Exult Portable?

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Exult Portable?

Post by WeyounNine »

Hello everyone. First I would like to thank everyone for all of their hard work on Exult. When I first discovered your project about three years ago, I was overjoyed. I thought "Finally, I can play that game again!!" And I am extremely pleased that it is still being worked on.

Now, for my question (hopefully this isn't a dumb question) - I was wondering if Exult writes any relevant settings to the registry. Would it be possible for me to copy all of the Exult and Ultima files to my portable hard drive and take the game with me to school and play on other WinXP computers as a portable app? I sure hope the answer is yes, because I will finally have something to do in all my spare time! I know I'll have some trouble with Exult finding the Ultima files, but I suppose I can edit the settings file for the drive letter that gets assigned to the drive. And if it is possible, could Exult search within its own directory for the Ultima files as an option, or by default? Just wondering, because I would love to take this game anywhere!

Anyways, thanks everyone and keep up the good work!!!
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Re: Exult Portable?

Post by Michele »

Sounds like a good idea to me, especially since the complete install with both games can fit on one of those keyring "fob" sized USB "plug in drives.

As is it possible, I do not know.
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Re: Exult Portable?

Post by marzo »

Considering that Exult is multi-platform, and that the registry is specific to Windows, it should be reasonably obvious that the registry is not used by Exult -- in fact, the only thing about Exult that uses the registry is the Windows installer & uninstaller. If you copy the installation folder to your pendrive, you can use it anywhere.
Marzo Sette Torres Junior
aka Geometrodynamic Dragon
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Re: Exult Portable?

Post by Dominus »

Since Exult accepts relative paths in its config you can easily make it protable and the only thing you'd need to do is start Exult from the right drive.
OR make an autorun.inf file on the stick that starts Exult and there you go since most people do not disable autoruns.
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Re: Exult Portable?

Post by WeyounNine »

I appreciate your responses, though I have never been able to understand why people have to make snide remarks, such as the "reasonably obvious" statement. Anyways, thanks Dominus and Michele - and to Marzo Sette Torres Junior - thanks for reminding me that it is indeed multi-platform, though try next time to remember that no one is perfect - not even you. But I doubt you'll believe that.
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Re: Exult Portable?

Post by WeyounNine »

By the way, Marzo, do you do most of the work on this project? Maybe this too is "reasonably obvious", but if you are indeed the person who works on most of the coding - good work. You work is excellent and I'm certainly thankful for your time. Just next time, try not to insult others when they make mistakes. All you have to do is remind me of the fact that it's multi-platform. Besides, I didn't know if there was any code that is specific for the operating system that is running it - I have very little programming experience, so I didn't know. Anyways, I apologize for what I said earlier, but I can't understand why you would insult someone who was just wanting to know something simple and gave you such praise for your work.
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Re: Exult Portable?

Post by Dominus »

take your grieve elsewhere. Even though it was a slightly snide remark (and much less than my remarks when I answer people that ask questions answered already in the docs/faq - and no, yours wasn't covered in these) no need to get insulted and so upset over it.
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Re: Exult Portable?

Post by WeyounNine »

The only reason I get upset is that I compliment you guys and then get insults. All I ask is an apology. That's not a big request.
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Re: Exult Portable?

Post by WeyounNine »

Look...it may be unusual, but I am a person who likes to stay on good standing with others, no matter who they are. But I also believe that a person should apologize when they attempt to hurt someone. I'm sorry if I seem too fussy for you all - but look, I had a lot of respect for you and I would love to hang on to it. You may not care - a lot of people never do. I do my best to be a kind person...it would be nice to see others doing that too. After all, that's one of the main reasons the world sucks the way it does today! I know you all don't know me and have certainly never met me, but I am a human being too, and deserve some respect just for that. Everyone deserves some respect! I'm not trying to be prideful or act like your parents - I'm just saying those things that a lot of people may think but never say.

Anyways, thanks for at least replying. I appreciate that.
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Re: Exult Portable?

Post by marzo »

Even though it was a slightly snide remark [snip] no need to get insulted and so upset over it.
I agreed with that. Particularly given that I didn't mean any snideness in my comment; it came more-or-less naturally due to what I consider a kind of 'occupational hazard' amongst physicists: physicists (particularly among those that aren't native English speakers) have the annoying tendency to include that kind of comments ('it should be obvious that', 'it is trivial to show that', 'it is easy to see that' and so on: for examples, see this, this, this, this and this) in articles even though the things they refer to aren't necessarily obvious, easy or trivial. And while I try to avoid these remarks, sometimes I slip up.

Just to make it clear, this was both an explanation and an apology (hey, I never said I was good at apologies :-p). But you need to lighten up too:
"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
--- Robert J. Hanlon, "Murphy's Law book two: More reasons why things go wrong!"
Marzo Sette Torres Junior
aka Geometrodynamic Dragon
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Re: Exult Portable?

Post by TdI »

Wow, I had to read through the posts a few times to figure out what was going on and where the "insult" was and what the whole apology thing was about.

I think that Paul is exagerating a bit. I never wouldn't consider anything that Marzo said an insult or even a "snipe comment". But I realize that sometimes people are in a more "vulnerable" state of mind, that makes them perceive things differently than when in a "normal" state of mind. I experienced this kind of attitude-shifting first hand.
Once I was going through rather hard times. I lost my job, had no money, I almost got kicked out of my flat for not paying the bills and I think I was pretty depressed, but I didn't realize it then. I was active in a few internet forums where people joked around and often insulted each other in a "buddy" kind of way, but I took it all very seriously and was like hypersensitive to everything and got really offended by some of the things they said. They where only kidding around and I was freaking out. That only fuelled them though and they would get even meaner, ridiculing me for taking everything so serious, which hurt me even more. In retrospect, after my life was going smoother, I looked at some of those postings again and I couldn't understand what got into me and why I didn't just kid along or simply ignored those guys. It all seemed so stupid and pointless.

Its all about perception and that is heavily influenced by the current state of mind, which in turn is heavily influenced by what is going on in your life. In combination with the fact, that feelings and emotions don't translate very well over the internet, there are lots of misunderstandings like these.

Anyway, what I really wanted to say is, chill out Paul, everyone here is usually easy going and doesn't intend to be mean.
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Re: Exult Portable?

Post by drcode »

Wow! I didn't find Marzo's comment to be even mildly snide or insulting. You should try reading Slashdot sometime:-)
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Re: Exult Portable?

Post by WeyounNine »

[Kicks self repeatedly] Yeah, you all are right...I feel rather foolish, especially since you told me about that physicists "talk" - I had a physics professor that talked that way all the time (he was from Greece)!! :) Lately, I have just had to deal with a lot of really just flat out mean people (most of them online) and this time I just got overly sensitive and over-reacted BADLY. TdI, you hit it right on the head - I just don't normally lose my cool like this! I can't believe I have taken it to such an extreme...I guess that's what happens when you get stressed out and don't get enough sleep. Sorry you all, especially you Marzo!!!!!! Boy do I feel embarrassed! I hope you all can forgive me and not hold it against me. I really am not usually so...sensitive. It's just I have had SO many experiences lately with people that just seem to be wanting to start a fight online...I guess it's the whole anonymity thing...that I think I've started expecting it prematurely out of people. On top of that I haven't gotten more than four hours of sleep a night this week, work, school, AND moving out of the house I have been staying in and dealing with the family members of the woman who previously owned this house (long story). Sorry everyone!!!! Maybe I can redeem myself sometime :) SOOOO SORRY!!! [Kicks self a few more times for good measure, then goes to the pharmacy to get some Xanax haha] Thanks you all for knocking some sense into me, just wish I hadn't started it at all!! Maybe at least a little good will come of it, and some people might start carrying Exult with them in their pockets :) (which I tried and worked like a charm!)
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Re: Exult Portable?

Post by SB-X »

/hugs! (^_^)(^_^)
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Re: Exult Portable?

Post by drcode »

Hey, no problem. Your punishment is to play U7 5 times without stealing anything:-)