Where does Weston go?

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Where does Weston go?

Post by Crowley »

What happens to Weston programming-wise after you get him out of his cell? If I try to teleport to him, I end up at the edge of the mountains north of Britain, but there isn't anybody there! He doesn't go the the "House of the Dead" either. I can remember that I once met Weston around Empath Abbey after freeing him. I couldn't talk to him unless I modified him with the cheat menu, and when I did talk to him, he told me that Lord British had gotten him work doing menial jobs around the Abbey, and thanked me. His portrait still showed him looking through the bars, though...

Re: Where does Weston go?

Post by MV »

I don't know where he went. It was always one of those mysteries. I never saw him again.
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Re: Where does Weston go?

Post by XxVenomxX »

I've never once encountered him after freeing him.
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Re: Where does Weston go?

Post by Anonymous »

His wife, Alina, (in the Fellowship shelter in Paws) says she is waiting for him to return from Britain if you talk to her after freeing Weston. She says LB gave him a job.

Looking at the F2 cheat screen, it says his coords are (4090, 4090, 05) after freeing him.. Is that a legal location? Is there any way to get there?
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Re: Where does Weston go?

Post by SB-X »

That's supposed to be the location deleted NPCs appear at in Exult (i think). So he is nowhere.

He might have been better off if you left him in jail.

Re: Where does Weston go?

Post by Anonymous »

So, by freeing him we've actually caused him to cease to exist???

Oops. Better not tell his wife. :-)
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Re: Where does Weston go?

Post by Colourless »

There is actually a reason why that happens. When Ultima 7 was made, they couldn't do dynamic updates to the schedules. Weston's schedule would have him constantly being in the cell. Once you got him released, the usecoders couldn't make him have a new schedule, so they just delete him.

The Serpent Isle programmers of course fixed this problem.

Exult, since it supports Serpent Isle, also gives Black Gate support for dynamic schedules. However, as far as I know, we haven't added the dynamic schedule intrinsics into the Black Gate, so people writing usecode can't actually change schedules yet. You can change them in the cheat menu, but that's not much use.

-Colourless Dragon
Dino (can't log in)

Re: Where does Weston go?

Post by Dino (can't log in) »

They couldn't do dynamic updates to the schedules, so couldn't they create a new NPC with a new schedule, make him look the same and call him Weston?
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Re: Where does Weston go?

Post by Annorax »

I remember in the original BG he went to the Room of the Dead by Cove, but now he just vanishes.....
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Re: Where does Weston go?

Post by wjp »

Exult doesn't have a Room of the Dead.

Edit by Dominus: froze this thread as it attracted spam ;(