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Posts: 34
Joined: Thu May 14, 2020 1:34 pm


Post by DragonKain »

I was playing the Black Gate with exult-0.94alpha5-win32 and after receiving the letter to clean up the lake in cove, i traveled there and almost everyone in town was "Wislem" the gargoyal. But when you talked with him, it would be Sherry. Hmm..

Another wierd thing i found out is if you walk into the tree on the right side of wislem's house (east side of brittania) you can fall into an cheat area that contains magic items, calledite helmits, soul cages, and much more. Plus it had portals to most important spots in the game.

After using the newest snapshot, the wislem bug in cove was the same, but the secret room with all the goodies was gone.

Re: Bug?

Post by MV »

The secret room would have been fixed like the one in trinsic was. You are supposed to be off the ground (on a crate etc) to activate it. I can't believe I missed reporting that one with the trinsic one. I always forget about that teleporter next to the gargoyle house in britain.

I'll check out cove, I havn't actually been there yet in exult.

Re: Bug?

Post by MV »

Ok, just had play with the latest snap. Cove was fine.
Posts: 34
Joined: Thu May 14, 2020 1:34 pm

Re: Bug?

Post by DragonKain »

Hmm.. Maybe its a glitch in my game. Ill re-install and try it again.

Re: Bug?

Post by drk »

is there a difference in the one next to the gargoyle house and the one in trinsic? and how do u access it?
Posts: 34
Joined: Thu May 14, 2020 1:34 pm

Re: Bug?

Post by DragonKain »

Its just left of one of those two trees. Just east of the entrance to the house. I just walked into it. Didnt have to stack boxes or anything.
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Re: Bug?

Post by Dominus »

You should really download the snapshot and start a new game. It seems your savegame got corrupted and reinstalling won`t help if you use the same savegame.
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