Serpent Isle curiosity

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No Face

Serpent Isle curiosity

Post by No Face »

I thought Gwenno couldn't join you normally, yet i got her to join my party by normal means (after dupre's death, just before Sunrise isle)... she tells me "if you think i'll be of any use..." or something along these lines.. Is this Exult-only? did i discover it, or it was widely known?
Crysta the Elf
Posts: 573
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Re: Serpent Isle curiosity

Post by Crysta the Elf »

not widely-know, but normal :P

after Dupre dies she offers to join your party freely :P

Re: Serpent Isle curiosity

Post by MV »

Yea, that's why there was original art for her head in the inventory screen. :)

Personally I just kept petra in the party instead.
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Re: Serpent Isle curiosity

Post by drcode »

I also noticed last month that if you let Petra leave at that point in the game, you can't get her to join again.
No Face

Re: Serpent Isle curiosity

Post by No Face »

yeah, damn petra, i also tried to make her rejoin, but... well i guess Boydon's OK, and Gwenno can carry the late Dupre's stuff
No Face

Re: Serpent Isle curiosity

Post by No Face »

oh, sorry to double post but, before i forget, what is the attack power of the Black Sword in exult? somebody told me that the weapon damage values are different.
Coder Dragon
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Re: Serpent Isle curiosity

Post by Coder Dragon »

I never realized this was possible, either. Someone mentioned that Gwenno would join after Dpre's death in a post a few weeks ago. So I went back and replayed the game with Gwenno from Sunrise Isle to the end.

Awesome! I love tips like this! What a game!