Savage Empire Remake...

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Savage Empire Remake...

Post by Skutarth »

I am going to start a conversion of the SNES version of The Savage Empire, which can only be found in Japanease, into Exult. You can see the comparison with the SNES Black Gate port on this page:

[Edit: please no more asking for the rom]

If you have an ENGLISH version, you will be worshipped.
The website will be started soon.

Any suggestions on where to get it hosted? Sourceforge?
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Re: Savage Empire Remake...

Post by Dominus »

As this SNES cartridge is extremely rare and rom dumps only "semi"-legal when you own the cartridge I don't think you should discuss this too much. After all, distributing the files violates copyrights. Be careful what you do.
In this case I would strongly recommend not to use sourceforge.
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Re: Savage Empire Remake...

Post by Skutarth »

I have aqcuired the rom, thanks to suraimu. That will be all for the rom-talk. Do not ask me for the rom unless you intend to help me out.

I will soon be ripping sprites from the game. I will be sure to give credit to the original creators for the art.

If you would like to help for the cause, you may contact me.

¨XTo Dominus: ¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨[
¨UWhat site would you suggest besides sourceforge?¨U

Re: Savage Empire Remake...

Post by Skutarth »

Heh, it didn't turn out right. It meant to be a border...
What I was trying to say to Dominus is:

What site would you suggest besides sourceforge?

Re: Savage Empire Remake...

Post by Jumjalum »

Well good luck, I'd like to see this up and running but you might run into trouble getting it hosted if its classed as oldwarez. How will you handle the music and sound? If you run into trouble with the dialogue just use the ones from the original version.

Re: Savage Empire Remake...

Post by Jumjalum » ... hp?t=22122

You may find this thread helpful, they have links to 2 well-known Japanese ROM translation sites.

Re: Savage Empire Remake...

Post by Skutarth »

To whoever edited my post:
Did you even actually read it? It said not to ask for it unless you intend to help me. I won't straight out distribute it.
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Re: Savage Empire Remake...

Post by Dominus »

Hey Skutarth,
even though I didn't edit your post I'd be really happy if you could just drop that project from this forum.
We might end up needing to butcher a lot more requests or offers for roms and I'd really rather not see such from the start here.

As for your question for a host I really can't think of anything that would host your project, especially ina way SF hosts and provides service...
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Re: Savage Empire Remake...

Post by Skutarth »

Due to lack of hosting, fear of copyright infringement, and the moderators yelling at me, the project has been dropped. Sorry for any inconvenience.

/me grumbles

Re: Savage Empire Remake...

Post by Skutarth »

To change the wording, it's been dropped to the public, but will be worked on until it is released as abandonware. Real abandonware, not warez.
Grimlock Dragon
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Re: Savage Empire Remake...

Post by Grimlock Dragon »

Nevertheless, I applaud your creativity. Too often copyrights get in the way of some truily good work. It's not like the company is going to touch this stuff again, but copyrights are copyrights..... Look at what is being done by Tierra for Kings Quest.