This is interesting...

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Achile Dragon

Re: This is interesting...

Post by Achile Dragon »

How they shut them down. Go to hell EA

Re: This is interesting...

Post by HellRazor »

Personally, I think it's doubtful that they were shut down by EA. For one thing, this project just appeared out of nowhere claiming to have more of the original SI documents, but said they "wouldn't post them until they were done with their game". Now all of a sudden they are disappearing again.

I think it's a lot more likely that they never had any original SI docs in the first place and that their project didn't really exist. After all, EA has never sent "cease and desist" letters to any of the projects that are much more established and highly visible. Nor are the SI docs that have already been posted ever been taken down.

Of course I could be wrong. Does anyone know any of these guys on the team?
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Re: This is interesting...

Post by nadir »

I find it very strange that these people set up such a task without announcing it first on this forum or on the Exult mailing lists or in the IRC channel. For the type of effort involved they would require extensive usecoding, and although our tools are quite good, I don't know if they are mature enough to support all of the things they we're attempting to do. But I might be mistaken
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Re: This is interesting...

Post by Colourless »

Nadir, they could be using wuc :-)

I'm sure you can do everything with that, but only a masochist would try.

However, ucc is not complete enough yet as far as I know.

-Colourless Dragon

Re: This is interesting...

Post by fluxrez »

it could be refering to the SI docs that were released right here on this forum awhile back
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Re: This is interesting...

Post by drcode »

The site's working today. Maybe they're counting on ucc being improved:-)

Actually, I think ucc is usable enough, but it's just a bit rough to do certain things (like scripted scenes such as the 'Fawn Trial').
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Re: This is interesting...

Post by XxVenomxX »

Check the project page again, they're up and running again. The email wasn't from EA.
Fantasy art/Illustration by Brendan Setaro

Re: This is interesting...

Post by matt »

alright, everybody apologize to EA....

just kidding! There's no forgiving the company that gave us Ultima 9...

Re: This is interesting...

Post by Paulon »

Seems that they weren't the only ones getting bogus emails. ... 00087.html
Achile Dragon

Re: This is interesting...

Post by Achile Dragon »

Yeah and uncomplete SI and poor ultima 8
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Re: This is interesting...

Post by artaxerxes »


If this team can finish their project, I'll think we'll have one of the best scenario for a game since SI.

How can I become a beta-tester, that's the question I'm asking!
