stat cap

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stat cap

Post by malaki »

is there anyway to raise the stat cap past 60 like you used to able to? you can with cheat engine but it reverts to negative numbers lol...i know that yall changed it to 60 but perhaps theres something i could do to change it back?
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Re: stat cap

Post by Dominus »

Ages ago I was able to hex edit the savegame to get higher stats, but I don't know how exult will handle this these days.
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Re: stat cap

Post by paulo »

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Re: stat cap

Post by malaki »

mainly cuz i want to be a god without just using god mode theres something about one hit kills that i like with str dex and int...along with extra mana to cast spells...archwizard makes it to where mana doesnt matter but gives you all spells...i dont want to get all the spells i love transcribing ones i find
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Re: stat cap

Post by Pegbyter »

You basically mean you want a psuedo God Mode... You still want the possibility of death; but also want a one shot one kill thing going on...

Well, in my opinion; you can still do that normally without any of the cheats enabled. Here's how; just do FOV and get the Black Sword as your very first priority after leaving Trinsic.. Just hit up LB first for the Golden Ankh ship deed and the crystal, then set sail for the Isle of fire.. You'll still be "One shot One kill" after LB jacks up your str to 60 after banishing Exodus back to the void. As far as the magic.. After you finish FOV you wont need ArchWizard Mode at that point... You'll still have the challenge of having to add spells to your book, but will also still have a decent amount of mana on top of it..

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Re: stat cap

Post by malaki »

yea ive known that, but what about serpent isle? i dont want to have to keep clicking to talk to the daemon sword either to do the kill lol

Re: stat cap

Post by TDI »

There's no fun in being an all-powerful god.

That's why I created this universe for me to reside in and experience the exciting, mortal, human ways. You are all just figments of my imagination, along for the ride, but don't let that keep you down. I know it won't. After all, I made you to believe that you are.
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Re: stat cap

Post by malaki »

well since im asking for it i must think its fun =) regardless debating on where its fun or not isnt the point of my post its can i actually do this somehow and if i can how
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Re: stat cap

Post by Dominus »

Try hex editing the savegame ;)
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Re: stat cap

Post by Pegbyter »

Well, in SI you can just hit F2 and edit the Avatar manually to whatever level/stats you want him at.. Just Uber him up when the ship first lands on the island.. Of course you're still capped at 60/30/30; but you can't have everything...


Re: stat cap

Post by Bluez »

Are there any plans for fixing the cheats? Roughly half of the cheats that work in vanilla U7 are either unimplemented or don't work correctly.
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Re: stat cap

Post by Dominus »

Bluez, thanks for hijacking a thread. Which cheats don't work and which are missing? I think we cover all that are needed. We may not do it like the original but do it differently but mostly more advanced.
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Re: stat cap

Post by agentorangeguy »

I remember vaguely messing with the stats in original SI with the cheat menu. I think you could set them up to 60, but I don't know if it is noticeably different than having stats set at 30/30/30 and combat 30. In Exult, I managed to set the stats high inadvertently, messing with some code in SI that was supposed to heal someone. I didn't notice much of a change that i can remember
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Re: stat cap

Post by Colourless »

Differences in the SI save game format meant that the stats couldn't be raised as high as BG. Can't remember if Exult's savegames have that limitation removed.
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Re: stat cap

Post by malaki »

thanks for the responses guys even if i couldnt raise the stats more. too bad i could change the amount of stats that the belt of strength and gloves of quickness gave lol those are probobly hardcoded

Re: stat cap

Post by LPS »

You can always raise the stats to the max (60/30) and then set the 'might' flag, which will raise them as if you cast 'mass might' (70/45)...

Re: stat cap

Post by LPS »

..err 75/45. It's npc flag #12.