Dialog history

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Guru Dragon
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Dialog history

Post by Guru Dragon »

Would there be a way to make something like a log of the Avatar's conversations? It doesn't need to go back forever, maybe just something like the past 25 people spoken to. I've seen this in several other RPGs and they come in handy when you're trying to remember what so-and-so said about a sub-quest, or you accidentally click past some important text (which I'm prone to doing).
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Re: Dialog history

Post by drcode »

I'm sure it's doable. It's a matter of getting someone to code it.
Malignant Manor
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Re: Dialog history

Post by Malignant Manor »

Is someone impersonating DrCode again?
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Re: Dialog history

Post by drcode »

It's me, but I don't know how to prove it.:-)

Re: Dialog history

Post by Kory »

Yeah, that's a good idea... or... though perhaps a bit trickier, a quest log... I'm not sure how the flags in the game work, but maybe if you have a predefined list of quests/flags to check for and a brief description for each... [if then "Penumbra believes there is a large object disturbing the ether in a cave to the North of Moonglow--perhaps Dungeon Deceit."]
http://cse.spsu.edu/jpreston/Personal/u7.txt - this text doc has a numbered list near the top of what looks to be the major flags for the game.

- Kory
Deceitful Dragon
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Re: Dialog history

Post by marzo »

Actually, there is already support in Exult for automatic notes in the notebook when flags are set. Exult looks for a file called "autonotes.txt", first in the patch dir then in the static dir if that is not found. We don't currently ship such files, or have any the meaning of each flag for each game; but I would happily code a way to bundle it into the exult_XX.flx files for distribution (and make it sport differential patching for mods, as there is currently no such thing).
Marzo Sette Torres Junior
aka Geometrodynamic Dragon
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Malignant Manor
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Re: Dialog history

Post by Malignant Manor »

The linked file does not contain flag numbers.