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Posts: 55
Joined: Thu May 14, 2020 1:34 pm


Post by Ezric »

I was playing with the latest snapshot earlier and trying out the keyring mod for the first time when I crashed to desktop. Sorry, I didn't take note of what caused it, but that's not the real issue I'm concerned with right this second.

Has anyone ever looked at the possibility of an autosave feature? Maybe an automated save once every five minutes or so that one could go back to in case of a crash or even a poor choice in one's chosen course of action. I know I *should* save frequently while playing, but somehow I get caught up in the game and totally forget about it. An autosave would be great for those times when I forget to save.

Personally, I'd like a bank of about five of the most recent autosaves to be able to choose from.

Just an idea, and I assume (perhaps incorrectly, I admit), that it would be a pretty minimal job to implement.

It would benefit the tracking down of bugs, too. There'd always be a save available close to the moment of a bug popping up.