7-2. Troble in fast playing...

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7-2. Troble in fast playing...

Post by kimminho »

When started, passed monk`s password.....
Passed knight`s test..
Went Fawn for tatoo,
Went Moonshade,
Mount of freedom..
I didn`t joined Boydon..
Gargoil`s test,
Got Serpent staff...
With Iolo,
I had Helm of courage from goblins..
I had scroll, caged Lord Masren only.
Shamino`s castle.....
About to go Gwani land...
I retuened Monitor for
Shield and training

And troble began..
In Monitor listfield,
After trained Luther and Caladin first,
And Shazzana..
Shazzana atacked us after training...;;;
I ran, and next day
I faught luthers(Caladin,Templer) and finally won.
Caladin attacked us...;;; and I ran.
I came back to listfield 2 hours later,
Dupre`s shield back.
I serched Shazzana, nobody`s at listfield...;;;
I went Gwani land,
Got dragon blood, amulet.
But gwani does`t telling me Mantra....;;;;

Is game broken?
Or... is my playing wrong?
Gradilla Dragon
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Re: 7-2. Troble in fast playing...

Post by Gradilla Dragon »

Did you go to the place wher you need the Mantra? I think you need to go first, arrange the corresponding runes in the altars and activate them in order, then the Great Earth Serpent must say "Thou hast forgotten something". Now you go ask the Gwani.
- Gradilla Dragon
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Re: 7-2. Troble in fast playing...

Post by Dominus »

The problem is not fast playing but that you are seemingly following a walkthrough that is guiding you too fast and not correctly.
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Gradilla Dragon
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Re: 7-2. Troble in fast playing...

Post by Gradilla Dragon »

Yea, don't follow walkthroughs. They never work right.
- Gradilla Dragon

Re:I did..

Post by kimminho »

But Yanani and others never talk.....

Re: If I don`t have..

Post by kimminho »

Din`t pass gargoil`s test,
So I don`t have Serpent ring,
Then game over?
Bomb Bloke
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Re: 7-2. Troble in fast playing...

Post by Bomb Bloke »

Redo the test.
You're just jealous 'cause the voices only talk to me. :P

Re: 7-2. But..gargoil...

Post by kimminho »

Doen`t talk about test again..
Soul Harvester

Re: 7-2. Troble in fast playing...

Post by Soul Harvester »

You can only take it twice. If you fail it after that, you can still get the artifact. The gargoyle will ask you to retrieve the everlasting goblet, it is a wine cup in one of the buildings inside the mountain. IT is sitting in the very center of a big table and will never run out of drink. Bring that to him and he'll give you the artifact.
Bomb Bloke
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Re: 7-2. Troble in fast playing...

Post by Bomb Bloke »

He made me go get that anyway. <:|

Of course, he also said I failed the test... I think. I didn't follow Dupre nor Iolo, and I pressed the nice (as opposed to the naughty) button with Shamino. I think that's a pass.
You're just jealous 'cause the voices only talk to me. :P

Re: 7-2. I already have Goblet.

Post by kimminho »

Talked with gargoil , test? no.
Duble clicked on two pillar, test? no

Re: And then...

Post by kimminho »

Failed test, no second chance, no ring, gameover?
Cause gwani`s never telling me Mantra?

Re: 7-2. Oh, oh,....

Post by kimminho »

It`s Chapelhill 1.2..yes..
Gradilla Dragon
Posts: 468
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Re: 7-2. Troble in fast playing...

Post by Gradilla Dragon »

Go find the Everlasting Goblet. It's there in the gargoyle city. Bring the goblet to the gargoyle.
- Gradilla Dragon

Re: 7-2. Okey I`ll say again

Post by kimminho »

I already Have Gobliet many times ago...
And then talked with that gargoil.
To move the fence.
He don`t say about second test.
He sais only [Infermation], [Aid], [Bye] thease three.
Is that I don`t have the Serpent ring, causes
Gwani doesn`t telling me Mantra?
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Re: 7-2. Troble in fast playing...

Post by Dominus »

1. don't wear Gwani-cloaks
2. the entrance to the city of chaos has some pedestials and stones. put those stones on the right pedestial.
3. call the hound of doskar and let him sniff on Batlin's amulett
4. Try again to talk to Yenani
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Re: Thanks so much...

Post by kimminho »

I had to thingk that..
I never thought that...
Neutronium Dragon

Re: 7-2. Troble in fast playing...

Post by Neutronium Dragon »

Calling the hound is the trigger for the mantra, as I recall, and I think that you have to do it in the general vicinity of that cave.

Neutronium Dragon

Re: Hahaha....

Post by kimminho »

Yes, I passed.
But.. for listfield..
Caladin and Shazzana.....disappearance...