Creating an item

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James Clarke

Creating an item

Post by James Clarke »

Hi Everyone

I'm playing Serpent Isle at the moment and have somehow managed to lose Batlin's medallion, not sure if this was actually me or a bug.

Anyway, I was looking to create another Batlin's medallion using the cheat menu. So I enabled the cheats on the gameplay options and hit F2. However there doesn't seem to be a create item option there like has been suggested. I hit 'c' as well but nothing happens.

Does anyone know how I can get this working or perhaps how I can locate an object in the game map?


Posts: 308
Joined: Thu May 14, 2020 1:34 pm

Re: Creating an item

Post by Donfrow »

Not sure about the cheat menu, but if you use Exult Studio you can create Batlin's medallion by creating shape 955 and setting the frame to 4.
James Clarke

Re: Creating an item

Post by James Clarke »

Ok, Thanks for the advice. Haven't used Exult studio before but I'll have a look at the documentation and give it a go.

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Re: Creating an item

Post by marzo »

You can also use the Exult's shape browser: press Ctrl+B to open it, use page up/page down/up arrow/down arrow until you locate the shape, press left arrow/right arrow to locate the frame, press esc to exit the browser and insert to create the new shape.
Marzo Sette Torres Junior
aka Geometrodynamic Dragon
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James Clarke

Re: Creating an item

Post by James Clarke »

Managed to create the object. Thanks for your help.
