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Paulo Hargreaves


Post by Paulo Hargreaves »


I bought the original U7 a long time ago (1992 I think) in 5 1/4" floppy. Now I wanted to play it again, but I can't find this kind of floppy to copy the files. Does anybody know if EA would send me the files if I prove that I bought the game once?


Re: U7

Post by gruck »

Hugs the 5 1/4 inch drive hanging out of my Athlon 1800 with 512 mb ram

Geesh the poor thing always gets laughed at here at uni

Re: U7

Post by Cheshire »

Heh! I have an old "double drive" from an IBM. IT's a 3 1/2" and a 5 1/4" drive in a 5 1/4" size package. Got mine linked up to a linux box JUST IN CASE. That way I can mount pretty much anything. The next step (I suppose) would to be to buy a Catweasel Drive and really have a drive that'll read everything...

Posts: 22
Joined: Thu May 14, 2020 1:34 pm

Re: U7

Post by Shamino96 »

Dont be so damn cheep and just spend 6.99 on ebay for a ultima collection cd. Sorry for my harshness but get with the times man!

Re: U7

Post by gruck »

yeah, but I got other good games in my game collection that are on 5 1/4 and time to time I like to play them too. Just last month I installed Darklands on my computer from 11 5&1/4 disks.

A game I may actually think is a bit better then Ultima 7 *gasp*