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A suggestion for the Exult site
Posted: Fri May 10, 2002 5:50 pm
by Skutarth
I was thinking this would be a good feature to add in your site...
Could you put a counter that tells when you last updated each snapshot, so I know when I need to download the latest one?
Please try to do this, thank you.
Re: A suggestion for the Exult site
Posted: Fri May 10, 2002 6:09 pm
by SB-X
Did you actually look at the download page?
Re: A suggestion for the Exult site
Posted: Fri May 10, 2002 10:16 pm
by Eric
Yeah, not only does it show the exact date, but it also shows the exact time. (~the URL~)
Scroll down until you come across this text:
~~~ Snapshots - use at your own risk! ~~~
It will be in bold letters, you can't miss it
I'm gonna have to repeat SB-X on this one, did you actually look at the download page?
Re: A suggestion for the Exult site
Posted: Fri May 10, 2002 11:32 pm
by Daniel
I think he meant one on the front page, that would be a good idea.
Re: A suggestion for the Exult site
Posted: Sat May 11, 2002 12:19 am
by Daniel
Really Skutarth, you're being lazy anyway.
It only takes like 5 secs to find out when the latest snapshot has been updated.
Re: A suggestion for the Exult site
Posted: Sat May 11, 2002 12:56 am
by SB-X
Aren't the binary snapshots updated every day by Kirben? I'm not sure since I don't use them.
Re: A suggestion for the Exult site
Posted: Sat May 11, 2002 3:44 am
by XxVenomxX
Indeed they are, well, most of the time. Might skip a day here or there.

Re: A suggestion for the Exult site
Posted: Sat May 11, 2002 5:21 am
by Colourless
Skipping a day usually only occurs if there has been no code changes.
Re: A suggestion for the Exult site
Posted: Sat May 11, 2002 6:10 am
by Dominus
... if there has been no code changes OR the code doesn't compile for Win32

(as with Exult Studio earlier this week)
Some days you even get more than one update.
Putting it on the first page is really not practicle. Imagine:
5-11-2002 10:15 GMT Exult snapshot updated
5-11-2002 10:14 GMT Exult Studio snapshot updated
5-11-2002 8:15 GMT Exult snapshot updated
4-11-2002 12:15 GMT Exult snapshot updated
I think that would really look awfull.
Re: A suggestion for the Exult site
Posted: Sat May 11, 2002 8:26 am
by Crypt
how about adding a poll to see what features the community would like to see added to it? just an idea im sure you guys have your own agenda and already have a good feel for what needs to be could put down whats mosty important in exult to you: gfx/no bugs/bleh etc i dunno just an idea guys keep up the great work!
--torgus dragon
Re: A suggestion for the Exult site
Posted: Sat May 11, 2002 10:49 am
by Skutarth
Then boldface it.
Crypt has a good idea there.
BTW, I mean a seperate part on the left of the home.
Yes, I'm lazy.
Re: A suggestion for the Exult site
Posted: Sat May 11, 2002 1:23 pm
by fliptw
Then boldface it.
BTW, I mean a seperate part on the left of the home.
Yes, I'm lazy.
Being lazy is no justification for getting others to do stuff for you, or even suggesting such things.
There is nothing wrong with the layout of the site. Its logical, you can get to all info inside one click.
So, your suggestion adds more work for little benefit and possibly more confusion to visitors to this site.
Start thinking things thru before throwing out suggestions.
Re: A suggestion for the Exult site
Posted: Sun May 12, 2002 9:00 am
by Skutarth
Just drop it and listen to Crypt.
Re: A suggestion for the Exult site
Posted: Sun May 12, 2002 5:39 pm
by Crypt
heh thx Skutarth
im not the most computer savy person around but i figured out how to download the latest snapshot easily. i honestly don't know why anyone would want it changed. snapshots arn't betas. they arn't supported by the exult team and are use at your own risk....thus if you can't find them, and can't find the latest one maybe you shouldn't download it =]
i really like the poll could also just put up polls relating to aspects of the game, not just the exult engine eg. favorite chr/city
also i think a poll would be the best way for us, the fans of ultima, to tell the exult team what we would really like to see added or fixed (note that the word multiplayer would not be allowed in any polls for obvious reasons). im sure i could come up with some poll questions and if the team runs out of good questions...well you could just do dumb ones: eg. how many times did you kill LB and rez him and kill him again? 1,2,3,CowboyNeal(see slashdot)
another possibly addition to the site could be an "Old News" hypertext link on the frontpage to show older weekly updates, which i think is covered in the History link at the top of the page....
i dunno what do you guys think of my ideas? flame away

Re: A suggestion for the Exult site
Posted: Sun May 12, 2002 8:33 pm
by fliptw
No feature polls untill after the exult team gets out of bug mode. and even then, consider polls under great restraint.
another possibly addition to the site could be an "Old News" hypertext link on the frontpage to show older weekly updates, which i think is covered in the History link at the top of the page..
checked the History link out at all?
Re: A suggestion for the Exult site
Posted: Sun May 12, 2002 10:21 pm
by SB-X
Bug mode never ends. In fact, after version 1.0 is released it may become even more unstable as an onslaught of new features are added in. (not that I'm against new features)