Questions about interaction

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Kyle Reeve

Questions about interaction

Post by Kyle Reeve »

Can you get a job in Britannia, or maybe live the live of a farmer or something like that? Coudl you make examples of job you can get?

Are there minigames? How much interactive is the game? Could you give me examples of interaction?

IS there building/ship ownership? Even if you can't buy houses or castles, does the game engine allow you to take the property of them? How much interactivity with this aspect does the game engine allow?

Do your actions have an effect on the gameworld via major and minor quests, either in a major or minor way? Does the world change during the story? Can you affect NPCS' lives with your actions and/or interactions with them?

Guru Dragon
Posts: 42
Joined: Thu May 14, 2020 1:34 pm

Re: Questions about interaction

Post by Guru Dragon »

Ultima 7 allows for very nice interaction in the game.

There are three "jobs" in Britannia that I know about. You can sell beef to the castle's cook and you can also gather eggs for Mack the farmer, and someone else wants you to move pumpkins.

There is ship ownership. You buy a deed from a sailor and you can use that ship. You can't use a ship unless you have the deed.

Your actions throughout the game have an affect on the world, but nothing too drastic. You'll never cause a major map alteration, but there are a lot of changes in the character dialogue. Plus, there are a multitude of side-quests throughout the game.