Question about shapes browser in Exult

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Question about shapes browser in Exult

Post by Beware_the_Avatar »

I can't figure out how to do this at all, can someone explain to me how to change the "quantity" of an item you create with the shapes browser? For example, I'm trying to create a specific spell scroll (Transcribe, to be exact) for my spellbook so I can build myself a spellbook from scratch at the beginning of Serpent Isle. Also trying to make myself a stack of 100 lockpicks without pre-loading each one (because each individual lockpick takes up one stack space and causes my backpack to be crowded, and boy it takes forever to stack 100 lockpicks). Any information would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance!
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Re: Question about shapes browser in Exult

Post by Donfrow »

For stackable objects such as gold coins, reagents and lockpicks the quality is the amount.
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Re: Question about shapes browser in Exult

Post by Beware »

How do you set that?
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Joined: Thu May 14, 2020 1:34 pm

Re: Question about shapes browser in Exult

Post by mjohnston »

drag it from exult studio to where you want it in exult, double clicking on the shape will (when the red lines are in the exult window) bring up a little window with a bunch of settings for the shape... quality can be set in that window
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Re: Question about shapes browser in Exult

Post by Beware »

So I'm guessing that means you can't do it from the shapes browser in Exult, then. That sucks.
Posts: 308
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Re: Question about shapes browser in Exult

Post by Donfrow »

Don't think you can.

Also, if you cut and paste objects like a pile of 100 lock picks it will keep whatever frame you set but not the quality, so watch out for that.