Ultima 7 Mysteries...o.O

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Ultima 7 Mysteries...o.O

Post by IgnitusDragonn »

Remember that place with the stone canopy, and when you stood in the middle of it, lightning struck at you? or the house near Vesper(but further north into the woods right after the swamp) w/ the gargoyle?
I'm sure theres many others, I can't remember right now, but wouldn't it be nice if they were explained someway?
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Re: Ultima 7 Mysteries...o.O

Post by SnowyThing »

What's up with that giant 'X' marks the spot with the treasure? Then when you get there, I think the Guardian pops up and says. ".doG nagaP ehT mA I"
What is up with that?
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Re: Ultima 7 Mysteries...o.O

Post by IgnitusDragonn »

"I am the pagan god", there is a special key to open that chest, or something...the key in the fish at Serpent Hold opens either the treasure chest at the nearby island or else opens something to do with that X treasure...
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Re: Ultima 7 Mysteries...o.O

Post by SnowyThing »

But /why/ does he say that he's the Pagan God? Some little preview of U8? I'd rather see a hidden screenshot or graphic from it.
But why have an X if you're not going to bury the treasure?
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Re: Ultima 7 Mysteries...o.O

Post by IgnitusDragonn »

No shovels.
Pagan in this sense means, anti-virtue. The Fellowship was Pagan in that sense.
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Re: Ultima 7 Mysteries...o.O

Post by SnowyThing »

Weird. I had a dream that you could dig and stuff by using the shovel in U7... there ARE shovels... just like there are rakes and hoes.
Speaking of which... been to The Bath House yet? :p

Re: Ultima 7 Mysteries...o.O

Post by corbomite »

Actually, the key inside that chest at the X opens the one at Serpent Hold, that is in the dining room. I only discovered this myself recently.

Re: Ultima 7 Mysteries...o.O

Post by Soule »

I don't think the key in X is related to the treasures of Serpent's Hold.
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Re: Ultima 7 Mysteries...o.O

Post by IgnitusDragonn »

It is, I think it opens a chest near about.
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Re: Ultima 7 Mysteries...o.O

Post by SB-X »

I don't remember a Gargoyle living solitarily near Vesper... but since it is near Vesper that just makes sense. I do remember the gargoyle Sin'Vral(sp?) who lived in the desert out there in Ultima V and Ultima VI (before Vesper was rebuilt), but I heard he was murdered.
Neutronium Dragon

Re: Ultima 7 Mysteries...o.O

Post by Neutronium Dragon »

It was closer to Minoc than Vesper; in the wooded areas just to the east of that city. There are a couple of hostile wingless gargoyles living there. (So it wouldn't be Sin'Vraal - he was definitely winged, and solitary to boot.)

Neutronium Dragon
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Re: Ultima 7 Mysteries...o.O

Post by IgnitusDragonn »

Its one wingless, and its northeast of Minoc, any further and you would hit the mountain at the rim of the coast.

Re: Ultima 7 Mysteries...o.O

Post by corbomite »

"I don't think the key in X is related to the treasures of Serpent's Hold."

Try it. I just used it to open the chest in the dining room at the Hold the other day. I could never find a key for this chest before, but that key does open it.
Neutronium Dragon

Re: Ultima 7 Mysteries...o.O

Post by Neutronium Dragon »

There were two of 'em in that cabin the times I visited...

Neutronium Dragon

Re: Ultima 7 Mysteries...o.O

Post by Soule »

I am sure to get the treasures of Serpent's Hold...
1. Get a key from body of a trout in the Hold.
2. Open a chest in the cave near the Hold using the trout key. You'll get another key.
3. Open the door with the treasures! (Magebane, Juggernaut Hammer, Glass Sword etc)

Do you ever have to use the key from 'X Marks the Spot'?
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Re: Ultima 7 Mysteries...o.O

Post by Kuroshi »

I think they mean the chest full of reagents. I'd have to run the game to check, though.
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Re: Ultima 7 Mysteries...o.O

Post by SnowyThing »

I believe that the largest mystery in all of Serpent Isle is the stunning fact that there are NO toddlers or babies in cribs or any children at all. (Cantra doesn't count. Since she was training to become a knight she is a woman.) So... there aren't any... at all. Kinda makes you wonder. In fifty or so years, would SI be barren? No children equals no people. Well, Automatons would still be around... but no people. Would it turn into 'Planet of the Gwani'? Homage to Planet of the Apes.

Though, this does raise another question. When the Avatar had sex with the Bar Wench (can't remember her name) in Monitor, would she have become pregnant? I don't recall seeing a 'Squire Condom' anywhere. Also, with Frigidazzi. Perhaps their love children would take over the Serpent Isle? Since one would be in Moonshade and the other in Monitor... it would be full of conflict. Mind over matter, as it were. Magic versus brute strength.
Then what would happen to Fawn? Would it crumple into ruins? Just like the Serpent Gates? Fawn does have an Oracle, and most ruins do have some 'worship' or 'Godly' place or object.

Which brings me to another question. Since Dupre was sacrificed for the true balance of the world, does that make him God? Savior? If so, couldn't he just 'create' more people to live in Serpent Isle? Wouldn't that turn into another 'Fellowship' scheme? Dupre's Fellowship wouldn't be bad... but some anti-fellowship group may be created and cause the same problems as did in Britannia. Would the Avatar return? Would another 'hero' come to save the day? I don't think there are Moongates in Serpent Isle, but Teleport Storms maybe?

Just some wild thoughts.
A few of them like 'Dupre' having his own following in a new Ultima game might be kinda strange to see. Save the world again.


Re: Ultima 7 Mysteries...o.O

Post by suraimu »

I'm a Dupresian!
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Re: Ultima 7 Mysteries...o.O

Post by SnowyThing »

Yeah, well, Shamino is my man. ;)
He likes RuPaul.
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Re: Ultima 7 Mysteries...o.O

Post by IgnitusDragonn »

Snowy never shuts up, I apologize for this inconvenience.
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Re: Ultima 7 Mysteries...o.O

Post by Darke »

Ignitus doesn't either, I apologize for this inconvenience.

(Well _someone_ had to say it. *grin*)
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Re: Ultima 7 Mysteries...o.O

Post by XxVenomxX »

Thank you.

Fantasy art/Illustration by Brendan Setaro
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Re: Ultima 7 Mysteries...o.O

Post by SnowyThing »


*runs into a corner of the room.*

Let me be!

I give up!
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Re: Ultima 7 Mysteries...o.O

Post by IgnitusDragonn »

Darke, I wouldn't speak if I were you ;)
Besides, me and Snowy(and others as well) bring life to this forum.
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Re: Ultima 7 Mysteries...o.O

Post by SnowyThing »

Ignitus and I are going to paint the town red.... :D
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Re: Ultima 7 Mysteries...o.O

Post by Dominus »

Yeah, and most of the stuff you talk about is soooooooooo witty and interesting and even on topic that newcomers to the forums are bound to get their questions answered just by reading it...
Read the documentation and the FAQ! There is no excuse for not reading them! RTFM
Read the Rules!
We do not support Piracy/Abandonware/Warez!
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Re: Ultima 7 Mysteries...o.O

Post by XxVenomxX »

Why not just rename the forums to Ignitus and Snowy's playground? "We turn every thread into the Sparks Ass Thread :D"

Fantasy art/Illustration by Brendan Setaro
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Re: Ultima 7 Mysteries...o.O

Post by IgnitusDragonn »

I always answer new-comers questions, and yes, I agree with the renaming- but with a minor difference, it should be, "Ignitus's Playground, Snowy and others are welcome."
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Re: Ultima 7 Mysteries...o.O

Post by SnowyThing »

Hey, at least I'm welcome here. Other forums treat me like Yurel. :P

Can I have some cheese? :)
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Re: Ultima 7 Mysteries...o.O

Post by Darke »

/me paws Yurel^WSnowyThing some cheese.
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Re: Ultima 7 Mysteries...o.O

Post by SnowyThing »

Thank you! Thou art kind, kind, kind! Is it safe for Yurel to go home now?

Re: Ultima 7 Mysteries...o.O

Post by corbomite »

"I think they mean the chest full of reagents. I'd have to run the game to check, though."

I forget what is in the chest, but I believe it is in the dining room. It has nothing to do with the magic weapons in the back.
Chris Schumacher

Stone Canopy

Post by Chris Schumacher »

[Author: IgnitusDragonn
Date: 07-12-02 10:51

Remember that place with the stone canopy, and when you stood in the middle of it, lightning struck at you? or the house near Vesper(but further north into the woods right after the swamp)
w/ the gargoyle?
I'm sure theres many others, I can't remember right now, but wouldn't it be nice if they were explained someway?]

Does anyone have coordinates for these two locations?