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Old topic

Post by artaxerxes »

You guys will never believe it!

I've been doing some clean-up on my harddrive this weekend and I've found an old copy of one of the most discussed and appreciated topic on Exult's forum: Mr Shiny Pants (Spark). I've got the whole thing right here and for your enjoyment purposes, the copy of the whole thing will be in the next thread!


Edit by Dominus: this thread unofrtunately attracts spammers, so it is closed for now. Well, it's 14 years later :)
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Re: Old topic

Post by artaxerxes »

Algebraic Number Theory

Author: Colourless Dragon (---.ResNet.ukings.ns.Ca)
Date: 10-28-01 06:45

Hey wjp, i hear you like algebraic number theory.

-Colourless Dragon

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Re: Algebraic Number Theory

Author: wjp (---.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se)
Date: 10-28-01 07:17

Yeah, it's great. It even has some pretty useful applications. The number field sieve, for instance, is one of the fastest factoring algorithms currently available.

Let's start with the basics, though: anyone feel like giving the definitions of group, ring, field, and number field? (If not, I will)

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Re: Algebraic Number Theory

Author: Colourless Dragon (---.ResNet.ukings.ns.Ca)
Date: 10-28-01 08:45

Such things sound vaguely familiar to things that I was once supposed to learn at university. It's been far too long though, and i've pretty much forgotten most of it, so you had better explain, unless someone else wants to?

-Colourless Dragon

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Re: Algebraic Number Theory

Author: wjp (---.paradise.net.nz)
Date: 10-28-01 09:19

Sure, I'll explain:

a 'group' (additively written) is a set G together with an operation '+', that meet the following axioms:

there must be an element '0' in G, so that for all x in G:
0 + x = x + 0 = x

for all elements x in G, there must be an inverse -x, so that:
(-x) + x = x + (-x) = 0

for all elements x, y and z in G:
(x + y) + z = x + (y + z)

Anyone want to followup with the definition of 'ring'?

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: toad`sMoke (---.ResNet.ukings.ns.Ca)
Date: 10-28-01 09:27

hehe me neither. Exult developers: are you trying to say something? =P

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: crypt (---.216.41.121.ma.110.net)
Date: 10-28-01 15:03

he is a flamer

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: Tim (---.ras14.nynyc.tii-dial.net)
Date: 10-30-01 17:20

I thought I was hallucinating. I noticed it too. Spark's paperdoll also seems to point to steroid use. Such a shame. :)

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: Oblivious (---.ptld.uswest.net)
Date: 10-31-01 18:03

I've noticed his shorts glow yellow and green for awhile. It actually looks kinda cool...

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: suraimu (---.fuse.net)
Date: 10-31-01 19:53

I want glowing shorts!

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: Tim (---.ras14.nynyc.tii-dial.net)
Date: 11-01-01 15:46

Well, his name is "Spark". :)

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: duckie (165.21.83.---)
Date: 11-01-01 19:56

Perhaps he needs a spark plug.

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: XxVenomxX
Date: 11-01-01 20:23

Might as well change his name to Sparkle. That would go well with his steroid pumped body.

Yah, I am Spahkle! Und I ahm heah to PUMP *clap* YOU UP!

Fantasy art/Illustration by Brendan Setaro

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: Soul Reaver (---.paradise.net.nz)
Date: 11-02-01 05:22

Seriously now though... is this a bug? Will it be fixed?

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: toad`sMoke (---.ResNet.ukings.ns.Ca)
Date: 11-02-01 07:52

Naw, we like it. It's an extra bonus for all the sodomites and pedophiles in the world...

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: XxVenomxX
Date: 11-02-01 09:04

Hey, speak for yourself when you use terms like that toad. : /

Fantasy art/Illustration by Brendan Setaro

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: toad`sMoke (---.ResNet.ukings.ns.Ca)
Date: 11-02-01 10:41

lol. some people are just too sensitive...

sorry if i made you blush

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: XxVenomxX@school (149.152.219.---)
Date: 11-02-01 10:47

No, I just know someone personally who was affected in that situation. It's not good to be reminded about that sorta stuff, hehe. Trust me, I'm one of the least sensitive people you'll meet when it comes to vulgarity and violence. But there's always touchy ground

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: Colourless Dragon
Date: 11-02-01 12:47

Chances are we will not fix this problem as it doesn't look like it's actually a bug. The original should actually do it as well.

-Colourless Dragon

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: wjp (---.speed.planet.nl)
Date: 11-02-01 15:19

It does not happen in the original. The two pixels that flash in exult should have the following colour:

left: 4C,5C,28, right: 40,50,20 (which is a browngreenish colour)
(RGB, hex)

I'll see if I can figure anything out about this tomorrow

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: wjp (---.speed.planet.nl)
Date: 11-03-01 05:48

Should be fixed now.

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: Tim (---.214.220.88.Dial1.Philadelphia1.Level3.ne)
Date: 11-03-01 08:04

Can someone make a smaller paperdoll for Spark too? Pwease? He's just too damn big. :)

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: toad`sMoke (---.ResNet.ukings.ns.Ca)
Date: 11-03-01 10:11

i don't think so. it'd create such a big problem. you'd have to recreate all the armor to fit a little boy and change all the positions of the weapons and armor within the paperdoll when equipped...
i hope you know what i mean.

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: Tim (---.ras14.nynyc.tii-dial.net)
Date: 11-03-01 13:40

Gotcha. It'd be nice tho. :)

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: toad`sMoke (---.ResNet.ukings.ns.Ca)
Date: 11-03-01 15:18

oh yeah. i thought the exact same thing when i first saw it.

maybe someone might do it. if they have the time.

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: crypt (---.216.41.121.ma.110.net)
Date: 11-03-01 20:37

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: toad`sMoke (---.ResNet.ukings.ns.Ca)
Date: 11-04-01 10:43

"is your wife a goer?"

lol.... monty python are so awesome

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: Rob D (---.ipt.aol.com)
Date: 11-07-01 22:16

with Dupre as a fan too.
Ask him in Ultima VI about "damsels" and how grateful those are when rescued.

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: comat0se (---.Colorado.EDU)
Date: 11-08-01 13:48

Can the Sparkly Spark's Ass be a Gameplay option... I thought it was kind of cool. I thought he had on some magic pants or something.

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: grunt (---.Resnet.Dal.Ca)
Date: 11-08-01 20:30

magic pants, this is Ultima 7 not a MC Hammer concert

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: MV (---.vic.bigpond.net.au)
Date: 11-08-01 20:47

How about retro-fitting the unused emp profile to be spark?

Give him a backwards cap, brand name shoes, (magic boots are so 200 years ago), and call him DJ SPARKY.

He can have a megaphone as a weapon and rap the monsters to boredom.


smith: UH-OH! Ok ok, I'll tell you clues that will be of use in THIS game!

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: Stephan (---.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se)
Date: 11-09-01 01:59

Are we still talking about Spark's ass?!

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: MV (---.vic.bigpond.net.au)
Date: 11-09-01 04:05

If you want, but, I'd rather talk about cantra's arse........

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: Stephan (---.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se)
Date: 11-09-01 05:36

What?! I'd prefer not to talk about asses at all!

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: Tim (---.214.212.166.Dial1.Philadelphia1.Level3.n)
Date: 11-09-01 14:51

Cantra's only 14.... you bad boy.

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: MV (144.137.128.---)
Date: 11-10-01 12:49

heh, good thing alyssand is legal though. :)

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: Colourless (---.internode.on.net.au)
Date: 11-10-01 15:33

Hey, Cantra may have been 14 when the game originally came out in 1992, but now it's 2001, that means she's now 23. ;-)

-Colourless Dragon

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: Stephan (---.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se)
Date: 11-10-01 16:57

Actually, she would probably have died from old age by now. Time runs much slower on Earth, remember? ;)

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: MV (144.137.128.---)
Date: 11-10-01 21:24

Ah, but does the time go the same as brittainia in the world of serpent isle?

Remember erstram is still around in serpent isle, and he left when lord british became the king of brittania back around u4 I think it was. And that is hundreds of years ago in brittania timeline.

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: Tim (---.ras14.nynyc.tii-dial.net)
Date: 11-11-01 14:08

It's 250 or so years. According to a book in the MageLord's palace. So it looks like time runs the same on Serpent Isle as in Britannia. And yes, it was just before Ulitma IV when Lord British became king of all Britannia. There is 200 years between Ultima VI and VII. I think the others are closer together in time.

Erstram was experimenting with immortality. I guess he figured something out.

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: suraimu (---.fuse.net)
Date: 11-11-01 16:46

I forget where I read it, but the time difference between Earth and
Britannia is about 1:10 - ten Britannian years for every Earth year.

So, technically, Cantra would be..... 104. :)

Actually, probably anywhere between 104 and 113, if you get down
to months and such. Either way she's toast. :)

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: Stephan (---.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se)
Date: 11-11-01 17:41

No no, it's not 1:10... 200 years passed between U6 and U7, and I don't think 20 years passed on Earth - at least not when looking at the intros.

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: fliend (---.dialsprint.net)
Date: 11-12-01 21:35

That's why spark's ass shines(staying on topic) he's a disco boy and has shiny space pants and is really the Avatar back in 1979 when this all started. hmm.
Ultima 1 18
Ultima 7 looks to be 35 doesn't he?
Ultima 9 hmm... 50(and on steroids)

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: toad`sMoke (---.ResNet.ukings.ns.Ca)
Date: 11-13-01 14:00

I agree. Spark's flashy shorts should be an option...

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: ToasterThief (142.12.32.---)
Date: 11-13-01 15:44

Actually, time runs differently in SI than in Britannia. Remember that several months have gone by in Britannia when you are on SI. In your dreams, Britannia has suffered greatly due to the imbalance...

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: Telemachos (---.stofanet.dk)
Date: 11-14-01 06:59

Lol, when the Exult team makes a gameplay option for sparkly asses it means they have too much time on their hands ;)

About the paper-doll stuff - wouldn't it be possible to simply scale all coords from the center of the gump (or something like that). It would seem to me that if Sparks paperdoll was scaled with respect to the normal size of a paperdoll then one could simply scale all the coords and equipment overlays by the same value and they would fit a smaller doll. Just an idea..

- Telemachos

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: Lord Rat (---.intuit.com)
Date: 11-14-01 07:13

I don't think his dreams were the real Britannia.

I believe they were premonitions and/or Omens.

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: toad`sMoke (---.ResNet.ukings.ns.Ca)
Date: 11-14-01 10:53

Yeah, that's what I thought. that being premotions and omens.

Telemachos: they'd have scale down all the armor as well... I argee, it's a good idea, but I'm not sure anyone of the developers want to sent time doing it...
Although, it would be great if you could. If i know how, i'd do it.

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: toad`sMoke (---.ResNet.ukings.ns.Ca)
Date: 11-17-01 09:29

Developers of Exult: are you planning on making Spark's flashy pants an option?

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: ToasterThief (142.12.15.---)
Date: 11-17-01 09:52

Possibly, although LB makes reference to the fact that the Gargoyles are currently all asleep (as In Furnace) and that the storms (which have been in SI for quite a bit of time) are in Britannia...remember that he also mentions that the Mint was zapped away.

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: toad`sMoke (---.ResNet.ukings.ns.Ca)
Date: 11-17-01 12:54

what are you talking about?

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: Lord Rat (---.intuit.com)
Date: 11-19-01 08:57

Correct, however, your mind (or rather, Avatar's mind) could be fabricating this information in order to add to the meaning of that Omen. Something like if you don't save SI, Britannia is doomed.

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: toadsMoke (---.ResNet.ukings.ns.Ca)
Date: 11-21-01 12:26

Okay, all in favor of implementing Spark's flashy pants as default or an option, say Aye.

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: Dominus (---.15.univie.teleweb.at)
Date: 11-21-01 13:16

Okay, all in favour of ToadsMoke to implement that option say Aye.

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: Stephan (---.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se)
Date: 11-21-01 13:25


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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: Tim (---.214.222.88.Dial1.Philadelphia1.Level3.ne)
Date: 11-21-01 19:08

Aye. :) His name is "Spark". He should have shiny pants.

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: XxVenomxX
Date: 11-21-01 21:59


Fantasy art/Illustration by Brendan Setaro

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: MV (---.vic.bigpond.net.au)
Date: 11-22-01 01:35

I don't care, I never have spark in the party to begin with.

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: fliend (---.dialsprint.net)
Date: 11-22-01 09:56

Default, definitely not. An option definitely. Thier should always be an option. Thier should also be an option to make the Avatar's eyes glow like Seravok in Baldur's Gate. He is, after all, a god.

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: fliend (---.dialsprint.net)
Date: 11-22-01 10:00

No I'm not going to implement that option. I don't think the Avatar's eyes should glow(unless wearing a plate helm). Just a thought

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: Stephan (---.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se)
Date: 11-22-01 10:04

When did the Avatar become a god? ;)

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: toad`sMoke (---.ResNet.ukings.ns.Ca)
Date: 11-22-01 13:57

Donimus: if I knew how to, I'd be on the Exult team already... I love Ultima and would love to help out Exult...

Anyone want to teach me the basics, or tell me where I could read about it tell me.

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: fliend (---.dialsprint.net)
Date: 11-22-01 14:32

When was he NOT a god? He always had that special something, why is he the only one who can follow the eight virtues? Even when he was a scowndrel in U1 he was still potentially an ethreal being and of course in U8 he got to show it off a little. U9, well, that's a given, isn't it.

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: Stephan (---.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se)
Date: 11-22-01 15:15

Well, I thought that was the point of the Quest of the Avatar... to prove that a normal human could achieve enlightenment in all the Virtues and set an example for others to follow.

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: MV (144.137.128.---)
Date: 11-22-01 21:25

Ethereal Titan anyone? Remember that from u8? I think the titan's were considered gods.

Pity the avatar didn't have unlimited ethereal magic at his command. That would have been sweet.

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: comat0se (---.rbe39-167.den.pcisys.net)
Date: 11-22-01 22:10

Well if they don't make it an option I will go back through the code and change it back to Sparkly Ass. I'm serious... I thought it was kinda cool. I didn't know that it wasn't supposed to happen.

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: Stephan (---.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se)
Date: 11-23-01 01:26

Well, MV, of course - but we were talking about U7 now, no Titan of Ether yet. :P

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: Colourless Dragon
Date: 11-23-01 07:25

Well, Ultima 8 could have happened before Ultima 7. For Arcadion at least it seems to be true. Either he travelled back in time to get from Ultima 8 to Ultima 7, or the Avatar travelled back in time from Serpent Isle to Pagan. You know that Arcadion did say that travelling between worlds can cause strange things to time. Serpent Isle to Pagan is a travel between worlds. :-)

You've got to consider something though... how was the Avatar able to cast spells in Ultima 7 when the ethereal waves were all messed? What about in Serpent Isle where the Avatar wasn't restricted to just one field of magic as all the other spell casters there? Our Avatar is no jack of all trades, master or none... he is master of all, always has been, always will be! He is no mere mortal. :-)

-Colourless Dragon

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: Stephan (---.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se)
Date: 11-23-01 07:40

No mere mortal, no, but absolutely no god! The Avatar is humble enough to settle for the title 'Paragon of Virtue', methinks. ;)

As for Arcadion, I've thought about it before... Arcadion doesn't recognize the Avatar in U8, so either he suffers from amnesia, the trip from Serpent Isle to Pagan sent the Avatar back in time, or it's simply another Daemon named Arcadion. Anyway, the point is that from the Avatar's point of view, the events in U7 happened before U8, and thus he was not yet the Titan of Ether in U7. Interesting thought, though.

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: fliend (---.dialsprint.net)
Date: 11-23-01 10:51

Humility is not knowing what you really are. If you do know you are a god, you are not humble, you are corrupt in the mortal realm. It would be impossible not to be. Once you pass into the ethereal realm, you cannot be corrupt, your views are different. In Acsension, however, you were forced(at some points) to admit you were the Avatar. "I'm a friend" would get little from people. (eg. Britain Musium, Buc's Den Tavern, Trinsic Guard, ect.) That part was not a glitch or lazy effort in dialogue writing, it was ment to be that way. RG is notorious for messing with the player's purist ethics. My theory on that is, saying I'm a friend 1st is good, then go ahead and admit you are the Avatar sacrificing CAH... CAH... CAH... some virtue. LUM. LUM LUM...
"Main Guy" in Baldur's Gate didn't know he was a god either, but he was. Anyway, I was joking when I said the Avatar's eyes should glow. I don't think Spark's ass should either except as an option. But a choice of that even being an option, I am indifferent as I won't be using that option except for laughs.

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: toad`sMoke (142.176.103.---)
Date: 11-23-01 15:44

I don't think that avatar is a god for the simple reason that he can die. what would the good for a god that could die. everyone knows at one time or another someone in the world is mad at some god, if it were possible to kill the god where's all the gods? ...now that brings up the question, can gods be create or born? .......

can we all have shining pants? =P
how abouta certain pair of shorts, when equiped, makes the ass sparkle?

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: Lord Rat (---.tucson1.az.home.com)
Date: 11-23-01 20:13

Play Black and White

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: XxVenomxX
Date: 11-23-01 22:02

Thanks for the Baldurs Gate spoiler. Not like I was playing it currently or anything >:/


Fantasy art/Illustration by Brendan Setaro

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: drk (204.2.54.---)
Date: 11-24-01 01:20

maybe he was just becoming a god.. avatar defined is a god like being or a being with god-like abilities. therefor.. if he wasnt a full god, he was either becoming one or partly one? maybe like i said in another thread, we could make a new ultima series with exult and have the avatar a true god since it would take place after u9? he did ascend and all.. lol

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: fliend (---.dialsprint.net)
Date: 11-24-01 22:11

*spoiler schmoiler, everyone whose anyone knows that! quitcher complain'n.

About the God thing. The Avatar can't die in Ultima VII but is found by fellowship members after getting his head beat off. And dying once is not grounds for not being a God. He is as powerful as the guardian and in fact IS the guardian. You can't go up against the big red guy.

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: MV (144.137.129.---)
Date: 11-25-01 00:08

Now if origin were still making games instead of milking UOL, they could have then made a series that you played as the guardian from when he became created.

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: XxVenomxX
Date: 11-25-01 11:11

Now you're beginning to warrant a making fun of fliend, not everyone plays games as soon as they come out, lol. Why don't ya tell me a game you're playing now, and I'll tell ya how it ends. Sheesh. I guess you ARE lonely. ;) I guess I'm not anyone, hehe.

And BTW, if you don't go to the fellowship camp in Paws, you *can* die. You only get rescued after a certain point, being introduced to E&A, and/or talking to the head of the Paws branch of the Fellowship. Die in Trinsic in the beginning of the game. Do ya wake up in Paws? Nope.

Fantasy art/Illustration by Brendan Setaro

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: hoeksmas (---.Resnet.Dal.Ca)
Date: 11-25-01 11:27

Now we all have to look back and realize this whole thread started from flashy spark pants. I'm personally amazed it hasn't turned into a fight over Nazism, guess it just needs a few dozen more posts to reach that point

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: toad`sMoke (---.ResNet.ukings.ns.Ca)
Date: 11-25-01 11:53

I haven't played Ultima 9 yet... [computer's not good enough]
ascend... hehehe...

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: XxVenomxX
Date: 11-25-01 13:52

It seems that any topic can inevitably turn into any other topic, hehe. Sometimes I add fuel to the fires, but it's all in good fun anyways. I mean, who takes this stuff serious? With the exception of Ultima 7 of course! But if it's not being said to me in real life, *shrug* don't really care. But spoilers are never fun! Put a spoiler alert for everyones sake. :)

Fantasy art/Illustration by Brendan Setaro

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: Tim (---.214.210.240.Dial1.Philadelphia1.Level3.n)
Date: 11-25-01 17:27


Humility is knowing what you are and not making it over-important, bragging, or acting superior to others. i.e. Realizing the world would continue if you weren't around... remember the ghosts in Magincia (U4)... I'm dead, but the world continues? :) Even Britannia would have continued if you failed in any of these games, it just wouldn't have any people :). It's not ignorance. Remember the virtue questions too... Shalt thou... A) Valiantly enter the wrestling match and fight to win or B) Humbly decline, knowing that thou shalt emerge victorious?

Also, you had to say you are the Avatar in U9 because they didn't record every fan's name. In U5-8, when someone asked your name, you could answer with your correct name. But since in U9, the voice actor didn't sit there and say Bill, Jack, Jane, Joe, Hoochie-Mama, Slappy, Fred Flintstone into the mic, the character's name had to be "The Avatar". I guess they could have had the player record his/her name at the beginning, but then that would sound, well, silly if it were inserted in the conversation. :)

Why couldn't the Avatar be a god? And the Guardian another god? The whole Yin and Yang thing seems pretty mythalogical to me.


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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: Oblivious (---.ptld.uswest.net)
Date: 11-26-01 00:22

Actually, an Avatar is somebody possessed by a God or chosen by a god to harness said god's powers.

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: Stephan (---.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se)
Date: 11-26-01 03:50

Or an incarnation of something, not necessarily a god.

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: Darkfist Dragon
Date: 11-26-01 15:17

An Avatar is the physical manifestation (embodiment) of a certain subject.. May it be a god, or virtues or the stink from a toilet.
The Ultima Avatar was named thus, as he was the first normal human (as we know) who became enlightened in the eight virtues. Becoming truly enlightened would mean that the virtue becomes part of your though, behavior, being, thus you would become the manifestation for what this virtue stands.

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: Lord Rat (---.intuit.com)
Date: 11-26-01 15:24

Main Entry: av·a·tar
Pronunciation: 'a-v&-"tär
Function: noun
Etymology: Sanskrit avatAra descent, from avatarati he descends, from ava- away + tarati he crosses over -- more at UKASE, THROUGH
Date: 1784
1 : the incarnation of a Hindu deity (as Vishnu)
2 a : an incarnation in human form b : an embodiment (as of a concept or philosophy) often in a person
3 : a variant phase or version of a continuing basic entity

(I hope this paints a horizontal line)

Basically, I have always thought of an avatar as the re-embodiment of a god. If that god was a cow, then the avatar would be a cow, if it was a fish, the avatar would be a fish, etc.

In Ultima, you become the 'Avatar' becuase through the application of the virtues, people aspire to become as like you. (See all the references in U7 to the fake Avatars.) They have exaulted you to a God-like status. Your close friends think highly of you, but I get the feeling that they never worship you the same way. It's probably just that they were your sidekick, and you don't see yourself as a god, and neither do they.

This Avatar, however, is the embodiment of a beleif system. The beleif system is the foundation of a religion (the virtues) and thus, it makes you the god of that religion. Therefore, when you come back, people see you as an avatar.

These are only my thoughts, of course. Feel free to interpret them as you will.

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: Max aka Moscow Dragon (---.dialup.mtu-net.ru)
Date: 11-26-01 17:10

"Avatar" term is used by psychologists to describe people who chat on the Internet using 2 or more nicknames and impersonating several persons.

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: suraimu (---.fuse.net)
Date: 11-27-01 01:46

But enough with all this silly metaphysical crap. Let's get back to

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: a (---.Resnet.Dal.Ca)
Date: 11-27-01 04:54

Spahkle! Spahkle! Spahkle! When you're beautiful and your pants are spahkling, you can dance for love!

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: Lord Rat (---.intuit.com)
Date: 11-27-01 11:34

Interestingly enough, though, that definition of 'avatar' is only in the world encyclopedia (the only uncut encyclopedia).

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: suraimu (---.fuse.net)
Date: 11-27-01 12:21

(A housewife in her kitchen blows a whistle, bringing
Mr. Sparkle to life off of his box. He calls to her.)
Mr. Sparkle: I'm disrespectful to dirt! Can you see I
am serious?
(Mr. Sparkle hovers over her dirty dishes, releasing
sparkles over them. The dishes' grime disappears. Mr.
Sparkle floats to the living room, where he bounces over
a baby's xylophone. He then appears underwater,
where three women are dancing.)
Mr. Sparkle: Get out of my way, all of you! This is no
place for loafers. Join me or die. Can you do any less?
(The women stop dancing.)
Two of the women: What a brave corporate logo! I
accept the challenge of "Mr. Sparkle."
Woman: Awsoma power!
(Mr. Sparkle blows magic dust over the girls as a graphic
of a drumming monkey toy hovers in the upper left of
the screen. The dust turns the girls into blue Sumos.)
(The scene changes to a reporter interviewing a two-
headed cow.)
Reporter: Any plans for the summer?
(Mr. Sparkle appears and shatters the cow. It's
disembodied eyes blink at him. The scene changes to
Mr. Sparkle coming at us from an orange background.)
Mr. Sparkle: For lucky best wash, use Mr. Sparkle!

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: SB-X (209.12.76.---)
Date: 11-27-01 14:22

Yep. There's your answer, fishbulb.

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: toad`sMoke (---.ResNet.ukings.ns.Ca)
Date: 11-27-01 18:26

if i member correctly, when i looked avatar up in the dictionary many many years ago, it meant a savor sent by god. which would make sense since the Avatar is being sent to save britanna, or others...

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: suraimu (---.fuse.net)
Date: 11-28-01 10:14

Raven: "Yeah, the Avatar -is- pretty savory."

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: Lord Rat (---.intuit.com)
Date: 11-28-01 12:50

Tastes good with Katsup.

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: toad`sMoke (---.ResNet.ukings.ns.Ca)
Date: 11-29-01 11:33

assholes... you're all assholes... =P
so, where's the shiny pants option in the beta???

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: toad`sMoke (---.ResNet.ukings.ns.Ca)
Date: 11-29-01 11:33

assholes... you're all assholes... =P
so, where's the shiny pants option in the beta???

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: wjp (---.speed.planet.nl)
Date: 11-29-01 14:15

Ok, let me try to explain this... we WON'T add an option to re-introduce this bug. Please don't start this thread again; 96 posts should be enough.

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: Clock Nova (---.chrtn1.sc.home.com)
Date: 11-29-01 21:44

I can't believe that a thread entitled "Spark's Ass" has almost reached 100 posts. Is there some sort of latent homosexuality going on here? ;)

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: toad`sMoke (---.ResNet.ukings.ns.Ca)
Date: 11-30-01 14:29

Just imagine! 100 posts. the glory of it. =p

Okay, lets dedicate this tread to the dead bug of spark's shinning pants... may it rest in peace.

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: a (---.Resnet.Dal.Ca)
Date: 12-01-01 14:33


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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: a (---.Resnet.Dal.Ca)
Date: 12-01-01 14:34


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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: a (---.Resnet.Dal.Ca)
Date: 12-01-01 14:35

100.. Celebrate good times... come on!

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: toad`sMoke (---.ResNet.ukings.ns.Ca)
Date: 12-01-01 18:06

Hey A: look at my host: ResNet.ukings.ns.Ca
Your host: Resnet.Dal.Ca

Hehehe. you must be about 1km away from me at most. lol!
Long live Ultima and the University of King's.

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: toad`sMoke (---.ResNet.ukings.ns.Ca)
Date: 12-01-01 18:07

A: do you live in Howe hall or Gerard? presuming you're a guy...

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: a (---.Resnet.Dal.Ca)
Date: 12-01-01 18:42

Wow... thats really an amazing coincidence. Yeah I live over in Howe Hall, Cameron House to be exact, so I'm obviously male.

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: hoeksmas (---.Resnet.Dal.Ca)
Date: 12-01-01 18:50

Wow! Its an Exult Miracle!

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: toad`sMoke (---.ResNet.ukings.ns.Ca)
Date: 12-01-01 19:20

lol. i live in Middle Bay on the king's campus.
so, what's your name?
i know you want to publish that information.

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: hoeksmas (---.Resnet.Dal.Ca)
Date: 12-01-01 19:22

names Jeffrey Hoeksma, currently taking the Dalhousie Integrated Science Program, good times. Of course the question arises what are we both doing on a computer at 11:20 at night. Shouldn't we be drunk?

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: toad`sMoke (---.ResNet.ukings.ns.Ca)
Date: 12-01-01 19:28

not me... i got a social anthropology exam on monday... i need to start studying!
David Nichols here. taking the foundation year program here at king's. two electives: calculus and anthropology.

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: hoeksmas (---.Resnet.Dal.Ca)
Date: 12-01-01 19:29

cool, my exams don't start until thursday, so I'm just starting the studying

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: toad`sMoke (---.ResNet.ukings.ns.Ca)
Date: 12-03-01 17:23

don't mind me, just jump starting an old topic:

Does anyone know the last version that Spark had a shinny ass.
I'm making a webpage dedicated to it.

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: hoeksmas (---.Resnet.Dal.Ca)
Date: 12-03-01 17:32

i heck, why not just ask the Exult developers to make a special option to make EVERYONE's ass shiny

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: matto|wookin (---.dsl.xmission.com)
Date: 12-04-01 08:05

Darke must pay for his crimes against humanity! ::fluff::

Oh and this thread must not be allowed to die :)

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: Dominus (---.15.univie.teleweb.at)
Date: 12-04-01 10:32

I'm gonna kick you from the channel next time I see you :-)

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: toad`sMoke (---.ResNet.ukings.ns.Ca)
Date: 12-04-01 11:35

what channel? there's an exult irc channel?

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: comat0se (---.Colorado.EDU)
Date: 12-04-01 17:34

I think the November-2 snapshot was the last time Spark's ass sparkled. Hmm... am I crazy or did I see a post on this thread a couple days ago from one of the developers which is not here anymore... Conspiracy?

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: matto|wookin (---.dsl.xmission.com)
Date: 12-05-01 00:50

Toad Smoke,

of course there is!

server : irc.openprojects.net
channel : #exult

I am surprised that everyone doesn't come idle there.

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: SB-X (216.85.14.---)
Date: 12-05-01 02:15

"Avatar! Do not go in there! It is a trap!"

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: Nadir Dragon
Date: 12-05-01 04:25

Toad'smoke, if you check the "About us" page, at the bottom (no pun intended :), you will find all the information you need about #exult.
Make sure you read the *entire* logs (starting from Dec 4 2000) :)

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: suraimu (---.fuse.net)
Date: 12-05-01 12:36

Is it just me, or is this the first thread to reach over 100 replies?

Additionally, is it just me, or is this a depressing fact that a small boy's
ass shining like polished steel causes so much conversation?

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: Artaxerxes
Date: 12-05-01 13:17


Sorry, kid
You've a good soul and I hate tell good people bad news
...but it is just you


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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: toad`sMoke (---.ResNet.ukings.ns.Ca)
Date: 12-07-01 17:34

Well, suraimu, think of it. if your ass was shinny, don't you think a lot of people would be talking about it? you'd be famous. i'm not joking, you'd be famous.

What's wrong with have a topic about a shinny ass anyway?

Long live the Sparkly Ass

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: XxVenomxX
Date: 12-07-01 18:57

I guess it was too much to hope that this thread had died.


Fantasy art/Illustration by Brendan Setaro

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: Kurt (---.cableinet.co.uk)
Date: 12-08-01 15:24

sometimes it's just good to buy a biscuit
and have a shiny ass

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: Darksheer Dragon (---.phoenix-15-20rs.az.dial-access.att.net)
Date: 12-08-01 19:01

A praise to the creator of this fine drink, to the trees I water, and to the Sparkly Ass!

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: da;rtohnj.,fin.rhntkjrtnhilrnt (---.UCIS.Dal.Ca)
Date: 12-12-01 13:46

This thread was dead, something had to be done

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: XxVenomxX
Date: 12-12-01 15:06

*shoots thread repeatedly, kicks it a lot, buries a hole, throws it in, and fills the hole with cement*

Fantasy art/Illustration by Brendan Setaro

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: Kurt (---.cableinet.co.uk)
Date: 12-12-01 16:06

Shiny ass in the mornin', shiny ass in the evenin', shiny ass at drinkin' time.....
I've seen your shiny ass before! Either you're following me, or you like cold, frosty beverages as much as I do.

The drunk guy was the best voice actor in UO, quite possibly, and he only had a few lines.

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: toad`sMoke (---.214.mpoweredpc.net)
Date: 12-13-01 23:41

good ol' spark's ass tread... go away for a week, and it's still going strong..

what aspect of spark's ass shall we discuss this week?

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: comat0se (---.Colorado.EDU)
Date: 12-14-01 18:39

Well, hopefully, shortly after Christmas I will have time to go back over the code and create a patch that will restore Spark's former glory, his Sparkling ass.

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: suraimu (---.fuse.net)
Date: 12-14-01 19:10

I can imagine you trying to pass that off on a resume to a game developer.

"Christmas 2001 - Made a patch to allow a child's ass to gleam like the noonday sun."

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: Michael
Date: 12-16-01 10:54

What, I know I could sure use that on mine...

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: Darksheer (---.phoenix-13-14rs.az.dial-access.att.net)
Date: 12-16-01 18:29

Yeah, the ladies would be staring at mine like no other ass existed if i had something to make my ass glow!

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: toad`sMoke (---.137.mpoweredpc.net)
Date: 12-16-01 20:54

WOW. i'm amazed at the commitment. =P

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: Jonathan (---.223-130-66.que.mc.videotron.ca)
Date: 12-17-01 13:50

ROTFLMAO I don't know why the writers of U7 Never think of this option

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: toad`sMoke (---.145.mpoweredpc.net)
Date: 12-19-01 13:30

comat0se: email me when you've coded that.

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: suraimu (---.fuse.net)
Date: 12-19-01 19:18

The drunk guy in U9 was -awesome-. One of the few parts of the game
that made me bust out laughing, which used to happen all the time
with other Ultimas. :)

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: gruck (---.nbnet.nb.ca)
Date: 12-20-01 06:04

If you want to bust out laughing in U9, just put the voices on and pretend everything every person says is *REALLY* sarcastic, likes its all just a big joke. It made me laugh anyway.

Oh yeah..

Sparkle! Sparkle! Your ass beautiful shines with sparkely love! Everyone happy fun love you when ass sparkle with pride!

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: Kurt (---.cableinet.co.uk)
Date: 12-22-01 15:49

Spark's Ass Will Never Die

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: Darksheer (---.phoenix-18-19rs.az.dial-access.att.net)
Date: 12-26-01 12:31

i don't think it will. this thread will have been goin on for two months day after tomorrow.

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: gruck (---.nbnet.nb.ca)
Date: 12-26-01 14:23


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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: K.I.L.E.R (---.sunsh1.vic.optusnet.com.au)
Date: 12-27-01 04:50

This thread is whacked. I was hoping it will die.
Oh well if you cant beat 'em then join 'em. :)
Seriously why dosn't this thread die?

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: Stephan (---.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se)
Date: 12-27-01 04:55

Because people in this thread seem to like staring at a young boy's ass.

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: Artaxerxes
Date: 12-27-01 06:08

Now seriously, has anyone *NOT* in the exult dev team started to make a patch for Sparky's pant to shine again? We all know what the exult dev team think about that so it'll have to be done by oursel'


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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: XxVenomxX
Date: 12-27-01 06:57

"This thread is whacked. I was hoping it will die.
Oh well if you cant beat 'em then join 'em. :)
Seriously why dosn't this thread die?"

No! Don't convert. We need more people on our side. Seriously, this is sad. It's a sad testament to Ultima fans. Just recently on another Ultima board, there was discussion how almost every online 'community' concerning Ultima was a very mature crowd. I mean, theres a fine line between good ol' humour, and just plain stupidity. And when a thread entitled 'Sparks Ass' is the longest running one on a *tech* board for Exult, sheesh. :P It's almost embarassing, and it's not even in real life. I know I'm prolonging it's life by saying this, but dammit, it MUST be said! hehe ;)

Fantasy art/Illustration by Brendan Setaro

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: suraimu (---.fuse.net)
Date: 12-27-01 08:06

I'm hoping to get post 183 on this thread. :)

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: XxVenomxX
Date: 12-27-01 08:08

--had to run out and do some quick errands. Anyways, just to sum up: Let a dead joke stay dead, hehe. It was good for a chuckle at first (as you can see I contributed a little), but for the love of Pete, let it rest!

Fantasy art/Illustration by Brendan Setaro

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: sprodfish (---.nsw-remote.bigpond.net.au)
Date: 12-27-01 23:55

i'm just wondering why the subject of "Spark's Ass" has reached 146 replies...

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: toad`sMoke (---.217.mpoweredpc.net)
Date: 12-29-01 00:00

HEY! never doubt the power of a sparkly ass

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: Kurt (---.cableinet.co.uk)
Date: 12-29-01 00:51

Every time someone posts something like 'let this thread die', they reinvoke it with all its force. I think we should just ignore it and maybe it will go away.


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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: suraimu (---.fuse.net)
Date: 12-29-01 03:57

Not if I can help it!! Muhahahahaah!

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Re: Algebraic Number Theory

Author: Colourless Dragon
Date: 12-29-01 06:33

150 posts about algebraic number theory.... who would have thought it possible?

-Colourless Dragon

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Re: Algebraic Number Theory

Author: wjp
Date: 12-29-01 06:47

Well, if everyone else is joining in, I can't stay behind, can I?

Oh, actually it's not 150 posts, but 150 replies, so 151 posts

...which makes it 152 now.

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Algebra is a myth

Author: Stephan (---.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se)
Date: 12-29-01 07:35

Good one ;)

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Re: Algebra is a myth

Author: Colourless Dragon
Date: 12-29-01 07:44

We are quite impressed with ourselves.

-Colourless Dragon

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Re: Algebra is a myth

Author: Dominus (---.15.univie.teleweb.at)
Date: 12-29-01 07:52

My Email to abuse@exult.info:
Dear Exult team,
it seems that the admins of your forum are abusing their power for evil stuff. For example they changed a perfect reasonable thread about a certain NPC's ass into a discussion of algebra theory. Imagine of all things: algebra theory....
please tell those admins not to abuse their power in such a way.
Please turn that thread back into what it was. Uhm, what was it about?

The answer was from mailer-demon :-)

This thread is hilarious now!!!
good work Willem and Ryan!

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Re: Algebra is a myth

Author: XxVenomxX
Date: 12-29-01 08:39

lol, excellent!

Fantasy art/Illustration by Brendan Setaro

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Re: Algebra is a myth

Author: DrCode (---.hevanet.com)
Date: 12-29-01 19:10

Interesting. My thesis was "Generalized Lie Algebras", but I barely remember anything about them.

But... isn't a 'ring' an abelian group (with operation '+'), and an additional operation '*' that's associative and has a '1'?

And a 'field' is a commutative (under '*') ring. Then there were 'noetherian' and 'artinian' rings...

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Re: Algebra is a myth

Author: suraimu (---.fuse.net)
Date: 12-29-01 22:12

let x = spark's ass

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Re: Algebra is NO myth

Author: wjp
Date: 12-30-01 04:20

Subgroup: a subset H of a group G that is closed under + and -

Ring: a group R is a ring, if it has an operation '*', so that:
* is associative,
there is a unit element 1 for *. (1 * x = x * 1 = x)
* is distributive over +: x*(y + z) = x*y + x*z, (x+y)*z = x*z + y*z

Note: this implies that the underlying group is commutative.
Field: a ring K is a field, if it is commutative, and K* = K\{0}
(So all elements other than 0 are units. This means you can divide by all elements except zero in a field)

a (two-sided) 'ideal' of a ring R is a subgroup I of the underlying group of R, so that:
for all r in R and x in I, rx and xr both are in I

Noetherian ring: a ring in which there is no infinite (strictly) ascending chain of ideals
or, equivalently: a ring in which every ideal is finitely generated

Artinian ring: a ring in which every descending chain of ideals stabilizes.

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Re: Algebra is NO myth

Author: Max aka Moscow Dragon (194.226.90.---)
Date: 12-30-01 04:29

"Field" is a "twice-group" with both ADD and MUL, which are distributive and 0 != 1.

Anyway these things are more interesting then NPC asses.
I can understand the beloved topic of "Applied Psychology Of Sluttish Wenches" :-))) (even with Ultima 7 parallels - and yes, there are such, one of the Silver Seed witches, for instance - Solaria or such), but not this ass-topic.

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Re: Algebra is NO myth

Author: wjp
Date: 12-30-01 04:40

> "Field" is a "twice-group" with both ADD and MUL, which are distributive and 0 != 1.

No, that is a non-zero ring. (assuming associativity of the operators is implied)

For it to be a field, it must also have no divisors of zero, and MUL has to be commutative.

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Re: Algebra is NO myth

Author: Stephan (---.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se)
Date: 12-30-01 06:58

Well, if you recalibrate the tachyon emission sequencers to the same frequency as the secondary radiation absorption protocols, you will come up with a gravity 'field' loop that will respond to the resonance in tiberium crystals and thus create a 'non-zero ring field', preventing further access to the reactor core.

Is that clear?

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Re: Algebra is NO myth

Author: wjp
Date: 12-30-01 07:33


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Re: Algebra is NO myth

Author: Max aka Moscow Dragon (194.226.90.---)
Date: 12-30-01 07:41

Is it for Tiberius the Caesar, followed by Caligula the Caesar?

My wife is a future lawyer. She just passed her first exam on Roman Law. Feel free to ask me on "manumissio", "mancipacio", "usucaprio" and "usufructum" :-))))

Or let's speak about homomorphism kernels (not to be mixed with Linux kernels).
Another great topic, besides the wenches :-))

When we were young and just taught the brand new MS's technology of Linking and Embedding, we really considered this as "linking the girls sexually and putting them to bed aka embedding from the lexical root of bed". OK, embedding objects was a bit more complex then embedding girls, but is girl not an object? Oh yea, she is subject...

Emma Noether's theorem ("energy conservation is logically equal to time independence") and the notion of "hamiltonian" is also a great topic :-) "jakobian" is even greater, together with Bessel's and Hankel's functions and wave diffraction by Frenel and Fraunhoffer (who later invented MP3).

(a bit like the cretin talk in U7 after answering the copy protection wrong, but well, I'm not this sober today and in a good mood).

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Re: Algebra is NO myth. Neither is Roman law.

Author: wjp
Date: 12-30-01 08:38

Hmm, 'manumittere' I know. (Freeing a slave, right?). The other 3... no... they don't ring any bells.

Homomorphism kernels are more in my field of expertise :-)

Reply To This Message

Re: Algebra is NO myth. Neither is Roman law.

Author: Max aka Moscow Dragon (194.226.90.---)
Date: 12-30-01 09:42

Manumissio - the legal act of liberating a slave. The ex-slave still had some duties to his previous owner and could not file a lawsuit against him.
Mancipacio - the legal act of purchase of "first class" property - land, slaves or livestock. Special ritual. Any other property purchases did not require this. (modern law has no difference of first class and other property, other that the realty deeds must be mandatory registered in special governemental office and there is no such thing as "secret realty property").
Usucaprio - the time after which the thing you possess and is not your own becomes your property by mere act of posession and time elapsed. Was not applied to governemental property.
Usufructum - the right of using some other's property. The property is charged with this right which follows the property even if it is traded. The owner cannot terminate usufructum on the property he purchased (yes, "he", not "he/she" - women in Rome were legally impaired).

My wife jokes that she felt herself a praetor after this exam :-)

My father is a maths professor. He taught me what is homomorphism when I was a senior schoolboy. :-)) I have forgotten a lot from that time and remember the common notions only.

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Re: Algebra is NO myth. Neither is Roman law.

Author: DrCode (---.hevanet.com)
Date: 12-30-01 18:15

BTW: What's yellow and equivalent to the Axiom of Choice?

A: Zorn's Lemmon

Reply To This Message

Re: Algebra is NO myth. Neither is Roman law.

Author: gruck (---.nbnet.nb.ca)
Date: 12-31-01 04:27

Did you know that during mating time the male sickle back fish's stomach changes to a distinct colour of red. The male sickleback, which is usually passive towards other males of its species then becomes agressive and very territorial to other males of the species. For years scientists had wondered what exactly caused the violent, territorial tendacies of the male sickleback fish during breeding time. A scientist discovered that no matter how unfishlike he made a cardboard cutout, if he colored a red stripe along the bottem, the male sickleback would attack, though no matter how realistic he made a sicklebackcutout without the stripe, the male would not attack. This implies that the red stripe on the stomach is the stimulus which causes a reaction in the male sickleback.

Tune in tomorrow and I'll present an interesting article on the two different smiles in bonobos.

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Re: Algebra is NO myth. Neither is Roman law.

Author: Max aka Moscow Dragon (194.226.90.---)
Date: 12-31-01 08:09

>This implies that the red stripe on the stomach is the stimulus which
>causes a reaction in the male sickleback.

Surely :-)

The Nobel prize winner Nicolas Tinbergen (Dutch professor on animal behaviour) have experimentally proved the following:
- any kind of behaviour (hunting, aggressive, baby-care, sexual etc. etc) is turned on by a particular stimul, not by a "general picture" of things.
- it is possibly to artificially create a super-stimul, which will be more attractive then a real-world stimul, even if it is illogical. The gull will take care of enormous, huge super-egg instead of her real egg. Also - the red-colored artificial stuff for the fishing rod hooks prove this. And so on.

Looks like human females wear makeup and spiked heels for the same thing as super-stimul :-)

Makeup, especially on the lips, is a sign of mating-ready female - being turned on raises the blood pressure and makes lips more read.
Wearing spiked heels turn the whole her bone-muscular system is a bit other position which reminds on extremely turned on female - being turned on cause slight seizures which have the same visual effect. They also have strong Freudian background, I can explain what namely.

It's a bit interesting to look at humans from _animal behaviour_ point of view. Especially not in sex, but in hierarchial relations in low-class gangs of adolescents. Exactly the animal behaviour :-)

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Re: Algebra is NO myth. Neither is Roman law. Or Animal Psychology...

Author: wjp (---.speed.planet.nl)
Date: 12-31-01 10:22

This thread has certainly become a lot more interesting lately. All kinds of cool-to-know little factoids :-)

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Re: Algebra is NO myth. Neither is Roman law. Or Animal Psychology...

Author: suraimu (---.fuse.net)
Date: 12-31-01 11:36

What do you call a man with a photo of 100 naked young boys?


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Dry land is not a myth!

Author: Stephan (---.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se)
Date: 12-31-01 11:40

No comment.

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Re: Dry land is not a myth!

Author: Colourless Dragon
Date: 12-31-01 12:22

Take that!

Take what you ask?

Well, lets just say something is no longer as it was :-)

And, No, I do not abuse my moderator abilities.

-Colourless Dragon

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Re: Dry land is not a myth!

Author: suraimu (---.fuse.net)
Date: 12-31-01 14:51

Dude, that was mean. The only offensive part of the joke was the
question, not the answer. :P

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Re: Dry land is not a myth!

Author: Ephemerides Dragon (---.ipt.aol.com)
Date: 12-31-01 18:05

Did you know kangoroos and humans are the only two species to have sex for pleasure?

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Re: Dry land is not a myth!

Author: gruck (---.nbnet.nb.ca)
Date: 12-31-01 22:09

After just watching a female dog hump a pillow at a new years party, I think you should add dogs to that category. Yes I was drunk and still am.

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suraimu, you need help bad

Author: Matt O (---.dsl.xmission.com)
Date: 01-01-02 06:46

Suraimu, that is just plain disgusting boasting about having 100 naked pictures of young boys. Get help please!

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Re: suraimu, you need help bad

Author: K.I.L.E.R (---.sunsh1.vic.optusnet.com.au)
Date: 01-01-02 07:35

He needs alot more then help.

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Re: suraimu, you need help bad

Author: Colourless Dragon
Date: 01-01-02 07:51

/me chuckles


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Re: suraimu, you need help bad

Author: suraimu (---.fuse.net)
Date: 01-01-02 10:04

Idiots. :P

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Spark's Ass

Author: toad`sMoke (---.ResNet.ukings.ns.Ca)
Date: 01-06-02 19:24

Guys... geez... everyone's jealous of my post about Spark's Ass... Why did you have to go and change it?

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: Crypt (---.216.41.121.ma.110.net)
Date: 01-06-02 21:24

5 bucks says his '100 photos of naked young boys' are just pics of a retouched spark paperdoll =]

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: suraimu (---.fuse.net)
Date: 01-07-02 10:12

Almost... almost....

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: suraimu (---.fuse.net)
Date: 01-07-02 10:12


(Although Colourless will no doubt spoil my fun. :P)

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: Oblivious (---.ptld.uswest.net)
Date: 01-07-02 16:43

"No! Don't convert. We need more people on our side. Seriously, this is sad. It's a sad testament to Ultima fans. Just recently on another Ultima board, there was discussion how almost every online 'community' concerning Ultima was a very mature crowd."

I hate to break it to you, but I'm not one of those supposedly 'immature' UO players. I've never even played the game. And what's so wrong with a little random insanity/goofy thread in a serious and bland board? You might even call it a good thing in some ways, because it soaks up the goofyness like a sponge so that when people feel a sudden urge to be insane/funny/stupid, they can come to this thread rather than distribute it amongst several threads in small amounts. However, should it become an insanity fad, you might have a problem....

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Author: XxVenomxX
Date: 01-07-02 18:26

immature? UO? Huh? hehe
Dont recall seeing either of those in my quote. And there's nothin wrong with a 'little' random goofiness.

*looks at number of replies in this thread*

Little? :) Just expressing my opinion that the old thread this once was should have died, and well, it did. Although it doesn't seem to stop the insane stupid stuff in some other posts too ;)

Fantasy art/Illustration by Brendan Setaro

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Re: lol

Author: gruck (---.Resnet.Dal.Ca)
Date: 01-08-02 04:33


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Spark's Ass

Author: toad`sMoke (---.ResNet.ukings.ns.Ca)
Date: 01-08-02 11:53

Hey. I'd like a little credit. I am the true founder of the Spark's Ass thread... And, soon-to-be Sparkly Ass Movement. You Will All Bow Down And Kiss My Shinning Ass!

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: Stephan (---.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se)
Date: 01-08-02 19:24

The SHINNING? No TV and no beer makes Homer go something-something...

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: XxVenomxX
Date: 01-08-02 20:05

Go crazy?



Fantasy art/Illustration by Brendan Setaro

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Re: Spark's Ass

Author: suraimu (---.fuse.net)
Date: 01-08-02 20:25

Oh my god, I just spewed my beverage all over my monitor. :)

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Author: Colourless Dragon
Date: 01-08-02 23:21

I know exactly how to get sparks ass to flash...

All that needs to be done is to remove 2 lines of code...

Of course there is no way in hell I'm telling you

-Colourless Dragon

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Re: Tease

Author: Kurt (---.cableinet.co.uk)
Date: 01-09-02 10:09

pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease tell us. we're desperate to have that little boy's funky disco groove-thing sparkly trousers back.

Err, I hope I'm not speaking for myself. Back me up, lads.

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Re: Tease

Author: XxVenomxX
Date: 01-09-02 12:00

Colourless, you lock that code up, coat it in a nice huge cement block, and let it sleep with the fishes where no human can ever reach it! ;)

Fantasy art/Illustration by Brendan Setaro

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Re: Tease

Author: toad`sMoke (---.ResNet.ukings.ns.Ca)
Date: 01-09-02 12:45

^ ass.

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Re: Tease

Author: suraimu (---.fuse.net)
Date: 01-09-02 15:53

Shiny ass?

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Re: Tease

Author: XxVenomxX
Date: 01-09-02 18:01

I guess he's volunteering for the part over in the U7 film thread ;)

Fantasy art/Illustration by Brendan Setaro

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Re: Tease

Author: Colourless Dragon
Date: 01-10-02 06:41




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Re: Tease

Author: suraimu (---.fuse.net)
Date: 01-10-02 09:48

*magically changes the 'No.' to say 'ME!!!!'*

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Re: Tease

Author: SB-X (209.194.182.---)
Date: 01-10-02 09:51

Here comes 200!

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Re: Tease

Author: XxVenomxX
Date: 01-10-02 10:43

What the hell, why not? *poof*

Fantasy art/Illustration by Brendan Setaro

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Re: Tease

Author: Dominus (---.15.univie.teleweb.at)
Date: 01-10-02 11:25

And the prize for posting #200 in a worthless thread goes to XxVenomxX

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Re: Algebraic Number Theory

Author: Artaxerxes
Date: 01-10-02 12:10

To celebrate the 200+ post on this beautiful thread, please let me introduce the way to restore Spark's Shiny Pants (tm):

In the file shapes/shapevga.cc at about line 79, you'll read:

if (GAME_BG) {
// set Spark to translucent. Otherwise his pant will palette-cycle
info[489].tfa[2] |= (1
I AM back!


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Re: Algebraic Number Theory

Author: Artaxerxes
Date: 01-10-02 12:32

Oh, btw

More info on
http://cvs.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/view ... 21&r2=1.22


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Re: Algebraic Number Theory

Author: XxVenomxX
Date: 01-10-02 20:25

And there ya have it! The End. The Shiny End. Fini :)

Gradilla Dragon
Posts: 468
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Re: Old topic

Post by Gradilla Dragon »

Whoa, all of this just for a sparkly ass...

Just as the saying in my country: An ass pulls more than an ox.
- Gradilla Dragon
Posts: 344
Joined: Thu May 14, 2020 1:34 pm

Re: Old topic

Post by XxVenomxX »

You wound me deeply!

hehehe! It's awesome to read all that again (despite how much I detested it back then :P)

Funny stuff now ;P
Fantasy art/Illustration by Brendan Setaro

Re: Old topic

Post by Natreg »

lol You were all crazy back then, weren´t you? lol

Re: Old topic

Post by toadsMoke »

Yay! Artaxerxes, thank you!
It was so sad to see my thread die...
Especially since it was concerning Spark's Shiny Pants :)

Re: Old topic

Post by Skutarth »

Holy crap! DELETE THE THREAD! For the sake of us all, take it down so this never gets discussed again! PLEASE!


Re: Old topic

Post by MV »

Oh man, I can't believe the stuff I typed back then. It was like looking at someone else's posts with my name on them.
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Re: Old topic

Post by XxVenomxX »


My thoughts exactly :P
Fantasy art/Illustration by Brendan Setaro

Re: Old topic

Post by PanSola »

wow it's been so long already...
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Re: Old topic

Post by Farrier »

What a fascinating mess of historical and mathemagical insights.

So, did it really sparkle, with the glimmerings and the twinklings? Is there an animated giff of it somewhere?

Someone (toad`sMoke) mentioned making a webshrine to it: was it ever made? Is it still about?

Google mentions that a face was seen in Spark's ass, and that a Spark's Ass quiz has been doing the rounds. I suspect these may be unrelated phenomena, however.
Yet another Avatar.
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Re: Old topic

Post by Colourless »

Considers locking this topic and revoking Artaxerxes' moderator privledges.
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Re: Old topic

Post by artaxerxes »

what, to make me a martyr of Saint-Spark-of-the-Shine?

It will only make us stronger!



Re: Old topic

Post by toad`sMoke »

It was made, but long since lost it. I'll check my backups from a few years ago, see what I can turn up.
Andrea B Previtera

Re: Old topic

Post by Andrea B Previtera »

To save Artaxerxes we may as well return to the original subject of the original thread: Algebraic Number Theory. Although I prefer pure number theory: anyone may want to discuss the early works of Mr. Ramanujan?
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Re: Old topic

Post by Dominus »

The original subject of the original thread is not presented in this thread :)
Important parts of this thread will never ever be released to the public...
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Re: Old topic

Post by Gruck »

magic pants, this is Ultima 7 not a MC Hammer concert

Wow, I haven't changed a lick.