Does anyone have the german Version of Ultima 7?

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Does anyone have the german Version of Ultima 7?

Post by Bowen »

I played the English Ultima 7 from my "Complete Ultima Collection", but I also have a german version of Ultima 7... I tried to install it, but it does not work :(
I searched for the german version in the web, but on (some warez site) I only found the English and French Version of U7.
Can please someone E-Mail me where I can get the german version from?
Or if anyone still has a working version of the german Ultima 7, it would be great if he or she would send it to me.
My ICQ: *censored*5

*Edit by Dominus: Don't ask for copies here. No matter how entitled you feel you are
Posts: 44
Joined: Thu May 14, 2020 1:34 pm

Re: Does anyone have the german Version of Ultima 7?

Post by Darkstar »

What do you mean you tried to install it and it does not work? Is one of the disks bad? Or does the Install program give an error?
You could try to unpack the files from your disks manually (they're simply split zip-files)

Anyway, as Dom already mentioned, don't ask for warez here on the forum. Obviously you didn't search well enough :)

Arnold Krasser

Re: Does anyone have the german Version of Ultima 7?

Post by Arnold Krasser »

Unfortunately the German version is VERY rare and not accessible through eBay or whatever. I'd like to obtain it but no chance.