Explosion spell does not work

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Explosion spell does not work

Post by YiGyuWon »

Why spells about explosion and fire(e.g. explosion, fire snake...), don't work( or damage)?
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Re: Explosion spell does not work

Post by Dominus »

Explosion does damage but shows no explosion (->bug). Fire snake was never worling to begin with in the original...
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Ignitus Dragon

Re: Explosion spell does not work

Post by Ignitus Dragon »

Remember those spells in black gate that never worked? Or was that Serpent Isle...hmm...

Re: Explosion spell does not work

Post by MV »

In serpent isle, firesnake and blink never worked.

I always pictured firesnake being the effect of what the blackswords' fire power did.

It did a line of firefields and ended in an explosion. That's why I'm surprised it was never implemented in serpent isle.
Ignitus Dragon

Re: Explosion spell does not work

Post by Ignitus Dragon »

I pictured Firesnake as the death vortex(the swirly blue thing right?) only flame coloured.

Re: Explosion spell does not work

Post by MV »

Did you ever read the discription in the manual of it?

"This spell sends a trail of fire from the caster, across anything in the way, to explode at it's target".
Neutronium Dragon

Re: Explosion spell does not work

Post by Neutronium Dragon »

Blink was intended as nonfunctional in SI, as per one of Erstam's diary entries. Though they should really have just replaced it with something useful...

Neutronium Dragon
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Re: Explosion spell does not work

Post by Colourless »

I have a feeling that the spells were supposed to work, but they ran out of time (hence much of the plot being unfinished) and just came up with an excuse of 'magic isn't working properly' to get away with broken spells. Remember that Selina managed to use Blink to escape the ambush.

-Colourless Dragon
Ignitus Dragon

Re: Explosion spell does not work

Post by Ignitus Dragon »

Selina had a blink ring. Thats why.

Re: Explosion spell does not work

Post by corbomite »

Then shouldn't the blink ring have been made functional for the player too?
Ignitus Dragon

Re: Explosion spell does not work

Post by Ignitus Dragon »

One of those weird little bugs, they didn't think you'd get the blink ring, and it doesn't make sense that you'd get the blink ring unless you hack-moved it from her.
She drops all items except for the blink ring when she bails at the mint.

Re: Explosion spell does not work

Post by MV »

I just fetched me a blink ring from a certain tree.........

I found it straight away in the original. Totally legit.
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Re: Explosion spell does not work

Post by IgnitusDragonn »

Yeah, I remember the ring your talking about.
Ahh...I can't remember where thats at though.
Anyway, I doubt they figured you'd find it, I'm not sure why it was in the game, probably a mistake. Ahem anyway, maybe its just Selenas ring? =P
Neutronium Dragon

Re: Explosion spell does not work

Post by Neutronium Dragon »

Another problem with Blink is that it'd be *very* easy to break things in the heavily-scripted SI by teleporting even short distances, and thereby getting to places you shouldn't be/triggering things that shouldn't happen yet.

Neutronium Dragon
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Re: Explosion spell does not work

Post by IgnitusDragonn »

To get through that problem, only be able to use blink in a wide open place, i.e not through doors, mountains or walls(Selina teleported in a wide open space)
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Re: Blink

Post by Kuroshi »

I'd always thought blink was there just so the rings Selina had didn't have to be explained.

Re: Blink

Post by MV »

The tree is just north of monitor below the knights test. To the right of the small ruins on the west coast.
Neutronium Dragon

Re: Blink

Post by Neutronium Dragon »

Even some wide-open places without walls might cause problems. You'd have to limit it to teleporting you only to places you had a direct pathfind to. That wouldn't be terribly useful as a spell, particularly given how quickly you can just run the distance.

Neutronium Dragon
Chris Schumacher

Re: Blink

Post by Chris Schumacher »

Does anyone have the coordinates of the tree with the Blink Ring in it?
Because I haven' t been able to find it.

Re: Blink

Post by MV »

120s 6w. It was very obvious in the original. Look in the center of the tree for the glowing ring. Get it with a fetch spell.
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Re: Blink

Post by IgnitusDragonn »

The blink ring should have worked as a type of recall item. Definitly.
Such as teleporting to Sleeping Bull, Fawn, Monitor, Moonshade.
Neutronium Dragon

Re: Blink

Post by Neutronium Dragon »

That would've largely negated the point of the jawbone if it'd allowed that. Also, it would have serious plot-breaking problems unless you were limited to using it only at certain locations like the jawbone.

Neutronium Dragon
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Re: Blink

Post by IgnitusDragonn »

Not really, perhaps the idea would be, that you could only teleport to places you've been, cities with a "Blink" teleporter.
I don't think it would negate the jawbone too much, I mean, the jawbone was a "elite" device, however the blink ring could just be a level 7 mage device or something.