 the black gate?
Frank: I have heard of it. It is a older title.
You: Yes it is, but I am more curious about something else of it..have the origin company or EA as a matter of fact created a construction kit program that allows a person to make a game similiar to the engine of Ultima 7 (like for example an Ultima 7 construction set)? Because if there is I would like to order it this second
You: I would this second buy it if it exist..no hesitation
Frank: Unfortunately not. It is a proprietary system that normally would not be for sale. Perhaps it may be licensed. For licensing information place call 1-888-755-7720. You woul need to call between 8am and 5pm PST. There would not anyone there at the moment.
You: You mean this program actually existed??
You: But it is not for sale!
You: Please tell me sir that at least it exist..please * tears of joy *
You: I have been dreaming, dying and even crazly programming my own because I so wanted it...!!
Frank: Not that I am aware of. You would need to license the actual Ultima game itself.
Frank: Sorry to bring your hopes up.
You: Soo it doesn't exit?
You: Is there any plan for something of this type might be created * sad now *...please tell me if there is any plan for creating an ultima 7 construction set..I would buy 10 copies!
Frank: The game itself would. As would the programs used to design it. But they would not normally be sold.
You: :( But I don't get it..they are not going to sell any more copies....why not prophit out of the editor...so..I ahve to call that number I guess and beg my heart out and beg my heart to the manger to get me a copy of the ultima 7 construction set then/
Frank: It will be necessary that you call the number that I passed along to you. They would be the only ones capable of letting those programs be available."

Now I don't know if this is true but wouldn't it be great to actually have the real Ultima 7 Construction Kit that made Ultima 7 the way it is?
Hacki Dragon
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Re: I have heard EA has U7 construction kit

Post by Hacki Dragon »

Eh, don't get me wrong, but I don't think this employee had got any clue what he was talking about :)

Besides, we will have Exult Studio anyway.
Hacki Dragon

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Re: I have heard EA has U7 construction kit

Post by IgnitusDragonn »

Exult Studio, which sucks in Windows 98, and no one will fix the fucking bugs.
By the way, you two(Foody and that EA guy) must be on crack.
However theres nothing wrong with that.
The EA guy is just more talented in manipulation, obviously he has no idea whether anything exists for Ultima 7 and most likely he just typed the title of it into his work computer and accessed a summary of the game.
If he knew anything about it he wouldnt pass you on to another number, and if he knew anything about it he wouldn't give you half truths.
He says two different things, "no such program exists." then "you'd have to ask them to license it to you."
U7Wizard works superb, it does leave out some options that Exult Studio has, but if the guy for U7Wiz would update....oo yeah. Besides its not compatible with Exult, which is pretty bad.

Re: I have heard EA has U7 construction kit

Post by Sslaxx »

Ugh, troll.
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Re: I have heard EA has U7 construction kit

Post by IgnitusDragonn »

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Re: I have heard EA has U7 construction kit

Post by Colourless »

Yes you
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Re: I have heard EA has U7 construction kit

Post by IgnitusDragonn »

err what'd I do again besides telling the truth?
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Re: I have heard EA has U7 construction kit

Post by IgnitusDragonn »

I don't see Exult Studio Source, if I saw it, I'd dig into it, I'd fix the bug that others ignore.
I went into the CVS, I couldn't find anything about Exult Studio, I'll look some more...anyway, I really don't know what is with it, if you remember I did try to help the project, I made a portrait*rimshot* if I can do anything else, just call on me, I'd like to draw some paperdoll art, so can I get a list of what's already been made?
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Re: I have heard EA has U7 construction kit

Post by Colourless »

Try the mapedit directory (duh)

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Re: I have heard EA has U7 construction kit

Post by IgnitusDragonn »

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Re: I have heard EA has U7 construction kit

Post by drcode »

Your options for ES:

1. Be nice to the developers, especially Ryan (Colourless), as he did the Windows port of ES.
2. Fix the ES Windows bugs yourself (but you still have to be nice to us to get them patched back in:-))
3. Run it under Linux, where I'll fix the bugs.

Re: I have heard EA has U7 construction kit

Post by IgnitusDragonn »

I don't think Colourless would like it if I was nice to him just to get a bug fixed, if he does, he's of low character, but I'll be nice just simple coz. :)
I don't think I've been that aggressive to any of you except Dominus, and it was a joke...which, I hope his aggressiveness was a joke as well, otherwise it was quite obnoxious.
Anyway, Linux is a hefty download, and even though I am using Win98 simply because Exult Studio works under it...I don't feel like switching platforms to something thats not going to run as many(Windows) programs as Windows does. I'll be "nice" as long as others are being "nice" I just get the faint impression that others aren't that nice.
I'll see if I can fix the x,y bug...atleast take a glance at it...and don't worry I wouldn't want to seem like a troll by asking one of you to tell me where the item coordination thingy is located in the src...:P

Re: I have heard EA has U7 construction kit

Post by suraimu »

for foody, with love

Re: I have heard EA has U7 construction kit

Post by IgnitusDragonn »

troll ;)

Re: I have heard EA has U7 construction kit

Post by hmmmm »

I love that one Suraimu :D
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Re: I have heard EA has U7 construction kit

Post by artaxerxes »

for you information, IgnitusDragonn, U7wizard is released under the GPL. You are welcome to modify it so that it can be compatible with Exult.


Re: I have heard EA has U7 construction kit

Post by Skutarth »

Dude, did you say "Exult Studio, which sucks in Windows 98, and no one will fix the fucking bugs?"

Wow, and you call MY post constructive criticism?

You're lucky that it's for Windows 98 AT ALL, let alone with bugs!!!
It's still being made for Windows, but you can't see it, that's because they can't just press a Repair button like on the network connection properties window... They have to fix every last tiny bug so they don't spawn more bugs. That's why some programs' patch production stops, to stop at a place with minimal bugs. Let's just try looking at a lame example that I just came up with.

You're in a room full of cockroaches and there are no doors.
There are two sizes, small and large, and you say you don't like the bigger ones.

You stomp the bigger ones, and more little cockroaches come in the room to feed on the corpses.

By that time you notice that all the large ones are back, and less of them.

But there are now a large amount of smaller ones.

Then they crawl all over you and eventually kill you...

Say the Exult team was in the same situation.

Instead, they squash the smaller ones, and the corpses aren't enough for any more cockroaches to come in the room.

Then they squash one large one, and kill all the smaller ones that enter the room.

When they get to the last few, they decide to stop with a minimal amount of small bugs.

We could all live with one or two unnoticable bugs in this situation, right?

It may sound stupid, but you need to understand what's happening on the programmer's desks...

Re: I have heard EA has U7 construction kit

Post by Skutarth »

Foody, that game is before that guy's time, monkey...
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Re: I have heard EA has U7 construction kit

Post by SnowyThing »

Skutarth? Are you saying that if the Exult team works too hard...... their work will kill them? That's sorta..... not good.

Re: I have heard EA has U7 construction kit

Post by IgnitusDragonn »

Next time Skutharth, come up with a more summarized example...my attention span lacked and I didn't read your example.
I don't remember calling your post constructive criticsm, mine wasn't constructive, well maybe it was- but I don't see how.
Anyway, my post was mainly just voicing my half-anger because I can't make clothing, a program's structure isn't as impossible as you seem to think it, perhaps so with Ultima 7, but the Exult team wrote Exult Studio, there is nothing at all that I see, that could interfere with fixing the coordinates so they work.
You set coordinates for leather armour, at err...say 32, 27 or so, and it should put it at that area on the paperdoll. It doesn't.
Thats my problem. I don't think it's too hard to fix, I just am not that good in programming. I loose interest.
I guess I just slack off when I don't figure out how to get the results I want heh...