Old SI plot

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Dragon To Be

Old SI plot

Post by Dragon To Be »

Yes, I know it has been before but... well has anyone managed to see some remains of the old plot that authors forgot to delete (except Ernesto, of course) and has anyone managed to cure Cantra? Maybe with some Water of ?
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Re: Old SI plot

Post by Dominus »

look at http://exult.info/forum/viewtopic.php?p=729#p729

And no, you CANNNOT cure Cantra.
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Dragon To Be

Re: Old SI plot

Post by Dragon To Be »

So, that's strange. She behaves like Gwenno did... but with the release of
Exult Studio it can be possible to close the plotholes.
Also - Hawk was supposed to give you his ship, but it seems that the developers cancelled it because the dungeons took up most of the ocean space. There is a post somewhere here about the "dungeon roof" -- maybe if we discover the flag it could be possible to make the ocean the "dungeon roof" so to make the ship sailable. But why didn't the developers do it? I dunno. Two variants:
1) They had no time.
2) There is no such flag.
For the second one, I can say this -- maybe it can be implemented using the engine ITSELF (not the Usecode). This may be hard, but I can't think of any other ways.
BTW - by "remains of the old plot" I meant those that were in the game itself, not in the usecode.
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Re: Old SI plot

Post by Dominus »

but the usecode is the game :-)
apart from the usecode there is only the graphics, audio and some data files. And the executable manages those elements... (very roughly said, as the executable does some other stuff as well).

About Dungeon roof, sailing and such - very hard to do. As you noticed the dungeons, cellars and so on take up most of the ocean. This is partly due to the fact that there isw no level below ground level on the map. So those areas where there is a dungeon (or whatever) in the ocean it is on the same level as the ocean itself. A roof that consists of "ocean" (do I make sense now) would be on a higher lvel than the rest of the ocean. So it would mean that the dev team has to make the ship behave very strangely. When it comes to a part of the ocean where the roof consists of ocean it moves a lvel higher and when it reaches the end it has to descend to groundlevel again...
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Re: Old SI plot

Post by Andy »

Ah yes, the old original plot.... In a previous thread I had asked if the original SI plot could be resurrected, though not in those words. Unfortunately, I ran into several brick walls with nonanswers, although some people were quite helpful. I am still searching for the original plot if only in text form, and script. Everybody knows that the sourcecode was lost, but maybe the actual written script could be gotten. It is a big assumption of mine that it was written in a basic text format, and then applied to the SI engine.. (maybe).

I had inquired of Warren Spector about the plot without mentioning this project (Exult). I wasn't sure how he would feel about it, and didn't want to put it in any danger. Still no reply. I was wondering if Warren was the only writer on SI. If not, then mayhap we could ask the other writer(s). (Ah yes, the 'other writer' theory.... sooo JFK).

Andy a.k.a. Grimlock Dragon
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Re: Old SI plot

Post by drcode »

Feel free to mention Exult to Warren Spector. He hasn't worked at Origin for years, and will probably feel flattered.

Re: Old SI plot

Post by Andy »

Okay, I'll give it a go :0)
Max aka Moscow Dragon

Re: Old SI plot

Post by Max aka Moscow Dragon »

Is Spektor from Monitor - Warren Spector?
Also - am I right that Brendann from Monitor is a SI project lead?
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Re: Old SI plot

Post by XxVenomxX »

I know that Spektor is Warren, but I'm not sure about Brendann, other than it's my name with an extra N at the end. heh
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Belyaev Dragon

Re: Old SI plot

Post by Belyaev Dragon »

Dominus: You know, well, I have (really stupid) idea, so ignore it if you won't like it, it's just one of the results of thinking-over... Well, here is the idea:
Lift all the map up, (except them dungeons and cellars, of course) so that dungeons will be lower ("under-map"). I know that there is a "lift" flag in objects, so ideally you won't even need that "dungeon-roof" thing.
Really foolish, stupid, idiotic, mad (underline the appropritrate(s)), isn't it? Well, I have thought so. Besides, this thing is REALLY difficult to implement, so I don't think anyone (except myself, maybe :)) would do it even if it were a good idea (but it isn't :)).
BTW, are the dungeons "under the mountains" really *in* the mountains? I can't think of anything else cause you said that there is no level below ground.
P.S. You are going to email Spector, LB etc., but where did you get their emails? If it's not a secret, tell me :).
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Re: Old SI plot

Post by Dominus »

When you look at the teleport map in Exult with F3 you see all the parts of the map that are on the ground level. Try it - go into a dungeon and then move down one level in that Dungeon (are there even levels below the ground level in BG- meaning can you step down a stair from the ground level?), hit F3 and you will see that you´ve just been teleported somewhere else on the map.
So the map in U7 has only levels above ground and those are normally only in structures like houses.
What you are suggesting is interesting but to my reasoning pretty much unimplementable. You would probably break the whole game just to implement that you can sail on the ocean... Not much to gain for a lot of work...
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