a little movie I made

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a little movie I made

Post by gruck »

I suppose this is more an Ultima 8 pentagram thing, but I just thought I'd share a little movie I made of a female version of the Avatar walking from Ultima 8. I downloaded the original 3dmax file from Denis Loubet's page and made a few modifications. I'm none to slick with 3dmax, but I didn't think it looked too shabby.


Re: a little movie I made

Post by gruck »

Yeah I know she looks a lot like old bucket head himself, but a women who went through what the Avatar has would have to be tough.
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Re: a little movie I made

Post by XxVenomxX »

Nice work! ;)
Fantasy art/Illustration by Brendan Setaro

Re: a little movie I made

Post by matt »

she's a bit butch... woof!
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Re: a little movie I made

Post by Daemongar »

I didn't get sound with my download(!?) Is there another one, or does anyone have the story? It was pretty confusing (to say the least!)
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Re: a little movie I made

Post by nadir »

Story ?
Sound ?
It's just a demo of a female Avatar shape from Ultima 8 walking in all possible directions againsta a black background...
Nice job, gruck, btw

Re: a little movie I made

Post by gruck »

Well I tell ya, no slip of a girl is is gonna survive 10 straight roleplaying games. It'd take some butch to lug around 9999 gold pieces, 9999 food, 25 throwing daggers, and 8 sets of armour and 50 torches. Not to mention the reagents. We're talking about 2 tons here!
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Re: a little movie I made

Post by XxVenomxX »

Yeah, and its not like a womans curves are going to show through most kinds of armour, despite what comic books and DnD artwork would have you believe. :P
Fantasy art/Illustration by Brendan Setaro
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Re: a little movie I made

Post by Colourless »

Ah, depiction of female fighers in armour is often what can only be described as a joke. The reason is obvious enough, the target audience of such things are of course males from ages 13 to 25. Some games get it right, others get it quite absurdly wrong. Ultima's pretty much have gotten it right.
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Re: a little movie I made

Post by Daemongar »

Could also be that there isn't a historical precidence for female plate-mail, so it falls on the shoulders of someone who doesn't know. The only historic evidence would probably be from descriptions of amazons or whatever from Roman text, or from German Myths.

Either way, women in plate are a complete figment of our collective imagination: there never was nor will there be a plate mailed woman charging into battle, so don't complain when they draw them how this fantasy creature would look.

I suppose if they made them completely nude like the Berzerkers you'd have a problem with that too?

Re: a little movie I made

Post by Armchair_Avatar »

Either way, women in plate are a complete figment of our collective imagination: there never was nor will there be a plate mailed woman charging into battle, so don't complain when they draw them how this fantasy creature would look.
What about Joan of Arc?
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Re: a little movie I made

Post by Daemongar »

I'm pretty sure she wear chainmail in every picture I see'd her in. She was a peasant after all... Either way, not trying to jump on anyone, just saying that people are making RPG programmers out to be the biggest bunch of sexist perverts in the world, and we all know they're nothing like that, right?

Re: a little movie I made

Post by Morg »

And you say "bunch of sexist perverts" like its a bad thing :-D