I was kind of thinking about, in addition to working on reversing some of the Legend Entertainment games, starting work on the earlier Ultimas, starting with Ultima I. I was wondering if anyone's aware of any existing previous attempt to properly disassemble the game executables (or any of the early Ultimas for that matter). I did some searching, but the most I could find was Ultima I Revenge, and that's a on hiatus attempt to implement the game by only reversing the data files, not the actual game itself.. so whilst it may prove helpful, not a proper substitute for having all the game disassembled in IDA or other such disassembly tool. I want to make sure that I'm not duplicating existing effort when/if I actually decide to start working on them.
I've always had a soft spot for the series, and it would be wonderful to have them brought into the ScummVM fold, I even made u6edit, an Ultima 6 editor back in the day. I kind of got into thinking about working on Ultima I when I was thinking back on it.. it got me to mulling about whether it would be possible to replace the bulk of the earlier games' graphics with the Ultima VI tileset. Of course, only possible to experiment with if the basic games themselves have been fully reversed and re-implemented.