hotkeys not working..?

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hotkeys not working..?

Post by Dale »

So it's been a while since I 'zulted. I was playing Glimmerscape and everything was working fine for the most part (aside from there constantly being so many clouds above me that I couldn't see anything)... but when I went to test the game on full screen, I must have hit something else because suddenly 'I' wouldn't open inventory and 'C' wouldn't initiate combat etc.
Esc still opened the menu, however.
Is there an easy way to reset all settings to default?
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Re: hotkeys not working..?

Post by Dale »

Odd. I shut down and tried restarting to see if it did anything, and now Glimmerscape opens fine, but when I click Journey Onward, I get an error popup saying :

Assertion Failed!

Program: C:\Program Files (x86)\Exult\Exult.exe
File: gamemap.h
Line: 137

Expression: (cx >= 0) && (cx = 0) && (cy < c_num_chunks)

For information on how your program can cause an assertion failure, see Visual C++ documentation on asserts

(Press Retry to debug application - JIT must be enabled)
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Re: hotkeys not working..?

Post by Dale »

Wait.. might actually be caused by what Don mentioned:

"There's an outstanding bug that has to do if you die on the starting island that was reported to me but I haven't gotten around to fixing it unfortunately. I think other than that I had corrected all of the ones I could (and know about...) in the currently available release."

Cause I died walking over a fire.
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Re: hotkeys not working..?

Post by Donfrow »

That doesn't sound like the bug that was reported to me. The one I was aware of was something to do with my code specifically and my fade in/fade out I do on death and would leave you at a black screen. Never encountered your hotkey issue though.

I recall getting that, or something similar, 10 (around that?) or so years ago when you were in the corners of the map. Exult itself was updated to correct that reproducible issue though. Since then I've gotten it sporadically on and off but was never able to nail down what was the cause as it seemed random. Based on my previous experience with a similar error I don't think it's specifically related to Glimmerscape coding.

It's possible it's related to something I've done to the game map or some other other unexpected condition I introduced that the base Exult engine doesn't like? I suspect one of the active devs would probably understand the expression error it's throwing more than me.
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Re: hotkeys not working..?

Post by Dale »

Ha. The black screen at death happened to me once, too.

Odd though.. I abandoned that save that was causing the error and went to an earlier one and everything worked out. That messed up save WAS post dying on the island, but I was properly resurrected at the healer's place.

To get around the crash, I just started a new game. Went to an earlier save. Moved forward with that one. I am shutting down Exult periodically just to make sure it doesn't happen again and cause me to lose too much time, but no occurrences so far.
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Re: hotkeys not working..?

Post by Donfrow »

If you can email me the save file(s) it should help when if I ever get some time to see about the black screen bug. That one is definitely my code. My email is in the profile of this forum account.

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Re: hotkeys not working..?

Post by Dale »

It happened to me whenever I died in the catacombs, too. Do you want a save file that is already corrupted by this issue? Because when I save after this happens, that file causes the error to happen when I try to load from it. I would wager that if you loaded any game and died in either of those locations, the same issue would happen, no?
In any case.. if you want a save, just let me know at what stage and I will be more than happy to supply it.
HUGE thanks for this game. I am already blown away by the depth of it.... and even a bit overwhelmed!
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Re: hotkeys not working..?

Post by Donfrow »

So if I'm understanding correctly, you get the "Assertion Failed" error message when you said, die and get the screen lockup, then do a journey onwards?

I will try recreating it myself but if you can send a save as well I would like it as well. Can't say I've ever run into such weird behaviour as that.

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Re: hotkeys not working..?

Post by Dale »

No. To clarify, when I die (if not every time, very near), I am resurrected but cannot use any hotkeys anymore. I haven't tried getting into a fight after that, but I assume I wouldn't be able to battle, either. It's odd...

I think the Assertion Failed error happened because I unknowingly saved it after the above happened and then tried to load that save game.

Honestly... I've worked around it so far by just reloading after I die. Happy to test some things out for you though, if you'd like.
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Re: hotkeys not working..?

Post by Donfrow »

I'll see if I can figure out if there's something bizarre in my death code. It may be something as simple as missing an "unfreeze" of the Avatar in the death sequence though that wouldn't really explain why it happens in some locations but not others.

Regardless, hopefully I can track it down. I imagine it can be a real pain. Sorry about that.