SI: Death Knight / Stefano

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3D Master
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SI: Death Knight / Stefano

Post by 3D Master »


I just killed the death knight, and want to talk to Stefano about the reward he promised, but he want talk anymore! I can use the 'T' shortcut, or double click him, makes no difference, nothing happens. I can still talk to everyone else though. Anyone have an idea?
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Re: SI: Death Knight / Stefano

Post by marzo »

His schedule is probably set to 'Combat'. If you wait for a few game hours (can be up to 3 hours), his schedule will revert to normal and you will be able to talk to him again.
Marzo Sette Torres Junior
aka Geometrodynamic Dragon
[url=]How To Ask Questions The Smart Way[/url]

Re: SI: Death Knight / Stefano

Post by Kensu »

I remember something similar with the sculptor in Monitor. When I hit "C" to attack a door my party started yelling battle cries and tried to kill him.
It was a very odd experience. :)