Exult Help

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Exult Help

Post by VegetaDragon »

Hey all, Vegeta Dragon here, been away for a bit (actually since the travesty that was Ultima 9, imagine my disapointment when i sprung for Dragon Edition!) but i heard modding was in full swing for Ultima 7 so im back but im having some Exult issues.

Im using Exult 1.4.01 CVS and its installed in C:\Exult and i have Tools installed in C:\Exult\Tools Ipack is in the directory. My ultima7 (plus expansions) is in D:\games\Ultima7 and D:\games\Serpent

I cant get the Keyring mod working, i ran the .bat file but it says ipack was not found. So I manually copied the files in \keyring\data to \patch and still nothing. I tried Feudal lands since it said it had keyring as a part of it but when i start a new game i appear in some weird land instead of Trinsic so that was a bust.

Any help would be appreciate friends,
Vegeta Dragon
Posts: 68
Joined: Thu May 14, 2020 1:34 pm

Re: Exult Help

Post by Garrett »

You put the keyring folder, er, "horizontal" (so to speak) with your Black Gate patch directory. So within D:\Games\Ultima7 you need a Keyring folder. Run the batchfile from within Keyring and the results should appear in D:\Games\Ultima7\Patch.

You only need Exult Tools if you're going to use the "compile and run" batchfile (which you likely don't need to do unless you're changing it).

So try that.