Display problems in full screen mode

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Display problems in full screen mode

Post by Carter747 »

Hi all =) I'm having problems with the display when running in fullscreen mode. Basically the screen is split so the top of the screen actually begins in the middle of my display and contines to the bottom and then on to the top...does that make sense? It is like the whole picture needs to be raised 5-6 inches. I've messed around with screen resolution, scaling and monitor settings to no avail. I'm hoping someone else has had this problem and I just didn't see it when I searched. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Re: Display problems in full screen mode

Post by wjp »

Which operating system do you use? Which video card? Are you using the latest drivers for your video card?

Re: Display problems in full screen mode

Post by Carter747 »

I'm using XP and have a GeForce FX 5700 Ultra with all the latest drivers. I thought I had fixed the problem but now seem to have made things worse =(
When going into full screen mode from Exult I got the split screen problem mentioned earlier. But, if I start in windows mode then thru the game go to full screen mode, it worked fine...so that's what I did. Now after stopping play and trying to go back I have problems. Whenever I start Exult I just get a black screen with the music playing. I tried uninstalling and re-installing but that didn't fix the problem.
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Re: Display problems in full screen mode

Post by Colourless »

My suggestion, edit exult.cfg and set the reslution to 320x240. By default it's at 320x200 and your monitor may not be able to handle it.

Re: Display problems in full screen mode

Post by Carter747 »

Thanks sooo much! That fixed the problem. I'm not very computer savvy so I never think of doing things like that, but I do follow suggestions well and now I can play =)

Re: Display problems in full screen mode

Post by Cleave29 »

Hey, I can't seem to find the exult.cfg file you're talking about.
Where can I find it? (I have Windows).
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Re: Display problems in full screen mode

Post by Gunnar »

Hey, I can't seem to find the exult.cfg file you're talking about.
Where can I find it? (I have Windows).
as found here in the Documentation:In Windows it is 'exult.cfg' in the same directory as the Exult binary