everyone is missing!

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everyone is missing!

Post by iggy »

In my game most towns are ghost towns, except a few important people! A ton of people are at the coordinates 4080, 4091 approximately... it's probably the void or something. How do I reset the locations of all NPC's?

Re: everyone is missing!

Post by MV »

Did you happen to cast armageddeon?

Re: everyone is missing!

Post by ultimaIX »

Strange iggy - i had something very similar happen to my SI game. Luther moved to a location very close to yours - 4080, 4080 i believe (and when you go to that point, he's not really there, and according to ES he's not on the map at all). Also several other NPC's are in odd locations (or so i believe). The woman who is supposed to be in Sleeping Bull Inn (the one who takes you to the mint) is now in monitor, and she trains at the training room. I'm wondering if somehow the NPC's are getting their scheduals exchanged. I'm using exult 1.4, and playing serpent isle. (and no, i did not cast armageddeon :)


Re: everyone is missing!

Post by iggy »

Yeah it is weird. I practically just began a new game of black gate, and most minor shop owners and residents are just not there. Well I just restarted the game and that fixed my problem, but it was odd..
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Re: everyone is missing!

Post by MeddlingMonk »

I'm getting similar things in a new game I started in SI with recent snapshots. The leaders of the commands in Montor along with...whatisname...the guy who exchanges money are missing from Monitor (although they reappear briefly for the feast) while Alysand sits in the office in the hall of Monitor during the day and Fawn's chancellor eats in the pub in Monitor in the evenings.

Meanwhile, Moriarty pursues Phillip Marlow across Europe and Beowulf shoots President Lincoln at Carnagie Hall.
Jets Connor

Re: everyone is missing!

Post by Jets Connor »

Yeah, I had a few people disappearing to those high coordinates too, and that area is off the map. Any chance the [`]eleport option is going to become usable in the near future?
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Re: everyone is missing!

Post by Dominus »

wouldn't help as this is off the map, indicating those NPCs have left the game.
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Re: everyone is missing!

Post by drcode »

Sounds like your savegames have messed up somehow. Let us know if it keeps happening.
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Re: everyone is missing!

Post by MeddlingMonk »

I just started a new game of SI using the latest snapshot. I spoke with Marsten et al. in the Monitor crypts, they walked out and that was that. Once they were out of sight I couldn't locate them. Except for Marsten, briefly, as I came out the crypts he was still walking toward the street. I followed him to the hall of Monitor, watched him pace around like normal, then I went to see Iolo and went straight back to the hall and Marsten was gone. I couldn't find him or Spektor or Brendann anywhere in Monitor or elsewhere. Caladin still was showing up in the list field. Allysand was still in the Fellowship camp but then the last time she didn't show up in Monitor until after I'd spoken with her. This time I just played long enough to see whether or not Marsten and the others would vanish from Monitor. I didn't do any saving or loading so I doubt that corrupt saves are involved.
Gradilla Dragon
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Re: everyone is missing!

Post by Gradilla Dragon »

Could it have something to do with the addition of a Z coordinate to the schedules?
- Gradilla Dragon
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Re: everyone is missing!

Post by drcode »

Hmm... maybe. I'll give it a try tonight.
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Re: everyone is missing!

Post by drcode »

Yep, I did mess it up. Should be fixed in tomorrow's snapshot, but I'm afraid you'll have to go back to a savegame before you first speak to Marsten.

Re: everyone is missing!

Post by ultimaIX »

fine by me - just glad to see it fixed! :)
