Riding the Giant Turtle - SI

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Riding the Giant Turtle - SI

Post by Tim »

Again, I think either I've found a bug or I'm forgetting to do something in Serpent Isle.

When I go to the docks north of Moonshade to ride the turtle to Erstram's Island... I keep getting a voice-over saying "Thou hast forgotten something."

I speak to Bucia to learn about Pothos being Erstram's son.

I speak to Pothos about "secret" and he asks me to bring him blood moss.

I get him some and he tells me how to reach Erstrams island.

I go around the Mountains of Freedom and get to the docks.

I ring the bell and the Avatar says the chant.

According to what Pothos said, the turtle should come then. But I get the voice over instead and no turtle. Is there something else I need to do, like blow the bellows a few times or get the naked girls off to the west to talk to me? :)
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Re: Riding the Giant Turtle - SI

Post by Dominus »

hm, I had this problem once but that bug was fixed. It may have returned though.
What you need though is all your companions. One of them should go missing on the way from Pothos to the docks.
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Re: Riding the Giant Turtle - SI

Post by Tim »

Yes, one of them was kidnapped.

So I have to free him before I can ride the turtle?
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Re: Riding the Giant Turtle - SI

Post by Dominus »


for further questions oon what to do plotwise see the newly added links to the FAQ that point to some walkthroughs and hints on the game.
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Re: Riding the Giant Turtle - SI

Post by Vigil »

By the way, is Riding The Giant Turtle a euphemism for something? O:)
Max aka Moscow Dragon

Rotoluncia is still alive...

Post by Max aka Moscow Dragon »

...her death seems to be the trigger for a turtle to appear.