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Patrick Williams

Thank You

Post by Patrick Williams »

I just wanted to thank you guys for what you've done with this game. I was only in kindergarden when I was looking over my mother's and father's shoulder wanting to play this game (avatar's name was momnpop). Every now and then I would sneak on the computer and load up one of their save files, much to their dismay when they came back to play. I would have to say that back then, I could hardly read (the font didn't help any) and I started killing everyone out of frustration; If I couldn't figure out how to buy a sword, I'd kill the guard and take his.

Thank you very much for all your hard work and for giving me another chance at being a 'good' avatar.

Patrick Williams -17

Re: Thank You

Post by TdI »

Your parents played Ultima?

You've got cool parents!
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Re: Thank You

Post by drcode »

"Your parents played Ultima?"

Ultima 7 has been around for about 14 years. Seems kind of hard to believe.

Re: Thank You

Post by TdI »

Yeah... And I'm still hooked to it,... damn. :)

Well, I haven't actually seriously played U7 for a long time now, but I frequently toy with the idea of venturing to Britannia yet once again... if I only found the time.

But 14 years,... its really crazy. Seems like only yesterday I was an easy minded kid playing video games all day.... Now, I find myself getting into the kind of age (rapidly approaching 30's) where you start getting confronted with the idea of finally growing up. I think I skipped some kind of transition period in between. Going right from kid to grownup is hard :(

Thinking about time, especially about the one passing by, makes me freak out. Somebody please slow it down! Call the Timelord!
Chris Thompson

Re: Thank You

Post by Chris Thompson »

not planning on stopping my video gaming just because I'm nearly 30... the girl friend/future wife may not like it, but whatever... I do what I do.

I'll definitely be traveling into the world of Britannia again... once the mod is done for the Feudal Lands, and once Ultima VI Project is finished... also need to go back and finish Lazarus, only have the Dungeon Hytholoth to do...
Malignant Manor
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Re: Thank You

Post by Malignant Manor »

"Your parents played Ultima?"

Ultima 7 has been around for about 14 years. Seems kind of hard to believe.

My dad played some Ultima 7 before I did. My sister even liked the game.
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Re: Thank You

Post by SB-X »

Yes, this topic makes me feel old. But then I just think about how old Dr.Code - father of Exult - is and I don't feel old anymore. ;-)
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Re: Thank You

Post by drcode »

Yeah, I was already middle-age when I first played Ultima7, and now I'm just older-middle-age. Nowadays, I think "middle-age" extends to the day before you die, or 90, whichever comes last.:-)

Re: Thank You

Post by TdI »

Well, you still code for Exult, so you've stayed young at heart. ;)

Re: Thank You

Post by SoulFrost »

I find myself getting into the kind of age (rapidly approaching 30's) where you start getting confronted with the idea of finally growing up.

At 40, I'm still occassionally confronted with that idea. ;)

Re: Thank You

Post by cyberfugue »

"Yeah, I was already middle-age when I first played Ultima7, and now I'm just older-middle-age. Nowadays, I think "middle-age" extends to the day before you die, or 90, whichever comes last.:-)"

I was in my early 20s when it came out - and just turned 36 (same age as Homer Simpson). I've never tired of playing BG or SI.

These games are timeless.