Ultima VII Multiplayer

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Ultima VII Multiplayer

Post by Avatar »

I have played U7 and i think its SUPER ! I like this game really and with the new resolution 800x600 its more better! But something is missing in this perfect game... a multiplayer mode will be great !!! So i can adventure Britannia together with my friends !!! When someone think like me post it!
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Re: Ultima VII Multiplayer

Post by Colourless »

Take the letters N and O and put them together.

They spell NO.

This is NEVER going to happen

That is all.

-Colourless Dragon
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Re: Ultima VII Multiplayer

Post by SB-X »

What an idea! I never thought of that. Adventure through Britannia with your friends huh? You might have really come up with something big Avatar. I'm sure no one has ever thought of it before... I sure havn't.
Now the question remains, when are you going to add this multiplayer
mode into Exult for us?
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Re: Ultima VII Multiplayer

Post by artaxerxes »


just FYI, this is a VERY recurent topic on the forum. As few people have started a port and stopped.

The FAQ contains info about it. read it.

Otherwise, if you feel like it, please start a multiplayer mod. You'll get anyone's blessings....


Re: Ultima VII Multiplayer

Post by Avatar »

Thank you SB-X !!! I will do my best but i search some guys who help. Alone i need years. Now its only an idea but when many people are helping me and support my vision.... we will adventure Britannia together :)
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Re: Ultima VII Multiplayer

Post by artaxerxes »


tell me if I am wrong, but your typing sort of tell me you are French.

Am I right ?

Klown Killer

Re: Ultima VII Multiplayer

Post by Klown Killer »

Yes ! i think it's a french too....

If you can read this then you're french :

zi vas t pas ouf ? téma , suis un çaisfran moi....

Re: Ultima VII Multiplayer

Post by Stephan »

Well, I can read it, but I can't understand it. Do I still have to be French?

Re: Ultima VII Multiplayer

Post by suraimu »

domain: mcbone.net
descr: Mobilcom Cityline GmbH
descr: Willstaetterstr. 13
descr: Duesseldorf
descr: GERMANY

Close, but not quite. :P
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Re: Ultima VII Multiplayer

Post by wjp »

You could also just look at his email address... ends in .de :-)

Re: Ultima VII Multiplayer

Post by suraimu »

That's far too simple of a method!!! :P

Re: Ultima VII Multiplayer

Post by kiler »

How about:
D.....U.....N.....G.....E.....O.....N + SEIGE = Dungeon Seige. (I really had to steal your way and innovate it Colourless Dragon :) ).

You could make a mp version of the game thru DS. You would have to do it yourself though :).

Re: Ultima VII Multiplayer

Post by Telemachos »

Without knowing exactly what I talk about - Ever played Baldurs Gate in multiplayer mode? I think that works fairly poorly but maybe someone likes it :) Basically the multiplayer part consists of ONE character being the leader of the party and the others just control the characters which would otherwise be NPCs. When anyone from the party talks to a game controlled NPC the dialog will pop up on everyones screen so all players will see all dialogs. In BG1 you can even only SHOP one player at a time and the other players has to sit back and watch the player in control shop.

If one took a similar approach then I guess it MIGHT be possible to play U7 as multiplayer. One player would start a new game and would take on the role of the Avatar (similar to the leader in BG). This game is where the STATE of the game is kept.. all flags, savegames etc.

The other players can then connect to this game and take on the roles as companions. Basically all they do is control the movement, fighting and possibly shopping and dialog with NPCs. If they do anything which would set a flag or otherwise change the state of the game the changes would appear in the server game.

Just an idea..

- Telemachos

Re: Ultima VII Multiplayer

Post by Avatar »

No, i am not french. I am germany so i can speak english not so good. Telemachos, your idea is good!!!
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Re: Ultima VII Multiplayer

Post by drcode »

Telemachos: I think what you've described is the sort of multiplayer game that I'd like. To make it even better, there could be side quests that the non-Avatar players could do. For instance, if you're playing Iolo, you might go off on your own to rescue someone or to get a necessary item.

Of course, this would be a >really< challenging game to write, especially since it looks like nobody's ever done it before.
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Re: Ultima VII Multiplayer

Post by artaxerxes »


worldforge is on its way to do that, isn't it?



Re: Ultima VII Multiplayer

Post by dargad »

Ultima 1- 9 are NOT multiplayer games. If someone makes the ULTIMA VII - multiplayer game, it's not ULTIMA VII anymore. It's something else. It's something new and modern.

I'm very tired about read this because the original games and storylines was made for single player.
Many people asking: - How about Ultima IV,V,VII multiplayer? or is it possible to make multiplayer game using Exult or does Exult support multiplayer option. oh crap...

The idea and purpose of old Ultima games is that you play them as single player. You have to take care about the whole party. You feed, armoured, healed, equip them.
You by YOURSELF!! These everything is up to you and your personal skills.

Nowadays, when you buy a new a game (simulator,RPG,adventure,race ..) it possibly comes ( almost every game) with multiplayer feature.
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Re: Ultima VII Multiplayer

Post by SB-X »

I'm very tired of reading messages like yours:
Ultima IV, V, VII
You missed a number! Everyone overlooks VI! Am I the only person
who played it and enjoyed it immensely?
Nevermind... I will assume you made a little typo there. :)
Sorry about that folks... you may now return to your regularly
scheduled forum topic.
Darkfist Dragon

Re: Ultima VII Multiplayer

Post by Darkfist Dragon »

I LOVE Ultima VI, it was my first CRPG and got me completely hooked into Ultima. But I also love the way it is played.. It doth not need a new engine like Black Gate and Serpents Isle, as it playes rather well on my machine (maybe a linux engine or a graphical overhaul, would be nice, but no realtime action, or new plots, etc).

Re: Ultima VII Multiplayer

Post by dargad »

Of course, i forget it. Ultima VI is one of my favourites. I still remember my old 486 Cyrix and Soundblaster Pro card...yyyaa.a..Nothing , but nostalgia.

Re: Ultima VII Multiplayer

Post by Avatar »

I can not understand why you are against my idea. Many people are for a multiplayer mode in Ultima VII, too. Playing alone U7 is good. Playing U7 with another Ultima Fan its GREAT !!! Without a mutliplayer mode U7 will be in the future dead. With a multiplayer it opens new doors !!! The game will be more exciting !!! I hope you all read that and think like me :)
Hacki Dragon
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Re: Ultima VII Multiplayer

Post by Hacki Dragon »

Few of the best computer games in history had multiplayer. Playing the old Ultimas together with your friends?? Come on, have you ever read a book together with your friends?
First and foremost, Ultima 4-7 are about storytelling, not gameplay. If Ultima 7 dies without multiplayer (hilarious!), then let it die.
If all those kewl dewds out there think multiplayer is more important than a good story, they don't deserve a game like U7.
Hacki Dragon

Hacki's Ultima Page
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Re: Ultima VII Multiplayer

Post by nadir »

Well said, Christian.

Re: Ultima VII Multiplayer

Post by dargad »

Christian wrote:

...Few of the best computer games in history had multiplayer...

That's right Christian. Electronic Art's M.U.L.E. is one of them. Still my favourite.

Re: Ultima VII Multiplayer

Post by fliptw »

U7 was only designed with one player in mind. adding MP to that will serverly bork it so much to be worthless.

Re: Ultima VII Multiplayer

Post by Avatar »

Thats a pity. You all are against this idea. Its really a pity. That could be a real challange to make a multiplayer mode. But could it be complete. We all can play together. My idea is that: Every player can select his shape. A Pladin, Avatar, Guard,... Then you wil start in Minoc, Yew in a city. Then you can met other players and make a party and adventure Britannia and make some quests. Thats a fine idea i think. Ok when you are against this idea i will not more talk about this thema.
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Re: Ultima VII Multiplayer

Post by artaxerxes »


and RTFM


Re: Ultima VII Multiplayer

Post by Avatar »

OK OK... Ultima VII Multiplayer is down

Re: Ultima VII Multiplayer

Post by dargad »

yee.. multiplayer Ultima VII. No. Its impossible. How about storyline??

But, if someone makes multiplayer ultima using graphics,shape and map taken from Ultima VII?

Something like: Uncle Bob's Ultima
- graphics and shape taken from Ultima VII
- multiplayer only (lan/internet)
- multilanguage support

I can't imagine it, too big project.
I think that it's easier to buy Ultima Online.
Origin has developed it many years.

Re: Ultima VII Multiplayer

Post by Kurt »

A sunny day in UO:

Me, on the road, walking to Yew from Britain, when I encounter a strange person with brightly coloured hair and garishly coloured items of clothing...

Me: Hail traveller. I say, art thou a wandering jester in that joyful outfit of yours?
Them: wtf?
Me: Sorry, what did you say?
Them: rofl noob
Me: Not from around these parts eh? Where dost thou hail from
Them: [censored] u nubi
---P1mPdADDiE is attacking you!!!---
---You are dead---
Them: lol pWn3D!
Me: ooOooOooO

If it's not d00dplay then it's POWERROLEPLAY
Me: Hail traveller!
Me: Pardon?
Me: Very well, draw thy sword and I shall fight thee!
Me: Thy head shall be mine, undead fiend!
Them: *Shoots laser death rays from eyes*
Me: *Cowers behind shield then lunges forth, sword drawn*
---You are attacking VAMPIRELORD---
(vampirelord dies, out of courtesy I ressurect him)
Them: FFS can't roleplay noob.

I like the idea of a multiplayer U7, that I can easily invite just a handful of friends to and wouldn't have to put up with the above...

I can't code to save my life though. So nevermind.
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Re: Ultima VII Multiplayer

Post by SB-X »

The opinion of this thread doesn't seem to be against someone creating a multiplayer Exult, for a small group of friends to venture together simultaneously... but most of us don't want another UO and I think we can all agree that it would not exactly be "Ultima VII" anymore with this modification.
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Re: Ultima VII Multiplayer

Post by Dominus »

as Ipointed out some other time, there are people who developed free server software for use with UO. If you like you can use that to wander around Britain with your friends.
Read the documentation and the FAQ! There is no excuse for not reading them! RTFM
Read the Rules!
We do not support Piracy/Abandonware/Warez!
Darkfist Dragon

Re: Ultima VII Multiplayer

Post by Darkfist Dragon »

>>If it's not d00dplay then it's POWERROLEPLAY(we have one already)

Re: Ultima VII Multiplayer

Post by Kurt »

Don't get me wrong, I've played UO for years and I still enjoy it... but I find now that I have to stick to certain locations and groups of people. If you just go wandering, you meet all the idiots. Find a group you get along with and stick with them, and have 'friendly' wars with other roleplayers (if you are a roleplayer that is), and UO becomes a wonderful game.

My point was that a multiplayer U7 would not be UO. It would not be massively multiplayerly onlinely roleplayingly... you'd be able to play with a select bunch. But the plot would have to be modified so only certain characters can do certain tasks - otherwise the avatar will lead the way and do everything and not really need the party. Hell, once I completed Forge of Virtue I fired all my party members and completed the game alone...
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Re: Ultima VII Multiplayer

Post by artaxerxes »

another point we can think of: since the goal of ExultStudio is to be able to create new games, then maybe the multiplayer feature could be useful << if you guys when to have the feature available.

Perso, I just don't care. U7 multiplayer, NO; but any other game created with ES being multiplayer, hey, why not?


Re: Ultima VII Multiplayer

Post by Cthulu »

Ack an Ultima VII Multiplayer i belive there is one in work isnt there? lemme find that site *searches his invintory* oh here it is http://www.azmodean.com/u7/enter.html if this is wrong Im sure there is a link to it on the links page of this site *bows to all* Farewell
Hacki Dragon
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Re: Ultima VII Multiplayer

Post by Hacki Dragon »

Nope, this was a project to remake U7 with the Dungeon Siege engine. It seems it died last summer.

I think you are talking about http://www.geocities.com/ultima7online/
Unfortunately, they gave up, too. (last news from June 2000)
Hacki Dragon

Hacki's Ultima Page
Dantec Dragon

Re: Ultima VII Multiplayer

Post by Dantec Dragon »

Ok, my idea of Ultima 7 multiplay, that would still be ultima 7... and yes this is just an idea for everybody and no im not asking the exult team to do it any more then I would ask them to do my laundry...

Create two clients that people can download. One is the host client, the other is the player client. Both clients use and alter the U7 BG data file like exult does (ie, with the same basic changes of running in windows, sound graphics, ladeeda.)

The host client basically looks after the world, which is the map strait from BG. It is used to make a dedicated internet server that anybody with a copy of u7, the player patch, and net connection can connect to, sort of like a MUD. The strait default world has no main plot, and no (ending), but the person running the client server can attach plots/additions that they make themselfs or download.

The player client lets a player search for worlds currently online out of a listing, joining puts them in with a character they chose. They can keep this character on this world if they wish, though it is not interchangeable to others.

Ok, erm, think of UO, without the worrying about eq and stats much, because theres not that much eq and stats to worry about in U7, and without tons and tons of people, rather several worlds where ultima enthusiasts can hang out and chat, or go wandering around the world Role Playing, and just having fun like everybody does in U7 single player.

-Dantec Dragon

Re: Ultima VII Multiplayer

Post by Avatar »

Yes, good idea. This ide is like my idea but you see...all the other U7 players dont like a u7 multiplayer "to much work" , "the story is lost" or else.
Hacki Dragon
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Re: Ultima VII Multiplayer

Post by Hacki Dragon »

If you want to roleplay in a true Ultima environment, try Legacy:

http://post.uwstout.edu/e/enderled/ulti ... agons.html
Hacki Dragon

Hacki's Ultima Page

Re: Ultima VII Multiplayer

Post by Stephan »

With emphasis on ROLEPLAY. No OSI doodish behavior is tolerated on Legacy.

Re: Ultima VII Multiplayer

Post by kiler »

I still stand by my dungeon seige ruling. :D
Carlos Sisi

Re: Ultima VII Multiplayer

Post by Carlos Sisi »

Don't you people knows Tibia? There you are... Ultima-ish free multiplayer game online: http://www.tibia.org

I'm completely addicted to it.

Re: Ultima VII Multiplayer

Post by Avatar »

I know Tibia... but the graphic is sooooo bad. The Graphic from U7 is MUCH BETTER, ok?
Carlos Sisi

Re: Ultima VII Multiplayer

Post by Carlos Sisi »

Yeah you are right, but if i were to move by graphics solely, I would be playing quake 3 arena...
Pan Sola

Re: Ultima VII Multiplayer

Post by Pan Sola »

Is there any sphere (non-Origin UO server) that used U7 or SI as
time/geography background? that'd be fun to play.

Avatar, don't be discouraged. The definition of "Multiplayer U7" isn't
very clear, and different people would accept one type of "multiplayer
U7" more than the other. I personally woudn't mind if multiplayer means
my roommate can control a member of my party, and cannot wander off
more than 5 ft from me (unless in battle, when he is allowed to run away from me for 20 ft), and in general only have stuff to do when there are
battles. And together we can stop the Guardian.

But if you simply want a game that is set in the U7 universe, and lots
of people do their own stuff in the same world, and interact, and have
a good time, then I would say it is technically not "multiplayer U7", but
an "Ultima Online based on the U7 universe", and this is what most of
the people are flaming about. IMHO, if this is what you want, it's easier
to do it with the UO engine than the Exult engine, since it's easier to
change geography/npc settings than it is to add multiplayer support
(which for Exult would be pretty much like writing a new engine almost
from scratch).

Of course, 50 years in the future, ExultStudio may finally have a multiplayer
support (and a good one too), and then you can fulfill your dreams (-:

My recommendation to you, is to find a bunch of programmer friends,
convert them to Ultima fans, and convince them to add "multiplayer
support" (however you define it) to Exult.

just my two guilders,
may the virtues be with thee

Pan Sola
aka notAdragon
aka norApremium
Pan Sola

Re: Ultima VII Multiplayer

Post by Pan Sola »

Consider this:

I've seen an SNES port of Ultima 7. The gameplay was MUCH different
from the PC version. It's in fact closer to the PC Ultima 6 in terms of
interface. Well, it woudn't be too hard to allow the second controller
control one of the party members when in battle (only).

But then again, the gameplay of the SNES port feels a LOT different than
the PC version. I died in Trinsic (killed by a few rats that seems to be
generated via random encounter), and didn't play on (it was at a friend's
house). A multiplayer version of that would be like when playing U6 on
PC and during battle, when it's Iolo's turn, I hand the keyboard over to
my roommate so he can control Iolo's movements. Then he'll hand it back
to me when it's the Avatar's turn.

another two guilders

Pan Sola
aka notAdragon
aka norApremium

Re: Ultima VII Multiplayer

Post by Max »

i wouldn't use sphere as emu, pol is much better,much more customizable.

Re: Ultima VII Multiplayer

Post by Max »

ahh haven't read all now, but if you are interested in the ultima 7 online code here's the link www.sourceforge.net/project/u7o
probably it's not totally (don't have it totally in my mind right now)right but then just search for u7o in sourceforge.
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Re: Ultima VII Multiplayer

Post by SB-X »

Pan Sola: How can you compare Ultima 6 to the SNES port of Ultima 7? :) Please explain how they are close to each-other in terms of interface.