Just beat Black Gate again.

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Guru Dragon
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Just beat Black Gate again.

Post by Guru Dragon »

Well I just made it through the Black Gate again (first time with exult). I started a week or so ago, and just played it through all the way. I'm so pleased that the Exult team has come so far on this game.

Throughout the entire game I only had two major issues, but neither of them would break the plot.

First, Julia wouldn't join my party. I clicked join in the conversation, she said she'd join, she became part of my party list, but she would never follow me. She just kept pacing around outside the mill.

Second, Alganer didn't get murdered. Even after I got his notebook, chatted with the wisps, and came back. He was walking around, happy as can be.

There were plenty of minor issues like the palette at the end movie not changing, the refresh when you get the "won't fit" text is off, using items like wells doesn't clear the weapon properly, etc.

All-in-all I'm very impressed with the work you guys have done, and I thank you all from the bottom of my heart.
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Re: Just beat Black Gate again.

Post by drcode »

That Julia bug has been reported before, but I've never been able to duplicate it.

The Alagnar problem exists in the original, so it's likely a problem in the game script.
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Re: Just beat Black Gate again.

Post by Dominus »

SBX reported that when you enter the house from the south you properly set off the egg but thwne you enter from the east it sometimes doesn't get set off.
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Re: Just beat Black Gate again.

Post by wjp »

Hm, we/you/I should probably add this to our usecode_bugs.txt file (even though it's most likely an egg placement bug and not a usecode bug).
J. Lilley

Re: Just beat Black Gate again.

Post by J. Lilley »

Kinda OT, but I remember a weird bug in the original game that I don't know if it will happen in the Exult version. For the longest time I couldn't get the second murder sequence to work. I would go from Britain to Minoc following Abe and Eliza and the Crown Jewel, and everyone would be milling outside the sawmill, but when you went in the door, you would get a brief picture of the murder scene, and then everything would disappear. The bodie, the candle, the knife, everything. You wouldn't be able to ask anyone about anything that should have been there. The only way I could ever get it to fix was to rip off one of the walls on the side of the building and go in that way, and then LEAVE by way of the door, then the murder site would stick where it was supposed to. That one drove me nuts for awhile.
Tristan de Inés

Re: Just beat Black Gate again.

Post by Tristan de Inés »

Yes, I had the same problem with the original every time. I "solved" it by trying out different things a few times. Once charging straight into the mill, then talking to people first, then walking around abit first.... after a bit of reloading and trying stuff, it worked. I don't recall what I did though.

Re: Just beat Black Gate again.

Post by E_Jim »

The bug with the Minoc murder has happened to me as well, using the original U7 engine. To avoid it, when I'm entering Minoc for the first time, I run full speed without stopping until I get to the sawmill, talk to no one until I see the bodies and collect the dagger and the candelabra, then I go talking to people. It always works for me.

I kind of assumed that, just like in real life, the murder scene gets cleaned up by the cops after some time, so I had to be hasty to get to see the grisly scene.
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Re: Just beat Black Gate again.

Post by drcode »

Usually we can't/won't fix script bugs, but I think we did fix the Minoc problem in Exult. The Alagnar bug still exists, though.