Things to do in u7 (no hacks) that people may miss

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Things to do in u7 (no hacks) that people may miss

Post by Macaw »

Thing to do 1: Build a house

Collect wood from around the world (all the peices lying around)
Stash them in ship
Find place to settle
Pull out wood
stack the wood to make a house. This may sound strange but the finished product looks excactly like a good house, you can even stack horizontally to make a roof, and stack across the ground to make floor.

Thing to do 2: Fishing trip

Get a ship
Sail to a good place, lower the deck, bring out food, and fish

Thing to do 3: Picnic

Get wood, plates, cutlery, food and drink
Find a good place on the coast or under a yew tree
get chairs
build a table out of wood. Put on cutlery.
Eat and party.

Thing to do 4: Build a flying cabin

Use the house building method on the magic carpet
And you will get a flying cabin

Thing to do 5: Be a pirate

Find a snug cave to be your lair
Wear a bear cape
horde gold and ale in your cave
Party every night
Then go on fishing trips (see thing to do 2)

Anyone else got anything else to add?
By the way I dont mean this to be a ridicoulous pointless post, but rather finding out new things to do with the brilliant u7 engine (using no hacks of course)
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Re: Things to do in u7 (no hacks) that people may miss

Post by painful »

Technically Exult Studio isnt a hack, so building something via it could possibly be considered for the more editing inclined people of the community.

Thing to do 6: Underground Fort
Find a nice cave you think is big enough for what you need, collect wood, block off whatever exits/entrances there are and if possible use one with a door at the beginning of the cave (ie: mines). Similar to building a cabin.

Thing to do 7: Build yourself a dock (for your island or shore built cabin/cave fort)
Collect wood planks, build at a decent spot that fits your ship, and make sure to have it lengthy enough to accomodate however many vessels you may have.

Thing to do 8: Travel by carriage to another island.
This is tedious, but you can use your wood planks if set right to travel over sea to another one of the islands.

Thing to do 9: Give your avatar your own room in British's Castle.
Take the Cabin example previously said by Macaw, go to the top level of the castle, and build yourself a wooden house. (really fun to do if you take the map editing route)

Thing to do 10: Clean up abandoned housing.
Every house in Britannia that was previously abandoned by its original owner is possible to clean up and live in again. With the use of planks you're able to cover up those broken walls and ceilings and make useful additions to the interior.

Thing to do 11: Bridges for easy access.
There may not be enough wood in the world, but if you can find it, you can use it to make yourself a decent plank bridge to link two or more islands to a continent or larger island. Good to use to have walkable access to your pirate's loot cave.

Surprisingly there's an endless amount of building ideas to use when exploring.

Thing to do 12: Mountain Cabin
Take Thing to do 1, place your cabin atop a mountain where you can easily build yourself a plank staircase. Also possible to make a flooring, with the intention of a 'guard walkway' around your cabin for those who fear attack.

Re: Things to do in u7 (no hacks) that people may miss

Post by Macaw »

Brilliant! Lots of cool ideas!

Thing to do 13: Be a farmer
Take control of the farm that has the hoe of destruction, and use it as your farm. Each morning you can go out to your chickens to get eggs as well.

Thing to do 14: be a dodgy ass
Spend all your day in the casino and all the night in taverns

Thing to do 15: Be a mad mage trying to rule the world
Take control of the swamp castle (shadowkeep?) or build a house\mountain house\base\hideout using previous methods and do all sorts of mad experiments. You could gather buckets of blood, candles etc then murder someone, take their body back to your base and contuct rituals on them using your spells and stuff. Your main goal could be to get enough power to cast armageddon or try to fortify your castle of death with dragons and stuff. You could also take control of the isle of fire and use that as your evil base.

Ting to do 16: night party
Similar to picnic, but no table required, just get chairs, light sources and instruments, wait till night, and party. Most effective when in a forest around a campfire.

Thing to do 17: home fortification
Be sure to put cannons and stuff on your house. You can also build fence with wood (use the broken wood with holes in it to build fence, seing as all your good wood will go into your house, and broken wood looks better for fence)
Trevor_Clim (damn Log in)

Re: Things to do in u7 (no hacks) that people may miss

Post by Trevor_Clim (damn Log in) »

really great ideas :D

but i dont understand: what do you mean with wood? which wood things?

and: if you move walls, etc. and go away, the things will be reseted anyway?

my ideas:

Things to do 18: Be a necromancer!
Travel through Britannia (with only black clothes of course) and kill the citizens with spells of destruction. you put the corpses on your carriage and drive home. there you make dark rituals (with stone circles, etc. like the mages in the deep woods) and ressurrect them :D
Of course you have to summon skeletons all the time :D

Things to do 19: Gather everything!
Use a real big building, like serpent's hold, for your warehouse! Gather every item in the world and arrange them by class and prize in different rooms! use crates, barrels and more!

Things to do 20: Become richer than Lord British!
Gather all gold and jewelry in the world and place your treasury in a big, safe room. Be sure to lock all doors and windows! Make the dragon's treasures look poor! Invite some dragons to your new strongroom and be delighted in their jealous views! :D

Re: Things to do in u7 (no hacks) that people may miss

Post by Macaw »

By wood we mean the planks of either horizontal or vertical wood lying around the world. You can stack it to build.

I dont know what you mean by moving walls, but moving stuff around and building houses and stuff with wood stays there.

Oh, and your Necromancer idea is similar to my 'Mad mage take over the world idea', but you gave me a good idea for thing to do 21...

Thing to do 21: Advanced Necromancer\Mad mage housing
Make the torture rooms in dungeons your base! like the one in the cave to the north of britain, go down into the big torture room, block of the entrance so monsters cant get in, and make it your base. You could bring in all the dead bodies you have, use the torture implements and things and furnish the place as well.

Thing to do 22: Make the tower in the lost island your base
I forget the name of the tower in the lost island in the north eastern corner of the map that is surrounded by water, but It is one of the best place to make your house. Being in a small tower surrounded by water with your ship in front for some reason feels really awesome. Theres even a table on the lower level to eat food on.

Thing to do 23: Be travelling bards, gypsies
Get a cart and travel around and play music!
For a house you could take over either the 'fellowship play' house just north of the starting town (uughghh i'm forgeting these names....Trinsic isnt it?) Or you could take over the gypsie caravan (my favored choice..)

Thing to do 24: Hang out with the ape people!
Once again I forgot the name, but the ape dudes in the great forest with tree houses. You could build a lodging of your own in their area!

Re: Things to do in u7 (no hacks) that people may miss

Post by Skutarth »

Wow. Some of these things are great ideas, and I never thought how cool it would be in multi-player. Too bad Ultima Online didn't deliver in the aspects of things like being fun at all. Instead, everybody goes out and is dumb, cheats, or player kills. In the Ultima 7 atmosphere, everybody would be exclusive in the game, since you need to own the original. Yes. That means everybody knows what Ultima is all about. I haven't found one person, and I'm being honest here, that has ever played another Ultima game. I would love to party every night with other players, loot the townsfolk, chat, and fish! We all know we want it, but everybody is afraid of screwing up, bringing in the wrong crowd, or not having it just right. Look at the Ultima 6 Online project once. Have you played it? I have! It's really fun, and sets an example for what could be Ultima 7 Online.
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Re: Things to do in u7 (no hacks) that people may miss

Post by painful »

And it's been said countless times that the Exult team doesn't consider a network project a priority for them. Someone away from the Exult team could take on the project as stated before, but they're more worried bout the original story and game play. Honestly, Ultima 7 doesn't need to be ruined and tarnished by trying to force it into an online atmosphere. Online RPG's are not RPG's, they're the Sims with weapons. I'd rather see Ultima 7 created in a decent engine like Exult, with the possibility of networked co-op play within the original party giving the other networked computers ability to control Iolo, Dupre, Shamino, or another member versus ruining it by creating Sims: Ultima.

BTW, Thing to do #25: covered ship
Take the boards, stack them VERY carefully around your ship to make some decent walls and a roof. Never want to be at see in a convertible boat!

Thing to do #26: Become a Warlord w/ Castle and Mini Forts!
Steal a decently placed castle or walled in city, (ie: Trinsic, Serpent's Hold, Tower in the lost isle, Fire Isle's Castle, StoneHenge.. whats left of it, or even British's Castle) to use as your main base, and then build yourself small wooden forts using wood. You can take prebuilt buildings, and take ownership of them and put up walls around them to make a small defensive perimeter to defend it with. As stated before, cannons are a must for defense.. well ok, for OFFENSIVE purposes ;]
Andrea B Previtera

Re: Things to do in u7 (no hacks) that people may miss

Post by Andrea B Previtera »

Thing to do #27: Endless day
Yes: there are enough candles/torches/lamps/fire staffs/magic swords/other light sources in the world, so that that you can place at least one per "screen", and never be in the darkness again.

Thing to do #28: The yew genocide
Enrage the guards by stealing something, then jump on the carriage and have them follow you to the woods in yew. Try to have the guards fall between the archers living in the woods (I can't remember their names) who are practicing all day. If even just one guard is accidentally shot, they'll start killing the people in yew.

Thing to do #29: Meat mania
Go "solo" with an Infinity Bow, and raid the woods for deers and more deers. Have fun with unlimited amounts of meat (for example, create a house out of meat...)

Thing to do #30: Adaptation
Live the baker's life, the miner's life, whatever. The important thing is that you go to work when people usually go to work, you sleep when they usually sleep, you join the crowd at the pub at lunchtime, and so on

Disturbingly enough, I can say that I did all of this, and 3/4 of the other "things to do" you named until now...

Re: Things to do in u7 (no hacks) that people may miss

Post by Macaw »

Hehe, your meat thing made me remember some other stuff I did once...

Thing to do #31: Various building implements...
Build houses out of cake, make tables out of butter etc..

Thing to do #32: Item Artwork
Once I made an elaborate 1 screen size picture using items (mostly food) by dropping it on the floor to draw.

Re: Things to do in u7 (no hacks) that people may miss

Post by MV »

Thing to do #32: Item Artwork
Once I made an elaborate 1 screen size picture using items (mostly food) by dropping it on the floor to draw.
Oh Mr Hart, what a mess! :D

Some funny stuff near the end there guys.

Now this is what I want to do:

Get the emps to sell their homes to the logging/food industry, then in the mean time, take over bee cave.

Since the emps will then have money, and I'd have all of their drugs, I mean, honey, I'd be able to milk them for all they have so they can get their honey fix.

Or I'd just drop the plaque on LB's head and turn the castle into one large harem. Naked women and exploding cats for all!

Re: Things to do in u7 (no hacks) that people may miss

Post by Skutarth »

I think you have it the wrong way! I didn't mean an MMORPG! That would absolutely ruin Ultima 7! I meant a network cooperative mode like you said. That would be cool, and anything else would be another Ultima Online.
Trevor_Clim (damn Log in)

Re: Things to do in u7 (no hacks) that people may miss

Post by Trevor_Clim (damn Log in) »

yeah i think its cool to be in britannia with two other avatars :D (and not thousands of avatars)
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Re: Things to do in u7 (no hacks) that people may miss

Post by painful »

It wouldn't be two other avatars, it'd be every networked connected pc would play as a party member and be able to do side missions solo or follow the group. The thing is, you could actually make the main party members AI and give the ability to make your own character to join the party.
Tristan de Inés

Re: Things to do in u7 (no hacks) that people may miss

Post by Tristan de Inés »

Play all the way up to the Black Gate. Kill E&A, Hook & Forskis. Don't blow up the gate jet, there still remains work to be done!

Raze all Fellowship halls, kill all members, take no prisoners!
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Re: Things to do in u7 (no hacks) that people may miss

Post by painful »

Now that's an idea I like! haha ;-P
Andrea B Previtera

Re: Things to do in u7 (no hacks) that people may miss

Post by Andrea B Previtera »

Manual armageddon: travel the world, kill everyone. By hand.
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Re: Things to do in u7 (no hacks) that people may miss

Post by painful »

Kill everyone with a club.. or something of lesser damage, like.. *gasp* your bare hands!.. Ok, that was just pun from the last post.

Seriously though, we're trying to find some people interested in working on a new ultima game through exult.. anyone read that thread yet?
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Re: Things to do in u7 (no hacks) that people may miss

Post by painful »

Thing to do #33:
Build your own library. Collect all the books from the world, and carry them to your home/house/cave, etc and start up a library.
Trevor_Clim (damn Log in)

Re: Things to do in u7 (no hacks) that people may miss

Post by Trevor_Clim (damn Log in) »

Thing to do #34

be a real jackass!
get the big special key from the island west of trinsic. with this key you can lock every normal door and chest. so you take this key with you and go the blue boar or another tavern, where many people eat in the evening. after all people have gathered, you lock every door so they cant get home after meal :D :D :D
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Re: Things to do in u7 (no hacks) that people may miss

Post by SB-X »

Time for some old screenshots (some of you will remember these):

#35 Entomb(?) Owen
Give the famed shipwright a proper & dignified burial, appropriately placing his body to rest on of those sturdy ships. Put it out to sea and see how long it stays afloat!
Make sure you bury all of his books with him.

#35b Then take over his shoppe.
It was only being used as storage those damned books. But now it is the
"SB-X HQ."
Sorry about the mess...

#36 Road Trip
Wanderlust sets in quickly. Pack all your worldy possessions - including your lackeys - onto a small 5x9 cart, and roam the countryside.

But what kind of trouble can we get into as we travel from town to town, you ask?

#37 Dance Dance Revolution!
Be the DJ and pump phat beats into every pub, restaurant, and Fellowship Hall - turning them all into discos. Party at the Blue Boar tonight! This is the Avatar's true calling.

Re: Things to do in u7 (no hacks) that people may miss

Post by Macaw »

#38: Rare Food collector
Everyone knows that there is lots of rare food - like butter - that you can only get by stealing it when someone at a tavern orders it. So sit down one night at a tavern and see how lucky you are.

#39: Screw up Iolo's Diet
Everytime the old man is hungry feed him nothing but cake.

#40: House of the dead
Using before mentioned building techniques build a house out of corpses. you may need to traverse the land with a cart (see thing to do #36) in order to collect sufficient corpses.

#41: Sleep with Lord British.
Self explanitory.

#42: Grope women (or men for the female avatars out there)
Also self explanitory.

#43: Eat an elaborate meal.
Disband all party members.
Get lots of various food and cutlery.
Find a big table.
Lay out all your plates, cups, drinks, foods.
eat large quantities.
Perhaps bring Iolo with you for company, but be sure not to let him eat anything.. Perhaps he can play you a musical tune.

#44: Mess up peoples faces
When someone is sleeping, bring a cannon right up beside their bed and fire.

#45: Eat glass
This seems to be done my drinking drinks.
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Re: Things to do in u7 (no hacks) that people may miss

Post by artaxerxes »

Trevor_Clim (damn Log in) wrote:
> my ideas:
> Things to do 19: Gather everything!
> Use a real big building, like serpent's hold, for your
> warehouse! Gather every item in the world and arrange them by
> class and prize in different rooms! use crates, barrels and
> more!

IIRC, you cannot drop more than X objects per superchunk. That was a limitation in the original u7, but I can't say for sure if it is still in with Exult.


Re: Things to do in u7 (no hacks) that people may miss

Post by Trevor_Clim_2 »

thx for the info, Artaxerxes! But i won't try to reach the limit, i think it takes a lot of time ;)

i guess most of you already know this, but i think the ones who dont are happy if they can read it now:

the KING of doing (strange) things in ultima 7 is of course JOSEPH PAUL MORRIS, webmaster of

If you tend to wet your pants by laughing heavily, take care when reading this ;)
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Re: Things to do in u7 (no hacks) that people may miss

Post by Colourless »

Exult's item count limits are going to be limited by your system memory rather than some arbitrary amount. Being all 32 bit you probably will not reach the limit.