SI: Switch bodies doesn' t work, need help!

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SI: Switch bodies doesn' t work, need help!

Post by Death »

In the temple of discipline after I ask Petra to switch bodies and press the button nothing happen.

I miss something (i read any book in the temple, see the vision in Monk Isle, something else was needed?) or it' s a bug?

Can be found a workaround, maybe using exult studio? (I fix the pikeman bug that way)

Any help will be appreciated, thanks.
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Re: SI: Switch bodies doesn' t work, need help!

Post by Malignant Manor »

Don't move after you double click on the button. You can interrupt the script by moving. The Avatar will automatically step onto the other platform after pressing the button. Then a short sequence will happen and you will be in Petra's body.
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Re: SI: Switch bodies doesn' t work, need help!

Post by Death »

Thank for the tip, but even not moving (and waiting several seconds) I can't see any scripted sequence.

I will try with the bugtracker.

If I complete the test casting many healing spells (or cheating) there's the risk to lose something or to break the main quest?
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Re: SI: Switch bodies doesn' t work, need help!

Post by marzo »

Lets see: to switch bodies you need to:
- be after the banes killed everyone;
- see the vision at Monk Isle;
- talk to a damaged automaton;
- read a book in the upper floor of the temple (it is face up, easy to find);
- get Petra to join;
- talk to Petra and say 'switch bodies' while near the machine;
- click the button to initiate the transfer.

I know these are enough to get the transference to work, but I don't know if all of these steps are necessary, but I think they are.
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Re: SI: Switch bodies doesn' t work, need help!

Post by Malignant Manor »

The only important thing there is the water as far as I know there is nothing to break. You could just use the teleport cheat to get it.

It worked fine when I tested. All I had to do was set two global flags (550 and 551), ask Petra to join, then the switch bodies dialog in that one room, and finally push the button.

550 Acid dialog option with Petra
551 Read Body Transference

Is this the svn and what operating system are you using?
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Re: SI: Switch bodies doesn' t work, need help!

Post by Death »

I use the last snapshot on Win 7 64-bit and I'm sure to have fulfilled all the key actions that Marzo has listed and both the keywords are available and make their honest job.
Despite all my effort, the nice button still doesn't work (yes, that seems to happen only to me, I've broken something).
Is a mystery of the worst kind.

Since there're no risk, I'll use the teleport.
Thanks everyone (and sorry for my bad english).

Re: SI: Switch bodies doesn' t work, need help!

Post by L@Zar0 »

This is happening to me too. I tell Petra to change bodies, she goes to the platform, then I switch the button. Wait about 10secs, but nothing happens. Maybe is the swith?

I've done this with all the checklist of Marzo done. Also I've tried this with and without using the Y-shape objects.

I will try to get the water by myself (with healing).

I've seen (although it is as it must) that the automatons on the right room, are closed, but sometimes the force field dissapears and the door can be opened.
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Re: SI: Switch bodies doesn' t work, need help!

Post by artaxerxes »

hey all,

replaying SI in full. Same bug here. Talked with automatons in temple, saw vision, read all books in temple, got petra with me and stepped on acid. Pressing the button didn't work either.

Any suggestions? I have a samegame handy.

Also my work has killed my access to the forum! Argh!

Replies to artaxerxes2 @ iname . com are appreciated!

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Re: SI: Switch bodies doesn' t work, need help!

Post by Dominus »

Savegame please ;)

and did you talk to Petra near the switch?
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Re: SI: Switch bodies doesn' t work, need help!

Post by artaxerxes »

I talked with her and picked the option 'switch bodies' . After confirming that i promised it would be safe, she steps on the platform. I wait and wait, and then press the button. I wait and wait again, not moving at all, and still nothing. Then I step on the platform and still wait. Nothing at all.

I will post a savegame on the bug tracker asap.

Thx all, miss you!
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Re: SI: Switch bodies doesn' t work, need help!

Post by artaxerxes »

hey all,

I've uploaded the savegames. I put 3 in there: when I first arrive at the temple of discipline, so you can see the usecode function are intact, when Petra just joined me, proof I got all the pre-requisites done, and just prior to pressing the button for body switch. On a side note, I have in my belt pouch the white Y-shape item. Putting it on the altar does nothing, that is, it does not stop the bolt from hitting.

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Re: SI: Switch bodies doesn' t work, need help!

Post by Mortegro »

Hey the same thing happen to me when i tried to get Petra to Trade bodies with me :(
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Re: SI: Switch bodies doesn' t work, need help!

Post by Dominus »

Thanks for insisting that this is a bug ;)
Wjp figured out that the switch fails when it checks the polymorph flag of the avatar. Then Marzo figured out the bug with Exult that didn't properly reset the polymorph flag when the Avatar got morphed (sex scenes, serpent bond...). This only happened to Avatars that didn't use the default blonde body. That's why it worked for some people and totally failed for others.

Also, Malignant Manor was realky right that you only need to read the body switch book and step on the acid to make this work (and of course then get Petra to join and talk to her about the body switch while standing next to the machine).

New snapshots should have this fix.
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Re: SI: Switch bodies doesn' t work, need help!

Post by marzo »

To complete what Dominus said: if your savegame is broken, you can fix it in the new snapshot by either toggling off the polymorph flag in the cheat screen or by using serpent bond and waiting for it to run out.
Marzo Sette Torres Junior
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Re: SI: Switch bodies doesn' t work, need help!

Post by Dominus »

Aye, wanted to write that but forgot ;)

Edit: closing this topic as it proves to be a spam bait. If you are having problems with this issue, please post a new topic ;)
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