A couple of things I found

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A couple of things I found

Post by brokenfusion »

-Shopkeepers don't seem to get po'd when you steal their goods.
-You can't walk around while the paperdoll is up. COuldn;t you do that in the original?
Just a couple of things I noticed, keep up the good work.
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Re: A couple of things I found

Post by Kuroshi »

You can double right-click to walk around when the paperdolls are up.

Re: A couple of things I found

Post by MV »

The original paused the game while the inventory was open. Was good for finding your spellbook then casting something, or using potions, etc.

Re: A couple of things I found

Post by brokenfusion »

Ah ok maybe I thought that you could walk around with it open because of UO.
How about the shopkeepers though?
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Re: A couple of things I found

Post by drcode »

Stealing should be detected; seemed to work for me the night just before we released. Only certain things do it, though, such as containers and food. Exult may not be perfect in this respect.

Re: A couple of things I found

Post by Skutarth »

You can walk around normally with it open. I remember like it was yesterday.

Re: A couple of things I found

Post by Daniel »

You may be thinking of Ultima 8 where you can walk around with your pack open and other things such as chests, barrels and containers. However I've got one problem with the spellbook not pausing the game in Exult. Like you said MV, it is useful for casting spells but Exult may not have included it because its not that realistic.

Re: A couple of things I found

Post by brokenfusion »

The shopkeepers don't notice if you steal weapons.
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Re: A couple of things I found

Post by SB-X »

But they sure do get mad if you move their chair before they can sit in it!
486DX2/66 Dragon

Re: A couple of things I found

Post by 486DX2/66 Dragon »

Wouldn't it be nice to be an option about that so we can chose this on/off as we like?

Re: A couple of things I found

Post by DragonWizard »

I seem to recall that it paused in BG, but didn't in SI. I don't remember exactly. I would like that to be an option though. Pausing in inventory was handy for stealing stuff. I'm a naughty Avatar.
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Re: A couple of things I found

Post by Dominus »

In both BG and SI the game was paused when the inventory was brought up. For a long time Exult didn't pause then but then Jeff changed it so when you bring the inventory up, you can't walk and enemies can't attack you but still walk on. I'd rather have it either behave like the original or like we did it before (not pausing at all) with the exception of bringing up the spellbook (should pause then IMO). And of course it should be optional.
Don't expect it in the 1.0 release.
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British Fiend

Re: A couple of things I found

Post by British Fiend »

Jeff seems to have alot of hybrid opinions on how exult should be designed...
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Re: A couple of things I found

Post by SB-X »

It is more the different opinions of us fans than his opinion I think.
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Re: A couple of things I found

Post by drcode »

Some things were done differently (or wrong) because for the first year that I was working on Exult, it was really difficult for me to run the original U7. So I was working from distant memories. U7run has been a >big< help.
British Fiend

Re: A couple of things I found

Post by British Fiend »

Actually, to say he has different opinions than us is the same as saying we have different opinions than him, I do not disagree with you when you say our opinions are different from his, I do disagree with repeating what I already said ;).
Anyway, his opinions are different, I suppose it could be argued that if we want something different, we should do it ourselves. However, if we all followed that excuse, there would be no beta testers, only designers.
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Re: A couple of things I found

Post by SB-X »

That isn't what I said. I wasn't very clear. I meant that the fans have different opinions from eachother, and if we request something that gets added in, eventually someone requests that it be removed.
British Fiend

Re: A couple of things I found

Post by British Fiend »

All apologies for misreading what you said, I agree, we have many different opinions, in that case it'd be best to vote.
I cannot argue with the majority.
Neutronium Dragon

Re: A couple of things I found

Post by Neutronium Dragon »

I'd much rather keep it pausing in inventory than not. There are a number of items that would be virtually impossible to use or do if things kept happening while paused.

Neutronium Dragon